Version: 1.3, by MarkFL
Developer Last Online: Jun 2020
Category: Miscellaneous Hacks -
Version: 4.2.x
Released: 02-28-2016
Last Update: 05-11-2017
Installs: 20
Uses Plugins
No support by the author.
This product simply allows you to select usergroups which will be required to define an avatar before being allowed to browse the forums. For affected users, an error message will be displayed with a link to define an avatar.
If you require users to define an avatar regardless of the number of posts they have made, they will see the following:
If you have given your affected users "grace posts", then once they have made that number of posts, the will see something like:
The phrases for the error messages are found here:
At the suggestion of Stratis (who has always been a great supporter of my mods), I have made the following updates:
Version 1.1:
Added a setting that allows you to give affected users a set number of "grace posts" that they can make before being required to define an avatar.
Version 1.2:
Changed execution order of main plugin so it executes before "Force Users to Read a Thread" product.
Added setting to allow for chosen scripts to be excluded from the actions of this product.
Version 1.3:
Added setting to allow excluding Tapatalk users from the product.
Tested and working on VB 4.2.x and may work on all 4.x versions of vBulletin.
This product does not alter your database, however it is always good practice to make regular backups and you should make a backup before installing ANY new mod.
As always, products are USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. I will provide support and do my best to help but no absolute guarantee is offered.
If member login in to site and has a private message at the same time with the announcement to define an avatar, we have a problem.
Define avatar mod does not let user to read PM. He can put avatar but for some reason, two members took time to guess , they keep pressing to read PM (I have a big image for that.)
Is there a way to block some scripts? maybe an option to insert what we want to exclude.
private, usercp, or what else.
Maybe it has problem with other forcing mods to, I did not try mod "force users to read thread"
Mark, every day members willing or not put there avatars, this changed the appearance of forum. Very nice
When I force a thread to be read, then a member without an avatar first sees that he must read a thread, and then when he clicks the provided link, he sees that he must define an avatar. Once he defines an avatar, he is done, but he has not actually seen the thread he was supposed to read.
I will soon investigate how to make this work with "Force Reading of PMs" as well...I will have to install it and run some tests.
When I force a thread to be read, then a member without an avatar first sees that he must read a thread, and then when he clicks the provided link, he sees that he must define an avatar. Once he defines an avatar, he is done, but he has not actually seen the thread he was supposed to read.
You and me and many others will have no problem, they will insert first the avatar, we have in forum many "dummies" users that even to register is hard for them. (like me in coding)
They press what comes first or what they thinks that time. Any way same situation is with force PMs. Maybe their are more forcing mods out there, or other function
that I cannot remember now. If it has an option for us to exclude what we want it would be the best. neither than excluding something specific, today is PM, tomorrow maybe something else.
P.S If it is no hard to make it. Otherwise its ok as it is.
Yep, this makes the difference, excellent for another time
In my case I put this (private,usercp).
Some Scripts for non coders like me.
Mark today I log in as a test user that has no avatar, mod forces me to insert an avatar. If I press in tabs I have for forums I realized that all images at the left side don't show up next to the thread title. it is not problem of this mode, but I use this to show those images
For some reason, until member puts an avatar all forums don't show images and instaed of it shows the X
What do you mean by "If I press in tabs I have for forums?"
On Navbar I have buttons from the basic forum categories. So when they press it they redirect to the specific forum, all threads there.... images are missing as I describe in previous message.
You have a test account without an avatar, and using this account you see the error message stating an avatar must be defined.
Instead of following the link given in the error message to the UserCP to define an avatar, you click a navtab which directs you to one of your forums.
You are taken to the forum, and images that should display, do not.
Yes that is correct, actually I have seen some users in who is "on line" that they was surfing in forums with out putting an avatar, good thing is that they cannot read threads because they get the error again. So this made me to login with test user to see when they get the error and accidently I saw this issue .
Ok its not a big deal, but thought just to tell you.