I am a volunteer at Moderation Management and have taken on some responsibility to follow up on issues reported by members of the MM forums after our recent upgrade to vB5.2. Here is a message from a forum member describing two issues I'm hoping someone here can help with:
I checked my settings, and email notifications had gotten turned off. I know I had turned them on after the upgrade, so I turned them on again and saved changes. But, I have NEVER received email notification of subscribed post replies since the upgrade. I DO see a message number increment when I actually log into the forum, though.
A new problem is, when I went to edit my post signature, because I wanted one and didn't have one, I got this error message:
{"errors":[["unexpected_error","Required argument missing: signature"]]}
Other than that, the upgrade is nice.
So a) an issue with email notifications (which btw has been reported by other members as well since the upgrade) and b) an issue with the error message when trying to create a signature.
Advice on these most welcome, thank you. (also, I'd like to confirm that I am posting this query at the correct forum)