Nonsense. It is slow because of the GLUT. No other reason. You have sacrificed performance, for appearance. It only satisfies your own ego, and does a horrible disservice to anyone trying to browse that pile of crap using mobile.
Stop, insulting our intelligence by constantly posting your link as a example of mobile friendliness, because it is way, way far from it. It's become just basically, spam in just about every thread about mobile, and it is the worst possible example to post. In fact it is a example of what NOT to be doing.
Holy Horse Hockey Robin!!!!!
Go back to bed Max, you woke up on the wrongggggggg side this morning .
Roughly 9,856,243 ways to word it nicely but you simply went for the throat caveman/sabretooth tiger style and that is all.. I have nothing else my humor's ran dry lol!
Also just a side note that webmastersun is not a full-time devloper or anything of that nature so when people TRY and the end result looks good (appearance vs speed currently but can be worked on respectfully) despite his "ego" I'd say good job but there's room for improvement, just don't put them down then stomp them while they're down, geesh . Sorry my grandmother raised me w/ 1950-60's values so to me its just shocking how some act despite my often viewed as Carlos Mencia style humor, I'm full of shiskey too ya'know we just differ .
**If you have the default mobile style installed on vBulletin 4 then in your options make sure to set your desktop style as the primary, then allow members to change styles and also set the default mobile browser for older and new devices to the mobile style - this will make your site mobile friendly for Google.