Originally Posted by Halfasterisk
What is that about? I never saw this until today but you did get paid and in a very timely fashion and I have Paypal and emails from you not only showing payment but you saying "thank you, this is more than I expected".
Why would you say this? This is absolutely not true. I greatly appreciated your help and expertise but could not have you going around moderating things on my forum after I had asked you not to several times. That is how things went South.
Sorry to anyone else for bumping an old thread but saw this and didn't know why I was attacked over this.
Well truth be told speaking of paid requests in the open forums is not allowed, I don't know nor does anyone care who was right/wrong (being decent folks shocked at how some would do aside) we just want clean forums to discuss vBulletin customization on

. So it seems things did work out between you two hopefully and we all now know that discussions like this shouldn't take place whether in part (short comments) or in whole - if for example I were not a moderator, this would be a "whole" lot of discussion in my paragraph here just now eh?
One day you all will realize like my kids have, that once I start talking you just want me to shut up (I tend to OVER explain rofl) but hey I'm not your parent just a funny father of three trying to crack some humor to always lighten the mood
