Title might be not what I had in mind, but I'll try to make it simple what I had in mind. Every now and then, we are forced to go to the admincp in order to alter people's usergroup so they can see or can't see specific sections of the forums. Seeing the kind of forums we run, it's what we have to do.
Now.. I was thinking to simplify things, that maybe I can add a clickable URL (or button) somewhere in the postbit area (for admins only) that once clicked, it runs a specific code.. for example:
$dataman->set('usergroupid', xx);
I was wondering if this would be possible. I'm aware that the above is a PHP code, but I'm just giving an example that in my head the button would move the user to another usergroup. Not sure if I can combine a template code with php code to do the trick.
I was hoping someone could help me out with this.. if this is possible.