If you are running 4.2.3 RC 1 then you should not be getting this error
I was never receiving this order, I've had my forums running smoothly for a month and a half with no problems. And then there were nameserver changes, DNS issues and host problems and then I started getting all these errors.
There's nothing in my members area that gives me the option to download 4.2.3, so adding the code is all I can do for now,
add the following line to the top of your /includes/config.php file under the <?php line:
define('SKIP_ALL_ERRORS', true);
Did you try what ForceHSS suggested? The very first time I installed vBulletin 4 I got all kinds of errors at the top of my forum, but my forum still worked fine with the errors there. So I added the same code as ForceHSS suggested, and the errors disappeared. There is also a config option in the PHP.ini I think, that does almost the same thing I believe. But I am not sure about the php.ini option, so I could be wrong about that. It has been a very long time.