Since alot of people are converting to MariaDB (Aria) and its more efficient than MyISAM can i convert my Vbulletin Database to MariaDB (Aria) in the phpmyadmin page?
Does vbulletin current database conflict with the conversion?.
Er if I was you I would do a complete backup first and then try the conversion in a test site before trying it on the live site just in case it goes tits up.
Er if I was you I would do a complete backup first and then try the conversion in a test site before trying it on the live site just in case it goes tits up.
Ammm duh lol, But what i would like to know exactly is that should i convert all tables to aria IN vbulletin database from MyISAM?
Sorry if that was the obvious, but I do not know what you know about the process. I think most people would rather be told something like that when they do not know it then find it out when they crash/kill the site.