Version: 1.00, by addamroy
Developer Last Online: Jan 2018
Category: Forum Home Enhancements -
Version: 4.2.x
Released: 06-09-2014
Last Update: Never
Installs: 6
Template Edits
Re-useable Code Translations
No support by the author.
This hack will allow you to add custom Notices/Advertisements/Messages underneath individual forums on the forum home page.
For example you could put a custom no-permission notice underneath your private forums with a link to your sales thread. You could place advertisements or any other links/text underneath specific forums on your home page.
You need to make 2 simple template edits to make this happen.
Step 1 - Add the following to the end of your additional.css template |
Styles & Templates > Edit Templates > CSS Templates > Additional.css
Step 2 - Open your forumhome_forumbit_level2_post template |
Styles & Templates > Edit Templates > FORUMHOME Templates > forumhome_forumbit_level2_post
In this template find:
<vb:if condition="$childforumbits">
Add this code right above it:
<!-- Forum Notice Box -->
<vb:if condition="$forum[forumid] == 402">
<vb:if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 6,7,8)">
<div class="forum_notice_box">
<div class="forum_notice_box_text">
You're seeing this message because you don't have access to the private forums. More information at <a href="http://www.Yourforumcom/thread-link">
<span style="color:#ffffff;">http://www.Yourforumcom/thread-link</span>
<!-- Forum Notice Box -->
Change your FORUM ID to the ID of the forum you wish to display your message on.
Change USERGROUP IDs to the IDs of the usergroups that CAN see this message.
Change your URLs and/or adjust the message to suit your needs.
You MAY have to change the Margin-top: value to suit your forum's needs if your forumbits are different heights
That's it! Repeat step 2 for each forum you wish to display a custom notice under.
It is simpler to add everything into an array like so:
<!-- Forum Notice Box -->
<vb:if condition="in_array($forum['forumid'], array(13,14,15,16,17)) AND is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 6,15,9)">
<div class="forum_notice_box">
<div class="forum_notice_box_text">
You're seeing this message because you don't have access to these forums. Upgrade <a href="">
<span style="color:#ffffff;">HERE</span>
<!-- Forum Notice Box -->
Nice little edit, but i get a problem, that the forum titles are not clickable anymore when this notice is in place. Not good for Mr Google i wouldn't imagine.
I'm working on it, because if you just add a new height, that doesnt look good if you have many sub forums, as obviously the height of the cell gets bigger, the more sub forums you have under a parent forum.