You can check the size of the table using phpmyadmin.
If you have plenty of disk space you can leave the table as it is or you can prune the logs leaving few weeks or months of data.
I've found - at least in the US anyway - logs are bigger in the more humid climates such as the upper northwest vs. for example, the desert southwest. In the southwest you typically don't even have to split 'em to use them in the fireplace.
I've found - at least in the US anyway - logs are bigger in the more humid climates such as the upper northwest vs. for example, the desert southwest. In the southwest you typically don't even have to split 'em to use them in the fireplace.
Well... Sometimes I try to add a little levity to threads.
But seriously, to the OP - Imagine the entries for a board with a million posts, 20 moderators, etc. You get the idea - these are txt files and can't possibly be very large.