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Old 03-10-2014, 01:25 PM
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You're a designer, I'm a coder, I will defer to you on whether the style changes in VB4 were the cause of stylers/designers giving up on VB4- but as a coder you should trust me when it comes to the stability of the code. In all my coding experiences only 3 things ever changed on VB4 that warranted changes in mods over its entire history

1) Very early on the way to code a custom tab for user profile pages changed.

2) The editor upgrade of course brought changes to anything relying on the old editor

3) Over time some "bit" templates were placed with <vb:foreach> template calls to simplify and optimize code.

I'd say I spent less than 5% of all my development time on having to update VB4 mods for new updates of VB4- and I'm sure that is as much as or even less than would be necessary for an XF coder.
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katie hunter, Lionel, nhawk
Old 03-10-2014, 01:30 PM
nhawk nhawk is offline
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I would agree with BOP5.

vB4 is very stable. I can't recall the last time I had to update an add-on because of a vB4 core code change. I THINK it was from 4.0 to 4.1, but I could be wrong.
Old 03-10-2014, 02:23 PM
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Title: Does xenForo get communities?


Where you will find the quality tone of a real discussion.
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Old 03-10-2014, 02:38 PM
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To be fair, that thread is not about vBulletin. The community view of vBulletin is in far worse shape. (IMO, anyway)

On the development/ownership side, who still works at vBulletin that I've developed any relationship with? I can't think of anyone. It's just a corporate image now, with some poor support staff fronting all of the heat.
3 благодарности(ей) от:
New Joe, socialteenz, TheLastSuperman
Old 03-10-2014, 05:17 PM
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Originally Posted by katie hunter View Post
Title: Does xenForo get communities?


Where you will find the quality tone of a real discussion.
Most important thing for me is whether the software I am using actually works, whether that be vB, xF, IPB or whatever. I don't really care about the community side of development forums - I've never posted on vB.com, only posted twice on xF.com (about a modification by nhawk incidentally ) and never posted on IPB.com and I've been around for 11 years or so in total.

I'd rather have decent software, with as little or no bugs as possible than have developers getting involved in the community side of things - xenforo might not be a great community, but then again, I don't particularly think vBulletin has been great with it's customers lately either...swings and roundabouts really IMO
Old 03-10-2014, 05:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Gemma View Post
Most important thing for me is whether the software I am using actually works, whether that be vB, xF, IPB or whatever. I don't really care about the community side of development forums - I've never posted on vB.com, only posted twice on xF.com (about a modification by nhawk incidentally ) and never posted on IPB.com

I'd rather have decent software, with as little or no bugs as possible than have developers getting involved in the community side of things - xenforo might not be a great community, but then again, I don't particularly think vBulletin has been great with it's customers lately either...swings and roundabouts really IMO
I was pointing 2 things by sharing that link :

1. The way discussion is carried over there in a more mature tone without insults on Admin-talk.

2. That the XF community, particularly the staff isn't that great and friendly like many thought. Sugar coating your language is mainly what i found many use there when it comes to XF. All it took is to criticize them to see what will happen.

Actually, #2 is important because i for one, I am always looking for a friendly company which knows how to properly communicate - of course next to a quality product. That is very important actually in any business. There is a reason why Amazon is very successful - customer sanctification is their No 1 priority; they won't spend 5 min arguing with you over a refund, they will process it right away. Then you wonder why Target, Best Buy, K-mart and many others complaint about their sales.

I don't think anyone would like to invest and buy a product to later find that he or she is being jerked by few of the company's staff.

In term of functionality, Vb 4.x is the best out there i believe out of all the forum software. What i personally can do on VB, i couldn't on XF.
Old 03-10-2014, 06:01 PM
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Originally Posted by katie hunter View Post
I was pointing 2 things by sharing that link :

2. That the XF community, particularly the staff isn't that great and friendly like many thought. Sugar coating your language is mainly what i found many use there when it comes to XF. All it took is to criticize them to see what will happen.

Actually, #2 is important because i for one, I am always looking for a friendly company which knows how to properly communicate
I definitely agree with you. It seems to me that if you need some attention over there you must be a groupie or an arse kisser
Old 03-10-2014, 06:09 PM
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Originally Posted by katie hunter View Post
Actually, #2 is important because i for one, I am always looking for a friendly company which knows how to properly communicate - of course next to a quality product. That is very important actually in any business. There is a reason why Amazon is very successful - customer sanctification is their No 1 priority; they won't spend 5 min arguing with you over a refund, they will process it right away. Then you wonder why Target, Best Buy, K-mart and many others complaint about their sales.
Very true.

I don't think anyone would like to invest and buy a product to later find that he or she is being jerked by few of the company's staff
I felt that way when I bought into the vB4 pre-sale only to find that it was a complete mess which, in my opinion, took a very long time to rectify. If you look at it that way, customer service from both companies is somewhat lacking..

As I said before, both softwares and the companies as a whole have their good and bad points - you could pick through the holes on each one and justify your case if you are that way inclined....it is plainly obvious to me that there are people of both sites that do that.
Old 03-10-2014, 08:55 PM
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Originally Posted by katie hunter View Post
[s]Listen, i ignored you once here and didn't reply to your stupidity - attacking me after 2 pages that has gone and i ignored you. You obviously feel lonely and have nothing better to do other then posting nonsense on and on.


It is pretty easy to point out ignorance one after the other, don't you see yourself being the broken record ?

Don't you see how stupid your comment is ? You're comparing law students who studied 3 years in college to gain their JD and later took the bar exam to a para-legal who never did any of that.

ARE YOU STUPID ? or acting like one. Stop talking about me because i am not interested in insults like you, you said you have issues, go fix them

I certainly don't have any issues but if you are saying you have issues, then you better go and address them.

If you have something nice to say, say it. If you don't, don't say anything.
Don't talk to me, this is the end of it. This is not the first time i told you directly not to talk to me, yet you continue to do so in many topics I post in.[/s]
To be honest Katie dear - This entire post is a clear example of why the word 4-letter-Cword-that-women-hate-to-be-called was invented. And dear - while I may be ignorant of a lot of things, I am anything but stupid.

What you need to do is
  1. Get over yourself. You obviously have an old bagful of issues.
  2. Instead of attacking me with your ridiculous nonsensical insults - come with relevant conversation as I have done.

And YES! You believe yourself to have been a victim of XF bullying or some such. The fact is that you are out of control, a trouble making instigator who obviously has nothing positive to bring to the XF forums. You are in moderation queue for being a complete, total ass. You in your previous posts have more than insinuated that XF is devious for having placed you in moderation queue and an assortment of other things, including how Kier and company are devious for continuing with their career.

Therefore - This statement IS TOTALLY RELEVANT to the conversation at hand.

Also - before someone says something about the devious comment: Putting someone who is disruptive and a troublemaker in the moderation queue does not quite qualify as devious in my opinion. Neither does waiting out a 365-day non-compete clause -- then again pursuing a passion for coding fabulous forum software!
You want to come here - posting your ridiculous screencaps - playing the victim. You're not the victim. You're an idiot! An idiot who likes to sling insults. And truly Katie - If you mattered - I might actually care about your insults. The fact of the matter is that you are as irrelevant to me as a turd in a pigfarm while I live in the city.


Also - I don't know who the hell you think you are - but you do not dictate what I say and who I can say it to.
You're ridiculous and I will state this fact in without hesitation whenever I see fit.


--------------- Added [DATE]1394486220[/DATE] at [TIME]1394486220[/TIME] ---------------

Originally Posted by nhawk View Post
I had coded two of my add-ons for vB5, but vB5 is so unstable that for a while there I would have to issue updates to my add-ons nearly every week with each change to vB5. That's not acceptable to me and I pulled my add-ons because of that. If vB5 stabilizes and becomes more server friendly, I will most likely re-work the add-ons and release them again.
I was told that something similar happened with vB 4. An past associate of mine who had shared free modifications here at one point said that with each 4.x update - he'd need to make changes to his modification base. This was during the time or 4.0 - 4.1 ... Perhaps all that changed as the 4.x code matured? Perhaps I was told incorrectly? IDK.

Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 View Post

You're a designer, I'm a coder, I will defer to you on whether the style changes in VB4 were the cause of stylers/designers giving up on VB4- but as a coder you should trust me when it comes to the stability of the code. In all my coding experiences only 3 things ever changed on VB4 that warranted changes in mods over its entire history
Originally Posted by nhawk View Post
I would agree with BOP5.

vB4 is very stable. I can't recall the last time I had to update an add-on because of a vB4 core code change. I THINK it was from 4.0 to 4.1, but I could be wrong.
Maybe as someone not too familiar with code - I've overstated my assumption that coders left by the droves for whatever reason. Perhaps 'unstable' and 'bug-ridden' are not synonyms then. We can now say that vB 4 is a bug-ridden, stable code. This always seemed a contradiction imo. Anyway - I'll defer to you coders and thanks for your clarification.

As someone who's dibbled in vBulletin design though - My time with upgrading between vB 3.x versions had NEVER been met with the myriad of challenges I've seen with upgrading between vB 4.x versions. Seems like every version upgrade the style would require major changes to the style.

Super-frustrating to say the least.

Originally Posted by Adrian Schneider View Post
To be fair, that thread is not about vBulletin. The community view of vBulletin is in far worse shape. (IMO, anyway)

On the development/ownership side, who still works at vBulletin that I've developed any relationship with? I can't think of anyone. It's just a corporate image now, with some poor support staff fronting all of the heat.
And some dimwitted idiots going all out to defend the Titanic which now (with vB 5 Connect) has a gaping hole in its hull.


--------------- Added [DATE]1394486858[/DATE] at [TIME]1394486858[/TIME] ---------------

Originally Posted by Gemma View Post
I'd rather have decent software, with as little or no bugs as possible than have developers getting involved in the community side of things - xenforo might not be a great community, but then again, I don't particularly think vBulletin has been great with it's customers lately either...swings and roundabouts really IMO
That's just it. As someone sorely disappointed with vB 4 -- I had high hopes that Internet Brands would give us a wonderful product in vBulletin 5 Connect.

It. Just. Did. Not. Happen.

Instead - Internet Brands has seemingly put on their noise reduction headphones - so that they can ignore the angry voices of license holders like myself who also had high hopes of INVESTING (via purchased license of course) in what is supposed to be the next evolution of the world's leading community software.

Originally Posted by katie hunter View Post
I was pointing 2 things by sharing that link :

1. The way discussion is carried over there in a more mature tone without insults on Admin-talk.
This from a chick whose personal attack/insult towards me ascended from the depths of an unholy hot hell only to take shape in the form of, "by the way - your graphics suck. Go to school...or rather - go to DeviantArt... Blablabla...." This from a chick who has called folks in this thread mad, stupid, idiot, vBbashers, time-wasters while insinuating they are nonsensical drama queens --- and only because they've voiced their frustration about the current state of vBulletin. This from a chick who has posted several screencaps from XF -- calling them opportunists, hypocrits, bullies, liars while swearing up and down that they are talentless thieves of the Xend framework.

Hypocrisy much?
Old 03-10-2014, 10:12 PM
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Originally Posted by katie hunter View Post
She doesn't get it, not sure what part of "Don't talk to me" does she understands :0) I will make it simple, me and Gemma stopped - we weren't going to keep arguing with each other nor there to prove who wins a conversation, try to learn by reading the past pages.
Thanks for the spray. I assume it would be poison...coming from you anyway.
I -- in the spirit of education of course -- now award you with:

Next time - instead of insulting me - post something relevant. Perhaps respond to this:

As someone who's dibbled in vBulletin design though - My time with upgrading between vB 3.x versions had NEVER been met with the myriad of challenges I've seen with upgrading between vB 4.x versions. Seems like every version upgrade the style would require major changes to the style.

Super-frustrating to say the least.
Or this:

That's just it. As someone sorely disappointed with vB 4 -- I had high hopes that Internet Brands would give us a wonderful product in vBulletin 5 Connect.

It. Just. Did. Not. Happen.

Instead - Internet Brands has seemingly put on their noise reduction headphones - so that they can ignore the angry voices of license holders like myself who also had high hopes of INVESTING (via purchased license of course) in what is supposed to be the next evolution of the world's leading community software.
Or this:

Afterall - like vBulletin's user reported bug tracker - it's in the best interest of the community to report actual bugs and to see them gone from the script. We all know how vocal communities can be - you know what I mean. And of course we all can see how it might be in XF's best interest to hide actual bug reports. But unlike your experience, my experience with XF online community has been rather sweet. Furthermore - nothing in my past years of experience dealing with vB and XF would lead me to believe Kier and company would do something so devious!
Or this:

I've heard your argument before by a handful of people. I don't understand it tbh. I keep thinking to myself - Why should vBulletin's bloated featureset be an excuse for how buggy it is???
Or this:

I don't blame you one bit. I don't like giving my money to folks who act as if they don't give a damn. Internet Brands for one. They act as if they could not give a damn about the state of their flagship product and how disappointed the vBulletin community as a whole has reacted towards it.
Or even this:

This from a chick whose personal attack/insult towards me ascended from the depths of an unholy hot hell only to take shape in the form of, "by the way - your graphics suck. Go to school...or rather - go to DeviantArt... Blablabla...." This from a chick who has called folks in this thread mad, stupid, idiot, vBbashers, time-wasters while insinuating they are nonsensical drama queens --- and only because they've voiced their frustration about the current state of vBulletin. This from a chick who has posted several screencaps from XF -- calling them opportunists, hypocrits, bullies, liars while swearing up and down that they are talentless thieves of the Xend framework.

Hypocrisy much?
...instead of acting like a fool.
I've responded to your ridiculous assertions. And you have the audacity to post, "The way discussion is carried over there in a more mature tone without insults..." Yeah - perhaps address the relevant comments I've made - instead of being a strange old bird:

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