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VSa - Advanced Forum Rules
Version: 5.0.8, by Valter Valter is offline
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Miscellaneous Hacks - Version: 4.x.x Rating:
Released: 02-16-2010 Last Update: 09-16-2012 Installs: 1259
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
No support by the author.

Advanced Forum Rules system for vBulletin.

Main Features:
-Rules shown on separate page (no file uploads required)
-Several sets of rules can be created and applied to individual forums
-Choose between BB codes and HTML in rules
-Options to force users to accept Forum Rules before can view forums or threads, post replies, PMs, or e-mails...
-Option to replace registration rules with this product ones
-Option to reset user acceptance status when infraction is received

View screenshots.

-Import XML file (as product): AdminCP > Plugin System > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]

To set options:
Go to: AdminCP > vBulletin Options > VSa - Advanced Forum Rules

v1.0 - Oct 06. 2005.
-First version
v4.0.2 - May 08. 2009.
-Latest vB 3.x version
v5.0 - Feb 17. 2010.
-Updated for vB 4
-Code optimized, some bugs fixed
v5.0.1 - Apr 18. 2010.
-Fixed: Link to Rules in forumdisplay
-Fixed: Ordered list parsing in Rules
v5.0.2 - Nov 21 2010.
-Fixed: Uncached template
-Fixed: Style issues on Rules page
-Fixed: Style issues on Manage Rules pages
-Fixed: Minor bugs
v5.0.3 - May 04 2011.
-Fixed: Security bug
v5.0.4 - May 06 2011.
-Fixed: vbseo users not able to switch rules
v5.0.5 - May 18 2011.
-Fixed: Security bug
-Improved rule acceptance check
v5.0.6 - May 22 2012.
-Compatible with vBulletin 4.2
-Increased number of maximum rule sets
-Fixed some minor bugs
v5.0.7 - May 26 2012.
-Fixed: Navbar link
v5.0.8 - Sep 17 2012.
-Fixed: Incorrect acceptance status for some users

Download Now

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 09-14-2013, 07:42 AM
M.C. M.C. is offline
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Originally Posted by Ba'al View Post
The only changes i made was to add some html script to add borders and nothing else, worked great right out of the box.
Could you please provide more info what you change and where?

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Old 09-14-2013, 09:10 PM
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Thanks for the input. I've installed it on 4.2.1 and it works just as I had hoped.
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Old 09-15-2013, 03:37 AM
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HTML Code:
[CENTER][SIZE=5][B]Cowboys-Forum Rules 						[/B][/SIZE] 						 				 [/CENTER]
[TABLE="width: 100%"]
 					[TD="class: alt1, width: 100%, colspan: 6"]  		 	 Cowboys-Forum Rules (As of 9/4/05, voted on by the Committee for  approval)

This forum was created in order to provide Dallas Cowboys fans a place  to  discuss issues related to their team in a CIVIL MANNER. As a result, the   following rules MUST be adhered to:

[B]1.[/B] Individuals must refrain from making PERSONAL statements about  and attacks on  other posters. (Differences of opinion will naturally occur. Defend your   position if you wish, but stay away from PERSONAL remarks about one  another.  Stick to the subject at hand.) We're ALL passionate about our Cowboys,  and  discussions can get a little "heated". Sometimes it's better to just  "agree to  disagree" and move on to the next thread. Remember, you ARE responsible  for what  you type.

[B]2.[/B] Intentionally posting false or misleading thread titles such as, "Jerry Jones Sells The Cowboys" is strictly forbidden. Anyone who does so will receive one strike and the thread removed from the board. In addition, flaming or flame wars, (ex. Garrett Sucks!) are not tolerated here, this includes multiple posts, creating multiple threads, or hijacking threads in order to express the same opinion or thought to incite anger or in a repetitive manner. This will also be a one strike offense. Cowboys-Forum prides itself on being a legitimate source of Dallas Cowboys information, please post responsibly and with respect.

[B]3.[/B] Only ONE ID per poster. Do NOT attempt to "spoof". This is a  TWO STRIKE  offense.

[B]4.[/B] Racial comments are STRICTLY forbidden. This is a TWO STRIKE offense.

[B]5.[/B] Vulgar language is NOT acceptable. (Find another word to use.)  This includes  vulgar photos, animations, and links to them. The board has an automatic  filter  to hide most curse words. While a post containing a filtered word will  not  automatically result in a strike, any abuse of the system by repeated  use of  filtered words will result in a strike. Any attempt to get around the  board's  filter by purposefully misspelling a curse word or using symbols instead  of  letters, etc, will result in a strike.  Also, Acronyms and other initialisms used in current computer-mediated communications that contain vulgar language such as "WTF", "GTFO", ect should not be used in the creation of thread titles as they can be viewed as not work or family friendly.

[B]6.[/B] Promoting of other professional football teams is NOT allowed.  Posts  demeaning the Dallas Cowboys (such as saying the Cowboys SUCK) or posts  referring to how great the Eagles are (or any other professional  football team),  will be considered a violation of the RULES. Remember, this is a site  for  COWBOYS fans. However, ALL fans of ALL teams are cordially welcome to  join in  the fun and post according to the rules.

[B]7.[/B] It is a violation of the rules to discuss any ILLEGAL  activities. (These  include, but are not limited to rape, murder, personal threats, bank  robbery,  etc.) Anyone found doing anything illegal under Federal United States  standards  will be banned IMMEDIATELY and your IP will be recorded and given to the  local,  state, province, or federal authorities.

[B]8.[/B] If you are willing to imply that you are someone of, generally  listed, but  not limited to...

[B]A)[/B][I] A person(s) who is famous
[B]B)[/B] A professional athlete
[B]C)[/B] A professional writer
[B]D)[/B] Anyone else of general nature that would be deemed a  celebrity.
You will be required to release a phone number to where the staff can  contact  either yourself, or an agent who represents you. The staff will check  the  veracity of the person on the other side of the phone for authenticity  purposes. 
If one staff member is unsure, the phone number will be given to the  Admin, or  the owner of this site and they will check the validity of the claim. 

Consequences of falsifying this information is VERY severe. To claim  that you  are a celebrity, makes the board look imprudent. If you are found to be  misrepresenting an identity, there will be NO vote by the Rules  Committee, there  will be NO strike awarded, your IP address and DNS will be banned as  well as  your username. (Amended by the Committee 5-15-05)

[B]9.[/B] We are implementing the following restrictions on signature  size. The sizes  allowed are still very generous and allow for significant creativity. 

[I]Height Limit 250 pixels 
Width Limit 600 pixels 
Size limit 1/2 MB (512 kb)

In addition, political, religious, racial, or sexual images are strictly forbidden. Any other images, wording, or links contained in an avatar, signature, post, or profile (including personal images of members) which could offend other forum members can also violate this rule. If you have any questions regarding any of these areas, please contact a Mod/Admin through a PM for approval. The staff will make the final determination about what is considered inappropriate or offensive

(Amended by the Rules Committee 4-20-11) 

[B]10.[/B] General Conduct. This rule prohibits any and all conduct  considered by the  staff to be detrimental to this site. It may include, but not be limited  to:

[B](A)[/B][I] Rules 1 through 10
[B](B)[/B] Anything the Admin or Moderators deem inappropriate.
[B](C)[/B] Anything the Rules Committee votes as inappropriate
[B]11.[/B] No public criticism of Staff policy and/or Board policy on  the main forums.  Sorry, but you may make suggestions on board policy in the Site  Improvements  Forum. Or, if you have a problem with a particular action by a moderator  or  other staff member, PM that person, or the administrator, and discuss  your  concerns in private. The public image of this site is considered  paramount. We  cannot (and will not) allow people casting doubt on the integrity of the   decisions made and actions taken by the staff. The Staff are the people  responsible for providing you this venue. They are ALSO responsible for  maintaining the posting atmosphere out in the "regular" forums. They  will be  more than willing to listen to your concerns (in private) and they are  happy to  correct any mistake that was made. Just remember, people are here to  talk  football, not to listen to an argument about what was or wasn't a rule  violation. (Amended by the rules committee 6-29-06) 

[B]12.[/B] It is an automatic three strike violation of the rules to  post any picture  or link to another site which contains sexually explicit, obscene, or  indecent  material, or content that would be deemed "Not Safe For Work". This  includes ANY  and ALL nudity. ANY violation of this rule results in an immediate  permanent  ban. Remember, Cowboys-Forum is a family-friendly site. The posting of  pictures  with people that are not fully clothed (even in swimsuits) can lead to  the site  being blacklisted from work servers that edit for content, thus costing  the site  numerous members and potential members. If you wish to post something  and you  are even the least little bit unsure if it is too racy, you must contact  a  member of the staff and find out for sure. Always err on the side of  caution,  because it will be up the the moderators' sole discretion as to what  violates  this rule. We simply cannot take chances when it affects people's  livelihood. (Ammended  by the rules committee 6-29-06) 

[B]13.[/B] All forms of "spamming" are prohibited. No one should  advertise/sell any goods and/or services, or promote other forums,  boards, sites, etc., on the Cowboys-Forum, without PRIOR written  permission of the Cowboys-Forum staff. Persons seeking permission should  send all requests, in the form of a PM, to the ADMINISTRATOR. A copy of  the approval reply should be added to the bottom of the posted message  to the board.  Further, no one should send any commercial or promotional material to  any individual member, or groups of members, of the board via PM, email,  or other means. (Added by the rules committee 4-16-10) 

[B]14.[/B] This board is a sports forum dedicated to the Dallas Cowboys,  and as such, topics of a political, religious, or other controversial  subjects are not allowed on this site. There are other sites for that  type of discussion including constitution-forum.com. Those who want to  discuss those topics are directed to go off site.  No new threads of this nature will be allowed and all current threads  will be locked after approval of this rule and one week notice by a  message "stickied" on all forums.  This site is devoted to the principle that there are many topics about  the Cowboys, and football in general, in which people of goodwill can  disagree without being disagreeable. The rules for appropriate behavior  apply everywhere on this board. In addition to awarding strikes to  individuals, moderators may lock threads that include posts that are  unacceptable. (Added by the rules committee 4-27-10) 

 [TABLE="class: tborder, width: 100%, align: center"]
 [TD="class: tcat, width: 100%, colspan: 6"]  						[B] 						Strikes and Policies 						[/B] 						[/TD]
[TABLE="width: 100%"]
 					[TD="class: alt1, width: 100%, colspan: 6"]   The board was started with a culture of friendly cooperation of the  members. We  remind members of that culture as we prefer willing cooperation rather  than  formal punishment. 

The governing body of this forum adopted a "THREE STRIKE" policy.  Moderators  issue "strikes" to users who violate the Forum Rules. The Forum Rules  specify  the degree of strike for each violation, but any imminent serious threat  to the  board or a poster can result in immediate banishment. 

The moderators will note the strike in the offending post and send the  user a PM  informing him of the violation. All violations will be recorded for  future  reference. The Rules Committee can overturn any strike based on  extenuating or  mitigating circumstances. The strikes are as follows:
[B]First Degree Strike[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]:[/COLOR] [I]This strike will serve as a warning that  such conduct is  not appropriate. 
[COLOR=Red][B]Second Degree Strike[/B]:[/COLOR] [I]Two strikes result in an automatic ban  from the site for  one week. 
[COLOR=Red][B]Third Degree Strike[/B]:[/COLOR] [I]Three strikes result in immediate  banishment from the site. The Rules Committee will then vote to determine whether to permanently  ban the  poster or allow the poster a chance at reinstatement. 
Any user not permanently banned may reapply for active membership after  serving  a 6 month ban. However, if the member is reinstated, ANY future rule  violation  will result in an automatic and permanent ban.. [/TD]

<table border="3" width=190" height=50" align="center"  "color=#333333" bgcolor="#003366">
           <tr><td style="color:#98F5FF" font size="12"><b><i><font size="4" align="center">Rules Committee</i></b></td></tr>

  <div class="content">
  <table border="3">
    <td><h3 style="color:#003F87">Mission Statement & Procedures</h3>
    <p><i>The Rules Committee(from here on known as RC) was designed as a check and balance for the forum. RC members have the ability to clarify rules, Amend rules/remove rules, overturn bans, rule on infractions, reinstate members that were permabanned, and the ability to remove a moderator. An RC members job is to be fair at all times and interpret the rules for members as well as staff.</i></p></td>
    <table border="3">
    <td><h4 style="color:#003F87">Procedures for rules or rule change</h4>
    <p><i>Most debates start by a Mod or Admin bringing something to the attention of the RC. At that point the process starts by a thread being made in the RC forum. We will then debate for a set time limit and a vote will follow. Majority wins in adding a new rule. For example if a rule change was brought up and 40% was yeah and 60% no the motion would be denied (unless overturned by the "Boss"). It takes 66% of the vote to change or remove a rule.
  <table border="3">
    <td><h4 style="color:#003F87">Procedures for Reinstatement of a ban
    <p><i>When a member posts in the reinstatement forum or pm's a Mod they will start a debate thread for the RC. At that point the RC will debate for a set time and vote. Majority wins the decision.</i></p></td>
    <table border="3">
 <h4 style="color:#003F87">Procedure for infraction ruling</h4>
    <p><i>There are times when a Mod/Admin are not certain if a member has broken a rule. As an RC member it is your job to debate this and clarify. At this time a debate thread will be started. A set time limit will allow for debate and then a vote will be taken. Majority wins.</i></p></td>
    <table border="3">
    <td><h4 style="color:#003F87">Procedure for overturning a perma-ban
    <p><i>A perma-ban is a little different in regards to the majority rules vote. You need 80% of the vote to overturn a perma-ban. The RC has the ability to start up a discussion about perma-bans.
<table border="3">
    <td><h4 style="color:#003F87">Procedure for removing a Moderator/Admin</h4>
If a moderator engages in strikeable or bannable offenses or behaves in a way that is detrimental to the forum then it is the RC's job to hold a vote to discipline or remove the Moderator. A moderator can be removed at any time pending a 66% of the vote of the RC. A admin can be removed by a 66% vote by the RC and a 66% vote by the mods.. A vote can only take place on either by request and a second motion only..</i></p></td>

<table border="3">
     <td><h4 style="color:#003F87">Members Appeals
    <p><i>As a member you have a right to appeal an infraction, ban, or perma-ban. Also you can go to any RC member(those guys with the baby blue name) and get clarification of any rule. You can start this process by using the appeals forum or PM'ing a member of the RC staff. At this point what will happen is a thread will be started in the RC forums and a debate will take place. We will then vote to overturn said infraction, ban, or perma-ban. A majority wins in all cases except perma-ban reversal. That takes an 80% vote to overturn. Hope this helps you guys understand that you do have other options and that the forum is here for you all.

<table border="3">
    <td><h4 style="color:#003F87">Member Lobbying RC</h4>
     <p><i>Users can also Lobby RC to set up a vote and a vote can be called upon by any member of the RC at any time. They don't have to take up a members concern or they an take up a concern of their own. The only time a second motion is needed is if a vote to remove the mods or admin..</i><p></td>
Originally Posted by M.C. View Post
Could you please provide more info what you change and where?

You click "Manage Rules" on the upper right side of the header bar then click "Edit" and then place the code similar to this code except replace my Rules with yours.
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Old 09-16-2013, 12:34 AM
Bubble #5 Bubble #5 is offline
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We added a new skin and the link is not showing up in the header bar.

Is there a way to manually add the link?
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Old 09-16-2013, 03:15 AM
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Ba'al Ba'al is offline
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Originally Posted by Bubble #5 View Post
We added a new skin and the link is not showing up in the header bar.

Is there a way to manually add the link?
You will have to contact the person who made the skin.
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Old 09-16-2013, 04:34 AM
ForceHSS ForceHSS is offline
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Originally Posted by Bubble #5 View Post
We added a new skin and the link is not showing up in the header bar.

Is there a way to manually add the link?
There is a setting in the mod that does that for you
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Old 09-16-2013, 04:45 AM
Bubble #5 Bubble #5 is offline
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Originally Posted by ForceHSS View Post
There is a setting in the mod that does that for you
It's not working and we need to manually add it...

It shows up in the nav manager, but not in the nav.
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Old 09-21-2013, 06:17 PM
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I want all rules shown when i click forum rules link, not like collapsable menu. How can i do that?
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Old 09-22-2013, 02:44 AM
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Ba'al Ba'al is offline
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Originally Posted by suvari1794 View Post
I want all rules shown when i click forum rules link, not like collapsable menu. How can i do that?
Go to: AdminCP > vBulletin Options > VSa - Advanced Forum Rules> General Rules Options and set to " Show Always"
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Old 09-22-2013, 07:58 PM
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suvari1794 suvari1794 is offline
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Originally Posted by Ba'al View Post
Go to: AdminCP > vBulletin Options > VSa - Advanced Forum Rules> General Rules Options and set to " Show Always"
I mean, just "general rules" shown at the first click to forum rules link on the navbar.
But, I want to see every rules (general rules and other rules sets) in the first visit. I don't want 'More Rules' drop-down menu.

Can I explain?
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