Is better to say what is NOT this mod . For those who have used MarysClassifieds, I can say that they are 2 products which you can't compate. MarysClassifieds had dozens of features, but when I installed in my site I realized that I need only 10% of those features. Maybe less. This is SL Classifieds. A minimalist version of MarysClassifieds, but I bet that 70% of the webmasters will find this one more pretty, more usefull.
It supports 4 types of Classifieds:
For Sale
For Trade
Free Offers
Supports unlimited categories
Supports Extra fields (but not searchable)
Has PM templates for:
PM user when admin approves his Classifieds
PM user when admin rejects Classified
PM seller when a user Makes an Offer
PM seller when a user clicks Buy it
PM seller when a use uses the contact form
Supports 5 statuses:
Please note that unlike my old mod, here nothing is automatic. The seller has to take care to switch between statuses.
There are listings for:
Category classifieds
Timeframe (What's New) Classifieds
Seller Classifieds
Search Results
In view Ad page the visitor can see also:
Other classifieds from the same seller
Similar classifieds from the same category
In all pages there are available the follow blocks having the appearance of widgets:
Category Menu
Search Form
Latest classifieds
Popular classifieds
Soon to expire classifieds.
Version 1.5 additions:
Facebook Like Advanced (Shows users who liked it)
RSS Feeds of last 10 Classifieds
Seller has the ability to not mark a classifieds as reserved when a user clickc BuyNow, in case that he has stock of the same items and he wants to keep classifieds active.
Added description in extra fields appearing as help text in add/edit form.
In case that a category has no subcategories, beside the "No more categories" added an icon/link to previous category level.
2.- How you can make (a bit) money with it.
Using vBulletin's Subscriptions Manager you can set subscription which will upgrade the subscribers to a higher usergroup with more privilenges in SL Classifieds. eg:
To restrict post in specific categories. The system works such a way that for each category you can set who can post:
All usergroups
None usergroup
Specific usergroup(s).
To allow more days for postings. eg usergroup A can set a maximum of 15 days before the Ad will remove from the system, while usergroup B can set the Ad's duration for 45 days etc.
Concurrent Ads. eg Register users can have only 1 active ad, while your VIP usergroup can has 5 ..or 10 ... or whatever you want.
More photos per Ad
3.- Installation
Download and unzip the file
Upload the content of upload folder to the directory where your vB installation is. As a check: classifieds.php must be on the same directoru as global.php, forum.php etc. SL Classifieds are not working out of vB installation directory.
CMOD 777 the directories:
Goto Admincp and import product-classifieds.xml. Double check before if you have another product with the same name.
Set the various settings in Classifieds->General settings
Set usergroup permissions
Check and modify if you want PM templates.
Set categories
Set Extra fields (in case that you want them).
4.- SEO URLs
If you're using vbSeo open the file Classifieds_vBSEO_Custom_Rewrite_Rules.txt and add them to your vbSeo installation.
If you're using .htaccasse file copy the contents of htaccess.txt and add it to your current .htaccess files. If you don't have such file and your server is compatible with such files, upload htaccess.txt to your vB directory and rename it to: .htaccess
5. CMS Widget / Forum Sidebar Block for Latest Classifieds
Shows latest 5 Classifieds. If you want to change the number to another value change at 1st line: $maxitems = 5;
Installation as CMS Widget
Goto Admincp-> vBulletin CMS-> Widgets
Click "Create New Widget" at the list bottom
Set Widget Type: PHP Direct Execution
Give a Title which appears at the widget. eg Last Classifieds, or.. Last 5 Classifieds etc
Click SAVE
Find in the list the new widget and click configure at the right side
Replace the example code, with the code from Widget_Latest_Classifieds.txt
Click Save
Goto Layout and add it in any section you want
Click Save (Layout)
Installation as Forum sidebar Block
Goto Admincp-> Forums & Moderators -> Forum Block Manager
Click Add Block
In the next screen "Select block type: Custom HTML/PHP"
Click Continue
Title: Latest Classifieds
Content Type: PHP
Content: Copy & Paste the code from Widget_Latest_Classifieds.txt
Click Save. The block will be now visible to your forum sidebar
6.- Copyright Link
Since the time that DBTech released their Copyright Manager, I've removed my own copyrights. I found their action insulting me to maximum. Their wording "Site is powered by vBulletin AddOns and Modules by Dragonbyte Tech" (and not "Some parts of this site"), means that everything there is their own work, ignoring on the worst way the fact that there are 100's of other coders and designers who are supporting this community for years. So, I'm letting the glory to them. No copyrights from my side.
Enjoy it
Christos Teriakis
aka ChrisTERiS
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Option for:
- disable expiration date
- disable condition selector
- disable clicking "accept terms" to show publish button
- disabling option to add for wanted/trade/free offer ad - i want to have simple classifield
+ if you are user, that posted ad, you would be able to see "edit button" when you are viewing ad.
+ option to use "simple plain text"
+ ad detail view should have more layouts to choose
Also, i think, that description near pictures ale useless so there would be option to hide them.
My thoughts - user love simple solutions. So, classifield would be simple, so sometimes "less is more".
Just curiously. What's the nickname of your primary account? A bit difficult to believe that you've 3 posts in 2 1/2 years
About hidding terms. As the description says, leaving this setting empty will hides the need to accept rules and the buttons will be initially visible.
Some of the requested features already implemented in the special edition, but I can't add switches to any field because someone don't wants to use it. In general use the condition is a must exists value for classifieds. From the condition the visitor can counts if the price is good or not. The same applies for Adtypes. Maybe "For Trade" is not so important, but 99% of the sites needs the type "Wanted".
The "Greatful" version is ready, I just need to open a site to be able to give it away. Most probably I'll use
First of all why I'm calling it "Greatful" and not "PRO". Because it actually has no price. I'll give it for free to those who have paid for Copyright removal. The fee of copyright removal is my only income, but it will be increase a bit. Really "a bit".
The extra features (you can see some of them in the screenshots):
Extra Profile Tab showing the user's active (and only active) Classifieds. Can be trun off.
"View Classifieds" in user popum (the one which appears in forums when you click the username. Can be turn off.
Total Classifieds in Thread postbit. Can be turn off.
Different color for showing the Classified type.
User and/or Moderators can Edit/Delete the Classified when they are on View page.
My Offers to others listing.
Offers that I got listing
...... and offcourse without Copyright Link. Legally !!
The "Greatful" version is ready, I just need to open a site to be able to give it away. Most probably I'll use
First of all why I'm calling it "Greatful" and not "PRO". Because it actually has no price. I'll give it for free to those who have paid for Copyright removal. The fee of copyright removal is my only income, but it will be increase a bit. Really "a bit".
The extra features (you can see some of them in the screenshots):
Extra Profile Tab showing the user's active (and only active) Classifieds. Can be trun off.
"View Classifieds" in user popum (the one which appears in forums when you click the username. Can be turn off.
Total Classifieds in Thread postbit. Can be turn off.
Different color for showing the Classified type.
User and/or Moderators can Edit/Delete the Classified when they are on View page.
My Offers to others listing.
Offers that I got listing
...... and offcourse without Copyright Link. Legally !!
AWESOME cannot wait
One question Chris:
After a classified expired, it will be removed from profile or it will be shown with status (closed classifieds) ?
I prefer to keep all closed classifieds in user profile and user control panel but marked as (expired/closed classified). I don't want to delete any classified, let users know anytime what the posted in our classified.
4 feature again, I would paid (via Paypal) to remove the copyright.
1. add features such as blog comments.
2. specific templates for plugins (like Style Options on Forum Manager).
3. rating systems.
4. Telephone contacts as default, blackberry messenger, or others. every seller certainly can not always be online, with contact (phone number) then the buyer can contact the seller even if the seller is not online. (see picture for example).
4 feature again, I would paid (via Paypal) to remove the copyright.
1. add features such as blog comments.
2. specific templates for plugins (like Style Options on Forum Manager).
3. rating systems.
4. Telephone contacts as default, blackberry messenger, or others. every seller certainly can not always be online, with contact (phone number) then the buyer can contact the seller even if the seller is not online. (see picture for example).
One question Chris:
After a classified expired, it will be removed from profile or it will be shown with status (closed classifieds) ?
I prefer to keep all closed classifieds in user profile and user control panel but marked as (expired/closed classified). I don't want to delete any classified, let users know anytime what the posted in our classified.
And offcourse I appreciate your effort Thanks a lot Chris
In the new version you can set grace period = 0 to keep the ads in your system for ever. But sorry, this will be visible only to user (My Classifieds). As I said the profile will shows only the active classifieds.
Hey Christos - thanks very much for this mod. It is exactly what I need to add to my community.
Would you be able to answer me a question please? I am looking at making some of the extra fields compulsory. How would I go about verifying them in the classifieds_addedit_item template?
As an example, I have a drop down list with the name "fields[8]". How could I verify the submitted entry isn't "Select"? My javascript is quite basic but I have a rough idea (but I can't get it to work)
Hey Christos - thanks very much for this mod. It is exactly what I need to add to my community.
Would you be able to answer me a question please? I am looking at making some of the extra fields compulsory. How would I go about verifying them in the classifieds_addedit_item template?
As an example, I have a drop down list with the name "fields[8]". How could I verify the submitted entry isn't "Select"? My javascript is quite basic but I have a rough idea (but I can't get it to work)
Thank you for your supporting words. Sorry but there is no way to check the values of extra fields. The only that you can is to avoid adding the option "Select" in the available options.