Version: 0.0.4, by obscureclouddon
Developer Last Online: May 2014
Category: Integration with vBulletin -
Version: 4.2.0
Released: 04-02-2013
Last Update: 04-09-2013
Installs: 75
Additional Files Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
Integrate your vBulletin forum with Wordpress.
The lite version of this Wordpress vBulletin bridge allows your Wordpress posts to be posted to vBulletin.
This is a Wordpress plugin that facilitates this functionality. Just install it in your WP plugin folder and set up the path to your vBulletin installation. As long as the forum is on the same server, this works well.
No need to combine the databases. No need to modify core WP files.
It's that easy!
All of your Wordpress posts will be posted in your forum. You will designate a forum to take these posts. If you have sub forums that match the name of the category of the Wordpress post, this plugin will automatically put the post there.
The full version, available at allows more functionality to fully integrate your Wordpress and vBulletin including:
Wordpress->vB features:
*Registration sync - new users created on WP are automatically created on vB
*New post sync - new WP posts are intelligently posted to the matching forum. There are some controls on which forum they are posted to.
- Posts can be attributed to the user posting or
- All posts can be attributed to a designated user
*Comment sync - new comments made on WP are posted to the synced forum
*Login sync - when you login or logout of WP, the vB session is created or destroyed at the same time
*Avatar sync - vBulletin avatars are used on WP comments (requires user-photo WP plugin)
*No modification of core WP files!
*No modification of WP config file!
*100% plugin setting based - install the plugin, set your forum path, activate the features you want, enjoy!
vBulletin ->Wordpress features *NEW*
*Registration sync - new users created on vB are automatically created on WP
*New thread sync - new vB threads are intelligently posted to the matching WP category.
- Only post to designated category
- Try to match forum name (or any of its parents) to a WP category then post to the designated category if no match is found.
- Try to match forum name (or any of its parents) to a WP category then create a new WP category
*Reply sync - replies made to synced threads will have replies posted to the matching WP post
*Login sync - when you login or logout of vB, the WP session is created or destroyed at the same time
*No modification of core vB files!
*No modification of vB config file!
*100% plugin based - this plugin will create the vB plugins needed through the WP plugin settings page!
This is still a work in progress so the code will be updated often.
Feel free to let me know how it works, additional features you'd like, and if you have any problems.
Here is a guide from a user:
Thanks a bunch for putting this together BAJR
Quick Guide.
First unpack the folder into plugins, where all the files and sub folders should reside in [wb-vb] folder.
now in Wordpress Plugins, activate the plugin and then go to Settings --> WP Vb integration
Essentials are as follows: (everything else you can play with!)
1) Path to vBulletin. / means the Vbulletin Forum is in your root folder. ie
/forum/ means the Vbulletin Forum is in a folder called forum. ie
ALWAYS add the trailing /
2) Activate login sync feature [check box]
3) Activate post sync feature [check box]
4) Forum ID - this is the NUMBER of your desired linked forum ( sub forums are added from this) so look at your vbulletin URL
Sorry, just want to be clear with the sync of the comments.
Once a thread is posted on the forums from wordpress. Does any comment on the vbulletin thread get pulled into the wordpress system? Or is it just wordpress to vbulletin?
I think you are 50% there already. The post and comments come from wordpress no worries, but it then needs to monitor the thread and pull any new posts from there into the wordpress. Not sure how much work that is.
The way I would set it up on my site is to have a dedicated forum for all the threads (wordpress articles) and the comments show both on the thread and in WP.
That forum itself, threads can only be created by wordpress posts.
Hope that helps in some way. I tend to talk a lot of sh1t.