Users or teams can join ladders and challenge other players or teams in the ladder. Elo rating system is used which calculates the difficultly of a match according to the players' ranks and this is taken into account when the ranks are updated after the match is finished.
Feature List:
General Features
All pages are XHTML valid
Tournament Features
Hall of Fame (Top 10 Tournament Players)
Permissions can be set per usergroup
(AdminCP -> Usergroups -> Usergroup Manager -> {Select Usergroup} -> Tournament Permissions)
Tournaments start automatically when no slots are left
Tournaments have proper Date/ Time converted to users timezone and DST
3 Tournament Modes: Last Man Standing, Single Elimination, Double Elimination and Round Robin
Filter Tournaments Displayed according to Tournament Status
Tournament User Stats Page
'Start Tournament' for Single Elimination adds bye players and creates brackets
Tournament options
Turn on/off tournament
Create Thread on Tournament Creation
Require check-in before tournaments
Tournament Stats in Member Profile
Tournament Stats in Postbit (Can be turned on/off in Tournament Options)
Comments per page
Tournament description length shown in tournament List
Tournament Display
LMS realtime ranking shows if players are equal positions
Tournament View Counter
Tournament creator and last edited by notes at bottom of tournament
I did post this earlier but the site went down and the post was removed so ???
Anyway some issues here
I created a group play for 8 players as this was an option
There should be an option to select which group each player goes in
Each group there should be the options to enter each fixtures score rather than just promote 1 person so each group has played, won,drawn,etc,etc
So as stating i created the event and it never let me chose how many groups should be in it and it just made 3 groups up randomly
I progressed a player from group 1 and 2 to the next round but when i try to for the 3rd group it does not progress them, It just put a W at the side
Also in Round Robin Single Elimination, again it had an option for 8 players so i set it up with that
Now the issue here is that there should be an option when creating the event to set amount of groups but you have to go back and edit the event for this to happen
Then when i set this to say 4 groups it does not work, It just sets in to 1 big group
Current mod version creates errors all over. When clicking on Rating it is busted. When adding text to rounds it saves, but then takes away the brackets on tournaments, and there is no way to revert or correct. When closing tournament under edit option it takes away brackets and there is no way to revert or correct. Please look into issues and update, ty.
League doesnt work as when you click on Recent Matches, Upcoming Matches and Your Matches it reverts back to just a random page on the site. Ie,
thus I cannot use league as I can enter scores as the link is wrong or is it because of my mod rewrite for seo friendly url...
Round Robin works but it only allows three digits in the scoring but for I need four digits as mine is fantasy footy and alos when you insert the number and the height is not high enought as the number is cut. The important thing is the 4 digits. in scoring such as 2,500 pts v 3100pts