Version: 2.0.6a8, by DragonByte Tech
Developer Last Online: Mar 2023
Category: Forum Home Enhancements -
Version: 5.2.x
Released: 09-16-2012
Last Update: 05-06-2016
Installs: 111
DB Changes Uses Plugins
Additional Files Translations Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
DragonByte Technologies are proud to present InfoPanels v2: The most feature-packed Welcome Panel system for vBulletin, and the first Welcome Panel system for vBulletin 5!
Why InfoPanels?
Info Panels is another product from DragonByte Technologies, creators of vBActivity and vBShout. Info Panels allows you to display useful and interesting information in a much more user friendly way, allowing your members to access important areas of the forum, and important information, without having to go through different menu screens.
The Welcome Panel displays all the information your users may want to see instantly when they log on, without having to go searching for it. A handy Module format means you don't have to fiddle with complex code in order to drop it on ANY page, you simply use the Site Manager natively in vBulletin 5!
The Top X Stats portion of the software allows your users to keep track of whats going on in the forum almost in real time - perfect for boards with many forums which are hard to keep track of!
Exactly the same as on vB3 and vB4 - except we support loading the XML file from the server as opposed to having to upload it from your computer
We don't use the AutoInstall functionality because it's currently unknown to us how it handles mods that print messages during install / how it handles redirects post-install.
You can drop the module anywhere, blogs or forums or custom pages.
There's currently no blocks that pull Blog content available.
I was thinking about if :
New posts and threads since the user's last visit - if they include blog posts and group posts?
Forum Stats: Total Members / Total Threads / Total Posts - if they include blog posts and group posts?
Top Poster with link to their profile, showing number of posts and threads they have
Own Posts / Threads - if they include blog posts and group posts? etc.
Its a great way of giving users a quick overview of whats going on, but since I also very much use blogs and groups, it would be nice if they counted the sameway as forum posts
I'm getting a ton of errors if I upload the product prior to being in the ACP and before site builder is turned on. I have to remove dbtechinfopanels from the packages directory to regain access.
I'd rather not post the errors here since they reveal my complete setup information.
DragonByte, if your IP hasn't changed you already have access to my dev server to reproduce the problem. The only change is it ends with vb5b10 now.