Version: 6.2 Lite, by daveaite
Developer Last Online: Oct 2015
Category: Major Additions -
Version: 3.8.7
Released: 06-15-2012
Last Update: 09-07-2012
Installs: 32
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
Users get notifications every time someone posts on their threads, posts, and profile posts. The functionality and looks are very similar to Facebook's.
Can someone explain to me the @Tagging? Is it the same as DragonBytes Modification that notifies you also does this Notification Mod Support User Quote notification, getting notified when your post is quoted?
If so can I UNINSTALL DragonByte Modification for User Tagging and Quoting and let this mod handle all that?
Instructions are extremely vague or are not 3.8 Specific (CSS instructions don't make sense for 3.8 for instance)
Doesn't work out of the box although it shows the red notification it doesn't popout with fancy ajax and all that.
My main pissed off point is the vague instruction regarding customized themes, just absolutely useless.
If you purchased the Ultimate version, then the developer should help you out if you are having issues. I've also run across mods that I've purchased with very limited explanation. There was one that I never received any information from the developer, so my money was wasted. But I've purchased a few other pro mods and they would walk me through any problems I was having. In fact one time I gave the developer Admin privileges so they could check inside the AdminCP, and they did a fantastic job of getting it to work for me.
I have confidence that this developer will sort it and give me hand it's just I get really frustrated easily when things don't work like they should and I start bashing in doors and stuff until I sort it out lol
Fingers crossed it works out for me, this has great potential.
I've heard that the mod really slows down the forum, and the developer has still not fixed that problem. He may not be able to do fix it, which means I will probably not use it. I don't want someone waiting to post!
vBSocial Notifications 6.2 fixes all recorded bugs to date except for a few that I stated would be in 7.0
vBSocial Notifications 6.2 Is Here
Fixed in 6.2:
-Foreign Language character glitch:Example: 8 hora(s) atr�s > it should be "8 horas atr?s"
When you get quoted, you'll see it in your notifications, but when you click it, it will show you, for example, the post I did, not their post of them quoting you and replying. (Does not take you to link of quoted post) I was tagged in the first post, but now I'm being prompted of all replies, when really, I only need to see my mentions/quotes.
Profile comments should not accumulate,, they should be seperate notifications
7.0 Development starts as priority 1
Get all ideas and tweaks in asap
I also have a few nice ideas for it that I have not written, so it should be a nice surprise
For vB3, vB4, vB5
See 7.0 dev ideas:
Rough draft of development