Version: 1.09, by HCGB
Developer Last Online: Oct 2012
Category: Add-On Releases -
Version: 4.1.0
Released: 03-09-2010
Last Update: 01-11-2011
Installs: 1361
Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Re-useable Code Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
Picture and Album Gallery for vB4
This is a simple mod written out of frustration with the lack of such a basic feature in vb4 (and vb3, etc....)
Features: Adds a Gallery drop-down menu to the nav bar OR to the navtab which allows browsing AND searching of all pictures and albums on your site.
The search function searches the album title, album description, picture caption AND username.
Note: If guest permission AdminCP->Usergroups->UserGroup Manager->Unregistered/Not Logged In->Can View Albums is "yes" then they will be able to browse album and picture thumbnails - they may NOT be able to view the full-size pictures. To hide the gallery menu from guest see Settings below.
The gallery and menu is phrased.
Tested with Vbulletin 4.0.2/3 (note: earlier versions have not been tested and are not supported) AND vBadvanced 4 beta1.
Settings: None are needed - it does what it says on the tin .
AdminCP->Options->User Profile:Album Options"Pictures Per Page" and "Albums Per Page" control the number of thumbnails displayed per page in each gallery type.
If you get images overlapping the borders then you have inconsistent thumbnail sizes - you need to: AdminCP->Maintenance->Update Counters->Rebuild Attachment Thumbnails
If you want to hide the Gallery menu from guests then edit the Gallery navbar (or navtab) popup menu plugin and change $allowguests = from true to false
Unzip the download package and copy the contents of the UPLOAD folder into your forum folder.
Go to the VB AdminCP->Plugins & Products click "Manage Products". The click "Add/ImportProduct" at the bottom of the page.
Click "Browse" button and point to the product-gallery-(etc).XML file included in this ZIP package.
Click "Import"
Once the gallery import is complete, click "Add/Import Product" again and select EITHER product_gallery_navtab-xxx.xml OR product_gallery_navbar-xxx.xml depending on where you want the gallery menu to appear (navbar or navtab).
... all done
To update from an older version you MUST uninstall the product (admincp->manage products: delete Picture and Album Gallery). Then re-install as above.
v1.08 tested on vb4.0.3 v1.07 Fixed navtab menu - picture and album URLS swapped
Converted navtab/bar into products to make installation easier. v1.06 Due to popular demand added navtab drop down menu (with help from TimberFloorAu )
Cleaned up code and templates v1.05 Phrased menu items - upgrade is not required unless you use other languages. v1.04b fixed database connection issue
deleted unused template from product xml v1.03b Changed permissions to allow guests to view thumbnail galleries
Added phrasing for main gallery code.
Removed navbar template - replaced by plug-in code
Changed album display template from albumbit to album_latestbit (it works better!)
Various template mods to clean up display v1.02b Wasn't remembering search query between pages.
This is my first "proper" product so comment/criticism/etc is welcome
Facing this weird issue where there is no album cover on some albums. Is this normal? If so, looks bad. Can the first uploaded pic to that album be set as default until member changes it to something else?
Facing this weird issue where there is no album cover on some albums. Is this normal? If so, looks bad. Can the first uploaded pic to that album be set as default until member changes it to something else?
I believe that's just part of vBulletin's Album software.. if the user doesn't select a picture for the album cover, there is no default..
what I did as admin was went in and selected a photo for the cover.
ich have the problem that the original bulletin gallery URL looks like gallery/album.php and if I click on "my albums" in the nav bar the url is gallery/album-1.php. Is there a way to edit the add-on URL structure to prevent duplicate image content?
Is it also possible to change the album and image urls "albumall.php" and "pic all.php"?
I installed it into the navbar, however I cannot edit the navbar template to move the menu "Gallery" to another position, it's not in this template. Any advice how to put that to another position, let's say right behind Calendar and before Community?
Thanks a lot!
Originally Posted by ceho
Never mind, sorry. I found the template_hook in the plugin. Thanks!
How exactly does this work? I'd like to move the Gallery tab as well.