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v3 Arcade - Professional vBulletin Gaming (vB4)
Version: 2.0.3A, by KW802 KW802 is offline
Developer Last Online: Nov 2021 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Add-On Releases - Version: 4.0.8 Rating:
Released: 11-04-2010 Last Update: 06-10-2011 Installs: 545
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
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No support by the author.

v3 Arcade is now a member of the vBadvanced family!


The support forums & data from v3Arcade.com have been merged into the vBadvanced.com site.

v3 Arcade for vBulletin 4.x.x
For vBulletin 3.x.x, please see here.

Please note... until v3Arcade.com is upgraded to vBulletin 4, some demo sites can be found here. Also, because of styling changes introduced in vB 4.0.8 to allow customized user profile pages, this version requires 4.0.8+ to be installed.

"v3 Arcade" is the premiere arcade system written specifically for vBulletin. It's coded from scratch - not a port of an older version - and because it was coded specifically for vBulletin it uses the product system for code modifications & utilizes AJAX technology throughout. Here's a brief rundown of the features in this version of v3 Arcade.

Supports MochiAds, v3 Arcade and IBPArcade games!
  • Download THOUSANDS of *legal* free and premium games directly from Mochi Media to your v3 Arcade installation. Earn money from people playing games on your site! With just a few mouse clicks you download games directly from within your ACP or from the Mochi Media web site. You have to check it out it to see just how easy it is.
  • Tournaments! Challenge your friends to see who the champ is!
  • Integrated arcade statistics on your user's profile pages!
  • AJAX based instant ratings, for simple to use game ratings.
  • AJAX based inline score moderation.
  • AJAX based instant game searching.
  • Tabbed, customizable categories.
  • Challenge system for one-on-one contests.
  • User-permission based settings for email/PM notification, challenge settings.
  • Streamlined viewing modes for users with lower resolutions.
  • AJAX based quick stats, for viewing statistics by passing the cursor over a username.Mass import tools for importing games in bulk.
  • Reverse and decimal based scoring.
  • Arcade-only closure with customizable message.
  • Per game criteria, allows you to control access to games by reputation, posts, registration length.
  • Postbit based awards.
  • Personalized recommendations for other games users might like, based on what they?re playing.
  • Quick stats, letting a user know how many other scores are above and below theirs.
  • Score ranking.
  • Admin customizable ?score feedback?, displays a message based on how well as user has done.
  • Numerous Admin CP settings to control things like popup opacity, maximum comment length, hover delay length, and numerous other behaviors.
  • Full admin control over the types of content allowed in comments (BB code, HTML, smilies, etc.)
  • Usergroup based access permissions.
  • Fully phrased, for each translation into other languages.
  • An ever growing collection of third party add-ons
  • A slick, professional layout.
  • Edit-free template updates!
  • User ability to specify viewing resolution while playing games.
v3 Arcade for vBulletin 4 also has some feature differences versus v3 Arcade for vBulletin 3. Currently that list includes....
  • The separate Arcade navbar has been replaced with the options being moved up to the standard vB navbar. Be sure to turn on the navbar link! (ACP => v3 Arcade => v3 Arcade Settings => v3 Arcade General Settings => Navbar Link Position)
  • When viewing a game categories other than the 'All' category, the category name will now be included in the navbar breadcrumbs.
  • Added a new template "v3arcade_postbit_userid_trophy_wrapper" to allow adding some HTML around the arcade award images in the postbit.
  • The category tabs shown on the main page will use the vB styling instead of their own defined styles. As we go forward the vB4 version of v3A will lose more & more of it's custom styling and instead use more of the new vB4 styling features elements.
  • New option to display a "New" game category tab that will display all games in newest to oldest order. In addition to the new tab a "New Games" link will also be shown in the vB "What's New" navbar link. (ACP => v3 Arcade => v3 Arcade Settings => v3 Arcade Homepage Settings => Display "New" Category Tab)
Branding Free
All v3 Arcade installations carry and require a small "v3 Arcade" logo in the footer, as well as the text "Powered by v3 Arcade" which links to http:www.v3arcade.com. For information on legally removing the branding, please visit www.v3arcade.com.

If you're looking for more games, add-ons, support, tutorials, or anything Arcade related - www.v3arcade.com is the place to go.

All code & images distributed in this zip is Copyright ?2010 CinVin, with the following exceptions:
  • class_tar.php - Credits within.
  • All games & associated images, unless otherwise noted.
Many thanks to...
  • All branding-free customers and donors, for supporting the project!
  • John, the original founder behind the v3 Arcade platform.
  • Tigga, the v3 Arcade lead developer (as well as all of the vBadvanced products! )
  • Everybody who has provided feedback & suggestions to help us make v3 Arcade to be the best arcade platform.
Change Log
For the complete change log, please click here. The change log is getting too big to include inline with this thread.

Download Now

File Type: zip v3_arcade_for_vbulletin_2_0_3A_(vb4).zip (254.0 KB, 2448 views)

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
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chocolate angel, GamBun, K4GAP, KevinL, MichaelDance, rootsxrocks, Sunka

Old 05-29-2012, 09:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Gemma View Post
Until an update is released for 4.2 you can follow these steps to set up the arcade navigation system. Shouldn't take any more than a few minutes to do.

1. Disable the plugin - Arcade Navbar Link
2. In the new Navigation Manager, create an Arcade Tab

Active: Yes
Product: v3 Arcade
Title: Arcade
Target URL: /arcade.php
Tab Script(s): arcade

3. Now we will create an Arcade Games Link

Active: Yes
Product: v3 Arcade
Title: Arcade Games
Target URL: /arcade.php
Parent: Arcade

4. Next, we want to create a View Leaderboard link

Active: Yes
Product: v3 Arcade
Title: View Leaderboard
Target URL: /arcade.php?do=leaderboard
Parent: Arcade

5. Now, we need to create a Tournaments dropdown menu. In the Navigation Manager go back to the Arcade Tab we created in step 2 and from the dropdown box choose Add Menu

Product: v3 Arcade
Active: Yes
Title: Tournaments
Parent: Arcade

6. Now we can populate the dropdown menu, first up is Your Tournaments. In the Navigation Manager you should now see a record for Tournaments (Menu); select Add Link

Product: v3 Arcade
Active: Yes
Title: Your Tournaments
Target URL: /arcadetourmnt.php?do=viewyour
Parent: Tournaments

You now want to create the rest of the tournament links following the same steps but replacing the Title and Target URL as follows -

Title: Tournaments Awaiting Players
Target URL: /arcadetourmnt.php?do=viewwaiting

Title: Active Tournaments
Target URL: /arcadetourmnt.php?do=viewactive

Title: Finished Tournaments
Target URL: /arcadetourmnt.php?do=viewfinished

Title: Start A Tournament
Target URL: /arcadetourmnt.php?do=newtourmnt

7. Now, one final link to create for Edit Your Settings, in the Arcade (Tab) record select Add Link

Active: Yes
Product: v3 Arcade
Title: Edit Your Arcade Settings
Target URL: /profile.php?do=editarcade
Parent: Arcade
I tried this, but when I try to view the links of steps 1-6, it gives me a no permission page.
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Old 05-29-2012, 09:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Amaury25 View Post
I tried this, but when I try to view the links of steps 1-6, it gives me a no permission page.
You will need to set the permissions according to your setup, ie admin, guest, member etc in the Show Permission Name box.

For the AdminCP help
This determines which variable(s) in the vBulletin $show array will be used to decide if the element should be displayed. For instance 'member' means it will only display if $show['member'] is true. Multiple variables can be specified by joining them with a dot. All of them must then be true for the element to display.
Or use https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=283123 for more options.
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Old 05-29-2012, 09:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Gemma View Post
You will need to set the permissions according to your setup, ie admin, guest, member etc in the Show Permission Name box.

For the AdminCP help

Or use https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=283123 for more options.
Fixed it. I had tournaments disabled in the Arcade settings in the Admin CP. I had turned it off when I thought we had the same arcade, the one that had a security issue, that KHV had.
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Old 05-31-2012, 05:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Amaury25 View Post
Fixed it. I had tournaments disabled in the Arcade settings in the Admin CP. I had turned it off when I thought we had the same arcade, the one that had a security issue, that KHV had.
Yeah, that would cause a problem
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Old 06-01-2012, 01:14 AM
doubleclick doubleclick is offline
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Hello -

Where are the links to challenge someone? This was one of my favorite features of v3arcade, but I can't find it anywhere. I would have asked sooner, but I figured it would eventually jump out at me.

I was just playing some games at an ibpro arcade site, and they have have a nifty feature where a challenge link for each game. When you click it, it opens up a popup window where you can select users by username from a dropdown, or use a search box. I suppose there is something similar here, but I can't for the life of me find it.
Attached Images
File Type: gif challenge.gif (4.1 KB, 0 views)
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Old 06-01-2012, 06:39 AM
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Originally Posted by doubleclick View Post
Hello -

Where are the links to challenge someone? This was one of my favorite features of v3arcade, but I can't find it anywhere. I would have asked sooner, but I figured it would eventually jump out at me.

I was just playing some games at an ibpro arcade site, and they have have a nifty feature where a challenge link for each game. When you click it, it opens up a popup window where you can select users by username from a dropdown, or use a search box. I suppose there is something similar here, but I can't for the life of me find it.
I agree with you, the challenge feature is one of the best and unique part of v3 Arcade. Unfortunately, it is somewhat a hidden gem.

Firstly, challenges must be enabled globally. Then each user has the option of enabling/disabling challenges on a personal level. For those that have challenges enabled, the only way to actually challenge them to a game (in vB4) is via the arcade tab in their member profile.
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Old 06-01-2012, 06:35 PM
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wow! that is hidden!

Do you know if they have any plans to unhide this. or if a mod is in the works? I really like the way the method I showed you, that lets you choose your opponent from the droptdown. The only improvement I'd make to their presentation would be to have the challenge in the V3ARCADE_PLAY template, right below the plugin you made to "Add to Favorites". I think that would be the most likely spot for user activity. What do you think?
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Old 06-02-2012, 02:30 PM
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After upgrading to 4.2 my forum didn't load v3arcade.

Your above directions worked for me however I had some problems.

For example you said -

Title: Tournaments Awaiting Players
Target URL: /arcadetourmnt.php?do=viewwaiting

Title: Active Tournaments
Target URL: /arcadetourmnt.php?do=viewactive

Title: Finished Tournaments
Target URL: /arcadetourmnt.php?do=viewfinished

Title: Start A Tournament
Target URL: /arcadetourmnt.php?do=newtourmnt
I did everything 100% but nothing worked, just 404errors.

I then removed all the //// signs and it worked fine, and everything loaded up.
I know you understand the slash sign, but for some people it confuses us.

So the above example should have been -

Title: Tournaments Awaiting Players
Target URL: arcadetourmnt.php?do=viewwaiting

Title: Active Tournaments
Target URL: arcadetourmnt.php?do=viewactive

Title: Finished Tournaments
Target URL: arcadetourmnt.php?do=viewfinished

Title: Start A Tournament
Target URL: arcadetourmnt.php?do=newtourmnt
Note for all noobies, don't paste in the slash sign = remove all of these /

Thanks for this plugin again, it really is fantastic and my users genuinely love it, and have mentioned many many times how much fun they get from it
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Old 06-03-2012, 07:02 PM
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Well, I finally figured out how to move the challenge option out of the basement and somewhere easier to find. Not a rocket science solution, but here it is:

I pasted this into the postbit template:

<b><a href="arcade.php?do=newchallenge&userid={vb:raw post.userid}">Invite {vb:raw post.username} to play a game!</a></b>
Still hope sombody will make the link beside each game, so when a user is playing it, he/she has the option to select a user to challenge like I mentioned above. But making something that fancy is way beyond my abilities.
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Old 06-04-2012, 11:09 AM
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Originally Posted by doubleclick View Post
wow! that is hidden!

Do you know if they have any plans to unhide this. or if a mod is in the works? I really like the way the method I showed you, that lets you choose your opponent from the droptdown. The only improvement I'd make to their presentation would be to have the challenge in the V3ARCADE_PLAY template, right below the plugin you made to "Add to Favorites". I think that would be the most likely spot for user activity. What do you think?
Originally Posted by doubleclick View Post
Well, I finally figured out how to move the challenge option out of the basement and somewhere easier to find. Not a rocket science solution, but here it is:

I pasted this into the postbit template:

<b><a href="arcade.php?do=newchallenge&userid={vb:raw post.userid}">Invite {vb:raw post.username} to play a game!</a></b>
Still hope sombody will make the link beside each game, so when a user is playing it, he/she has the option to select a user to challenge like I mentioned above. But making something that fancy is way beyond my abilities.
I believe the challenge link appears in more places in the vB3 version of the arcade but I think it was just a link in the postbit dropdown menu (similar to what you have posted above) and not within the actual game itself.

Do you know what version of IPB arcade and what version of IPB this was running on so I can take a look, it might give me some ideas.
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