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Tournaments, Ladders & Leagues Manager v4.x
Version: 7.1.0, by bananalive bananalive is offline
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Major Additions - Version: 4.x.x Rating:
Released: 03-22-2010 Last Update: 10-17-2015 Installs: 687
DB Changes Uses Plugins
Additional Files Translations  
No support by the author.

**** Copyright by bananalive.org **** Email: admin [at] bananalive.org

Modification Description
This modification allows you to manage tournaments and ladders on your forum. It provides interactibility both for forum members and forum admin.
Tournament Types:Ladder Description:
Users or teams can join ladders and challenge other players or teams in the ladder. Elo rating system is used which calculates the difficultly of a match according to the players' ranks and this is taken into account when the ranks are updated after the match is finished.
Feature List:
  • General Features
    • All pages are XHTML valid
  • Tournament Features
    • Hall of Fame (Top 10 Tournament Players)
    • Permissions can be set per usergroup
      (AdminCP -> Usergroups -> Usergroup Manager -> {Select Usergroup} -> Tournament Permissions)
    • Tournaments start automatically when no slots are left
    • Tournaments have proper Date/ Time converted to users timezone and DST
    • 3 Tournament Modes: Last Man Standing, Single Elimination, Double Elimination and Round Robin
    • Filter Tournaments Displayed according to Tournament Status
    • Tournament User Stats Page
    • 'Start Tournament' for Single Elimination adds bye players and creates brackets
  • Tournament options
    • Turn on/off tournament
    • Create Thread on Tournament Creation
    • Require check-in before tournaments
    • Tournament Stats in Member Profile
    • Tournament Stats in Postbit (Can be turned on/off in Tournament Options)
    • Comments per page
    • Tournament description length shown in tournament List
  • Tournament Display
    • LMS realtime ranking shows if players are equal positions
    • Tournament View Counter
    • Tournament creator and last edited by notes at bottom of tournament
  • Tournament Moderators can...
    • Add/edit tournament (description uses vBulletin Editor)
    • Edit tournament type if not started yet
    • Add Score type (points, wins, kills, deaths, etc.) for LMS tournaments
    • Tournament mods can remove players if tournament hasn't started
    • Increase/ Decrease Tournament Slots
    • Pm all competitors with custom message and title (permissions set to bypass max pm recipients restrictions)
    • Add players (Ajax/Javascript userid fetch)
    • Swap players in LMS mode
    • Create/ edit/ delete announcements
  • Competitors can...
    • Players can remove themselves if tournament hasn't started
    • Users can PM themselves the details of the tournament
    • Sign up to tournament only once
  • Tournament Comments
    • Uses vBulletin Editor
    • Comment Display with user avatars and last edited by note
    • User able to edit/delete their own comment (subject to permissions)
    • Tournament moderators can edit all comments
    • If applicable under username on comments Tournament Creator, Tournament Competitor or Tournament Winner
    • Comment paging
  • Teams
    • Users can apply to teams
    • Leader can accept/ decline users
    • Team profile shows team stats
    • Team list
    • Can limit teams created by user (in usergroup options)
    • Fields: team website, gamertag, logo, description, slog, tags
  • Team leader can...
    • delete players from his/her team
    • Promote players in his/her team to Leader or Co-Leader
    • Join tournaments
    • Search Free Agents for new team members
  • Ladder Features
    • Elo rating system (Javascript Elo calculator @ ladders.php?do=elorating)
    • Players last activity (date)
    • Winning/ Losing Streak
    • Longest Winning Streak
    • Admin can submit scores/ add challenges
    • Report/ dispute challenges
    • Match Finder
  • Ladder Display
    • leader-board for each ladder
    • last 10 upcoming/ past matches per ladder
    • separate page for accepting/rejecting challenges and submitting score (have to be accepted by other user)
  • Tournament Announcements
    • Tournament Moderators can create/edit announcements
    • Uses forum last visit for announcement read marking
    • Shows last user to edit announcement
  • Categories
    • Share categories for tournaments/ ladders/ leagues
    • Category displays in navbar when viewing ladder/ tournament/ league
  1. Follow instructions included in .zip
  2. Click Install
Premium Features:
  • Pay to play/ credits system
    • Opportunity to earn money for your forum
    • Uses PayPal for payments
  • Support Tickets
  • Leagues into Knockout Stage
  • Live Match Finder
  1. Please post any suggestions/ comments about this modification and I will try and implement them

** Don't forgot to click Mark as Installed **

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File Type: zip vB_Tournaments+Ladders_v6.5.9_LITE.zip (456.5 KB, 435 views)
File Type: zip vB_Tournaments+Ladders_v7.1.0_Lite.zip (462.4 KB, 221 views)

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 05-05-2012, 02:56 PM
bananalive bananalive is offline
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Originally Posted by EBZ2010 View Post
Getting a response reply from the email on premium purchase has taken way to long. Not very good for purchasing a script to receive no reply to email help needed. I sent an email along with multiple screenshots for assistance and no one has answered my need for help. I am not trying to throw anyone under a bus but when there are issues after buying the pro, and the website says if help needed to email them, and no answer comes I get upset and feel that people want to just make money but have no time to assist. You registered to my website bananalive and maybe I can get some help at www.elitebattlezone.com.

Suggestions for improvements:

1. Have the ability to add a background image to player created cards.
2. On paid ladders/tournament have ineligible or eligible icons next to team name. Example: Teams need certain amount of members registered and added to team before they are eligible to participate on ladders/tournaments.
3. Incorporate a crown system for the ladders.
4. Incorporate a rating system for teams and participants.
5. When credits are gifted an email should be sent to gifter and giftee stating what has been gifted.
6. When a participant requests to sell credits a pm sent to admin stating the request to be settle request.
7. Additional percentage values added to select menu in admin options.
8. On PayPal Transaction when sell credits has been processed it does not show a name of who received the sell. It only shows user name when someone buys credits. Can this be corrected to also show user name when selling credits are processed.
I haven't got your email - send it to live.banana [at] gmail [dot] com

1. added to next version

2. you can already set minimum team member limits per ladder/tournament/league

3. what's a crown system?

4. what's the point of rating system?

5. PMs sent on admin gift credits and user gift credits in next version.

7. Additional % for which option? Added some for credits vb options

8. What page are you looking at? Credit sales request table shows usernames
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Old 05-05-2012, 11:16 PM
sutto sutto is offline
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Originally Posted by sutto View Post
Is it possible for the system to support larger tournaments in future releases? Most if not all tournaments our website will run with have > 18 teams.
Hi there,

1. Are you please able to confirm if this will be available in any future releases?

2. Do you maintain a change log for each version release?

3. Can you implement the ability to have multiple rules on the system. Currently there only appears to be the one section. Having them separated would be ideal.

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Old 05-06-2012, 01:29 PM
EBZ2010 EBZ2010 is offline
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Originally Posted by bananalive View Post
I haven't got your email - send it to live.banana [at] gmail [dot] com

1. added to next version

2. you can already set minimum team member limits per ladder/tournament/league

3. what's a crown system?

4. what's the point of rating system?

5. PMs sent on admin gift credits and user gift credits in next version.

7. Additional % for which option? Added some for credits vb options

8. What page are you looking at? Credit sales request table shows usernames
That's awkward as you registered to my website username johnie42 on May 4, 2012 using that email. IP Address goes to York, Great Britain. Non the less I sent you the email once again. Hope to here from you for some assistance!

1. Crown System: Similar to what GameBattles use to do back in the day, and what eliteladders.com has in their scripts. It allows participants on ladders to challenge for the crown. First team signed up on a ladder usually is given the crown, and they must defend it, and win each challenge to keep it. If they lose the team that beats them is new crown holder, and they get challenged. It may give the ladder more activity because a team has something to go after.

2. I did not mean team limits to be on a ladder. What I meant was set the amount of team members needed per team before that team can join a ladder. Example: A ladder is set up for a 12 vs. 12 style matches. A team can not join until they have reached at least 12 members on that team.

3. Rating System: May allow for ladder matches to be rated based on team or single participant review. A higher rating lets other participants see that a challenge to that player may actually be played where as a low rating the match may be void because they do not accept challenges, or just plain bad sportsmanship.

4. % for Credits: Example is that forum keeps % for challenges and tournaments. % jumps from 10% to 15%. Can there be 12% between those to stay competitive with other sites that have % lower than 15% but higher than 10%. Also can there be a % retained for payout rather then a flat fee.

5. When looking at PayPal Transactions it shows the forum username of the member that purchases credits along with other statistics. When a user sells credits and is redeemed by admin it does not show the name in PayPal Transactions. I also noticed on all redeemed sells of credits the Site Ref on all of them is _1. Is that suppose to be _1 for all different PayPal sell transactions?
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Old 05-06-2012, 02:07 PM
BeeMuzza BeeMuzza is offline
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Hey i need a few things done as my halo website is really going to be big in tournaments.

1. If someone wants you in there team and click add member to team, they don't automatically get put in the team.

2. Allow me to put some sort of generator so it chooses maps for the game the tournaments for, e.g map1= Arkaden CTF map2= Dome SnD, Map3= bootleg CTF( This is COD )

3. Also a more advanced reporting system, instead of it just saying " i lost" could we make it i am reporting, i won,lost, and then the actual scores e.g 2-1 1-1 2-0.

If you could do this i would be more than happy as this is really important!
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Old 05-06-2012, 03:06 PM
EBZ2010 EBZ2010 is offline
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When joining a ladder that costs 10 credits it does not take the credits from the participant that joins. On same ladder set for 2 credits each challenge when a challenge is made it shows in Your Credits twice -2.00 for the same challenge. Attached image for review. I also attached image showing my total credits. My ladder process. When does the 10 credits get removed from my credits for joining the ladder? Attached image for review.

1. Gift myself and 1 other member 20 credits.
2. Joined a 10 credit ladder
3. Made one 2 credit challenge
4. My Credits 21.52 which I earned 1.52 credits from my challenge win.

In the next attachment for Credit Transactions you will see my gift to myself and to Member Host for 20 credits. You will see -10.00 twice each for myself joining a ladder, and Member Host joining but does not show names. You will see my challenge which takes 2 from me and 2 from Member host. Last is payout which I get back my 2 plus what I won minus form fee. Is it suppose to show names of users that join ladders?

Other User's Credits: I have attached image which shows current credit amounts. You will see that the 10 credits to join ladder was not removed and I am not sure when it does get removed. Does it get removed once ladder closes? Seems as thou once credits are needed to join a ladder they are removed right then, and those credits belong to forum for either prize payout, or just ladder participation.

Forum Credits Profits: Attached is image showing profit in credits to the forum which is 20.48 credits. I would imagine the 20 is from each 2 participants paying 10 each to join ladder and .48 was fee earned based on the 1 challenge. If this is correct might there be an error or bug in not taking the 10 credits once they join the ladder for which credits are needed to join?

Live Match Finder: I have enabled the Live Match Finder for my account and based on attached image works fine while looking at it in the ladder/tournament script. However when using the widget for Live Match Finder it stats "No players have enabled Live Match." image attached. Could there be a bug in something?

I also enjoy the 5.1.8 improvements.

One last thing and that is with the addition of background image for Player Cards. Is there a certain size in the script that the image is restricted to as I made a player card 460 x 100, and added image for background of same size and it was minimized in the center of the player card with my selected background color showing top, bottom, and side-to-side?

Keep up the great work!!! Waiting for your reply!!!
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Old 05-06-2012, 04:16 PM
bananalive bananalive is offline
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Originally Posted by sutto View Post
Hi there,

1. Are you please able to confirm if this will be available in any future releases?

2. Do you maintain a change log for each version release?

3. Can you implement the ability to have multiple rules on the system. Currently there only appears to be the one section. Having them separated would be ideal.

1. I will increase tournament numbers for round robin (32) and double round robin (16) in v5.2.0

2. Version change log is now on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BananaLive..../2012?filter=1

3. You can set rules per tournament/ladder use bb code [rules]
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Old 05-06-2012, 04:42 PM
bananalive bananalive is offline
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Originally Posted by EBZ2010 View Post
That's awkward as you registered to my website username johnie42 on May 4, 2012 using that email. IP Address goes to York, Great Britain. Non the less I sent you the email once again. Hope to here from you for some assistance!

1. Crown System: Similar to what GameBattles use to do back in the day, and what eliteladders.com has in their scripts. It allows participants on ladders to challenge for the crown. First team signed up on a ladder usually is given the crown, and they must defend it, and win each challenge to keep it. If they lose the team that beats them is new crown holder, and they get challenged. It may give the ladder more activity because a team has something to go after.

2. I did not mean team limits to be on a ladder. What I meant was set the amount of team members needed per team before that team can join a ladder. Example: A ladder is set up for a 12 vs. 12 style matches. A team can not join until they have reached at least 12 members on that team.

3. Rating System: May allow for ladder matches to be rated based on team or single participant review. A higher rating lets other participants see that a challenge to that player may actually be played where as a low rating the match may be void because they do not accept challenges, or just plain bad sportsmanship.

4. % for Credits: Example is that forum keeps % for challenges and tournaments. % jumps from 10% to 15%. Can there be 12% between those to stay competitive with other sites that have % lower than 15% but higher than 10%. Also can there be a % retained for payout rather then a flat fee.

5. When looking at PayPal Transactions it shows the forum username of the member that purchases credits along with other statistics. When a user sells credits and is redeemed by admin it does not show the name in PayPal Transactions. I also noticed on all redeemed sells of credits the Site Ref on all of them is _1. Is that suppose to be _1 for all different PayPal sell transactions?
I don't know why you are trying to be rude/malicious and provoke a response.. but you won't get one!

If you set minimum team levels for ladder, then teams below (e.g.12) won't be able to join the ladder until they have 12 players joined onto their team. Click edit ladder -> min/max team members

Additional % have been added to vbulletin options in latest version.

I've added username into paypal "item_name" and "invoice" has been corrected for v5.2.0+.
e.g. "Credits: username"
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Old 05-06-2012, 04:43 PM
bananalive bananalive is offline
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- increased round robin and double round robin tournament numbers
- round robin results re-design
- bug fix for round robin 16 players algorithm
- paypal item_name/invoice changed
- minor bug fixes
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Old 05-06-2012, 06:52 PM
EBZ2010 EBZ2010 is offline
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Originally Posted by bananalive View Post
I don't know why you are trying to be rude/malicious and provoke a response.. but you won't get one!

If you set minimum team levels for ladder, then teams below (e.g.12) won't be able to join the ladder until they have 12 players joined onto their team. Click edit ladder -> min/max team members

Additional % have been added to vbulletin options in latest version.

I've added username into paypal "item_name" and "invoice" has been corrected for v5.2.0+.
e.g. "Credits: username"
Nothing has been meant to be rude or malicious. I am just real and do not live in a glass bubble. You said you did not get my email which was ironic as you or someone with access to your email account to activate registration registered when I sent it. Based on the registration I just find it odd that you stated you did not get it so how could you have known about my website to register there. Then after the fact of some replies here that user visited again today shortly after my post here. I can understand being busy and even living across the pond 5 to 6 hours ahead of my time zone. Again; none the less, and thank you for the response. It is all gravy, just keep up the great work. My community has been enjoying this mod now for about 2 years.
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Old 05-06-2012, 09:20 PM
EBZ2010 EBZ2010 is offline
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In the Ticket System there are fields that can have text entered into. Attached image and when looking at the ticket after it has been submitted it does not mention any of the information added to the text fields. Is the information that is entered in those text fields suppose to show up in the ticket for the staff to see what was wrong? I created a basic support ticket, filled in all text fields, and don't see any of the information. I have concerns as to if a ticket is created that is basic like my example that just says "Please Help", we would prolong the time to resolve the issue as we have to ask them what they need help with. If the text fields information would populate in the ticket we would see and could start to work on a resolution. Nice update with 5.2.0.
Attached Images
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