The previous site owner is set up a registered user. He was once the admin. The last two times he signed in I could see that he was using the Admin Control panel. How could he be hacking his was in or was there something I missed when I took his admin away. He does not show up as a site leader or moderator. Thanks, Eric
Okay I edited the config.php and took user id 1 out of a special sections. I added myself in to access the admincp log viewer. I scrolled through severel pages of logs and his username was nowhere to be found?
Okay someone hacked the previous owners password and was attempting to get into the admincp. I know who it is and then he decided to log on yesterday afternoon and start to edit alot of the previous owner's post. I had fun last night reverting the database back to Monday 11:30 Pm. I changed the previous owner's password and that fixed it. Now my question is do I have a legal recourse to go after the person that hacked my site?
Okay someone hacked the previous owners password and was attempting to get into the admincp. I know who it is and then he decided to log on yesterday afternoon and start to edit alot of the previous owner's post. I had fun last night reverting the database back to Monday 11:30 Pm. I changed the previous owner's password and that fixed it. Now my question is do I have a legal recourse to go after the person that hacked my site?
That sounds like hell. Quick answer: In all probability, you do have legal recourse. The only question is, do you still have the edited posts and logs of that user, can you identify them IRL, and do you have the time to pursue it? Probably small claims court, but very difficult if they live very far from you.
no point in taking this to court for someone editing a post you would get nothing just ban his ip on the server level
You could probably sue for punitive damages and the time you had to spend reverting the forum... But yeah, putting the lawsuit together wouldn't be worth the time.