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VB Pro Garage Timeslips
Version: 3.0.9, by Dylanblitz Dylanblitz is offline
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Add-On Releases - Version: 4.0.x Rating:
Released: 02-24-2010 Last Update: 09-28-2012 Installs: 260
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations  
No support by the author.

VB Pro Garage Timeslips (formerly CND Garage/Timeslips) is a free vehicle and timeslips add on for vBulletin 4. This is a great way to allow members to show off their rides, whether they are cars, motorcycles, atv's, etc. Site administrators have dozens of options to tailor the way the garage is displayed and the number of vehicles, images and timeslips the user can enter. User vehicle creation is done through a simple screen with dropdowns and simple text fields. Users can enter either miles or km and system will automatically calculate differences for front page statistics.

** New Features **

* SEO Friendly URLs (htaccess only)
* Page Caching - physical html files which make a HUGE reduction in sql queries
* Front Categories - a category system as an alternate front page to the block layout. I believe it will increase the garage ranking in search engines greatly when used with SEO URL's and the included dynamic meta tags.
* Thread Creation - Automatically create new threads in the forum of your choosing with the text of your choosing when a new vehicle is created in the garage.

Main Features

* No vb template modification needed
* Ajax driven menu's to keep load time down if you have a very large lists of makes/models
* Usergroup level permissions to set the amount of vehicles, images, timeslips allowed
* 99.9% of the text is phrased so that it can be translated for multinational sites
* On the fly image/text watermarking ability to make sure images are tied to your site
* Lytebox image presentation

Instructions, tips and more are now in the included chm file. If you have problems with the chm I have the document published at:

The quick and dirty install:
1) Upload all files in the upload folder
2) Import vb_pro_garage.xml into Product Manager
3) Import vb_pro_garage_language_english.xml into Languages & Phrases
4) If you want all makes and models I've collected, import vb_pro_garage_vehicles^^new_install_only.xml into Product Manager

Post Installation
So you don't have to find it in the instructions. After install, there is a button up top in the navbar. This button by default is admin only. This is so you can configure and test without having to close the garage. When you are ready to deploy to the community:
ACP->Settings->Options->Garage General Settings - Set Garage Menu Button to Enabled.

The garage is developed on vb 4.0.7 and tested back to 4.0.0. The garage will run on PHP 5.x+ compiled with GD/GD2 and MySQL 5.x+

Additional options for the garage like adding featured businesses that support your site, fuel tracking, dyno charts, modifications and lots more are included in the commercial version.

Many thanks to Coroner for his stylebridge which led me on a path that saved me hours and hours of template editing

There are a few bugs that you might run into on this version. Instead of working on correcting them in the files and working on getting a new package up here, I'm working on the next version and including the posts that fix the errors here.

Change Log:
v3.0.9 - 09/29/2012
Fixed sql injection problem
Replaced depreciated split function usage
Fixed sql error on image comments
Fixed Make/Model count on front page resetting to 1
Fixed extra unlabeled field on vehicle create/edit (Timeslips only)
Fixed postbit dropdown showing character code
Fixed tables incorrectly set with TYPE instead of ENGINE
Added navigation manager links to product xml

v3.0.8 - 12/9/2010
Fixed missing vehicle comment code

v3.0.7 - 12/1/2010
Fixed error with non existant garage_special_track table

v3.0.6 - 11/21/2010
Fixed who's online error
Fixed map infowindow colors

v3.0.5 - 11/15/2010
Fixed error with member profile vehicle block
Fixed member tab url path
Fixed error on vehicle map with apostrophes in title

v3.0.4a - 11/12/2010
Corrected package error

v3.0.4 - 11/11/2010
Fixed error with front blocks
Fixed style error with vB4.0.8 changes

v3.0.3 - 11/2/2010
Fixed duplicate countries
Fixed vehicle view slideshow image size
Fixed username browse error
Fixed geocode error on missing zip
Fixed postbit error with vehicles that have a apostrophe in the name

v3.0.2 - 10/25/2010
Fixed missing add vehicle button on member profile
Added bbcode capabilities to welcome box on garage front page
Moved vehicle count to db table to ease db queries
Added notification scheduled task to send message to new users about adding a garage entry
Added default clear image for watermark
Fixed code to disregard watermark option if image is missing
Fixed search username error
Updated obsolete data queries
Added SEO Friendly URLS
Added page caching capabilities
Fixed sql error with moving vehicle class and color to new selection on deletion in ACP
Added function to replace non english characters with english characters in ajax selection lists
Added image comments
Added notification for image and vehicle comments
Added option to add page title
Added zip code to vehicle and googlemap
Added ability to disable and ability to hide info for googlemap

Download Now

File Type: zip VB_Pro_Garage_3.0.9_vb4_ts.zip (693.2 KB, 460 views)


File Type: png 01_front_cat.png (133.0 KB, 0 views)
File Type: jpg 01_front.jpg (63.1 KB, 0 views)
File Type: png 02_ajax_image_data.png (62.1 KB, 0 views)
File Type: jpg 02a_browse.jpg (86.8 KB, 0 views)
File Type: jpg 03_add_vehicle.jpg (94.5 KB, 0 views)
File Type: jpg 04_view_vehicle.jpg (89.1 KB, 0 views)
File Type: png 05_add_timeslip.png (24.6 KB, 0 views)
File Type: png 06_view_timeslip.png (18.3 KB, 0 views)

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3 благодарности(ей) от:
brishi, iiioroh, kyroxj

Old 03-13-2012, 10:19 PM
brishi brishi is offline
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Originally Posted by Dylanblitz View Post
A couple users have it running on 4.1.11 without issue. The minor version of vB doesn't make much difference. I don't hook into much of vB so unless the core database code changes, I usually don't have to make changes.

If you get the full version post questions on my site. There are differences between pro and lite and mixing up the support between the two isn't a good idea heh.
Hi Dylan,

OK, The owner of the site really want s to buy this software but right now I am having a couple of issues just with

the free version on my test site
1) Everything installed ok except the language XML file vb_pro_garage_language_english and it returned the

following message:
This file was created using a different version of vBulletin from the one you are running.
Your version: 4.1.11
File version: 3.7.4
Is the pro version an updated version or the same?

2) When I go into the AdminCP>Settings>Options there is a big gap with nothing but white space where the Garage

Options should be. I can click on any of them and they open but all I see are the dots to choose Yes or No and no

other text on the left where the descriptions should be.

I do see the
*[garage_settings]* menu and everything in there seems to be ok except the
*[garage_manage]* and all I see there is a little box with "go" in the middle of each column, but I don't know what
else should be in there but I doubt that is it??
So where to go/what to do from here? Everything else seems to be ok as I don't know what should be there?
Also there is no name showing up on the menu link..

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Old 03-14-2012, 06:00 AM
Dylanblitz Dylanblitz is offline
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Originally Posted by gpinjason View Post
I'm afraid I cannot do that.. I don't have full administrative permissions on the site, I'm just an "assistant" LOL... BUT, I've checked some more, and it's not messing up the code in the postbit anymore, only in the "About Me" section on the member's profile.. ALSO, I've noticed that it's only visible by admins, so the regular members have no idea that it's messing up.

Is the vehicle drop down in the post bit supposed to be visible by everyone, or just admins? because currently it's only visibly by admins.

OH, one more thing, when adding a new vehicle, there is a blank drop down box under the mileage box. I've used Chrome to inspect the element, and it is showing that it's a dropdown for the fuel menus, but it shows up as a blank box. Is there a way to remove this?
The About Me dropdown is an unwanted side effect from using a user profile field for the postbit info. It's only visible to admins.
I updated the mod description with the fixes for the known bugs.
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Old 03-14-2012, 06:02 AM
Dylanblitz Dylanblitz is offline
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Originally Posted by brishi View Post
Hi Dylan,

OK, The owner of the site really want s to buy this software but right now I am having a couple of issues just with

the free version on my test site
1) Everything installed ok except the language XML file vb_pro_garage_language_english and it returned the

following message:
This file was created using a different version of vBulletin from the one you are running.
Your version: 4.1.11
File version: 3.7.4
Is the pro version an updated version or the same?

2) When I go into the AdminCP>Settings>Options there is a big gap with nothing but white space where the Garage

Options should be. I can click on any of them and they open but all I see are the dots to choose Yes or No and no

other text on the left where the descriptions should be.

I do see the
*[garage_settings]* menu and everything in there seems to be ok except the
*[garage_manage]* and all I see there is a little box with "go" in the middle of each column, but I don't know what
else should be in there but I doubt that is it??
So where to go/what to do from here? Everything else seems to be ok as I don't know what should be there?
Also there is no name showing up on the menu link..

The reason the options aren't showing is because the language hasn't been imported. Select Yes to ignore the language version. You aren't updating any out of boxes phrases. Check the instructions if you're not sure, I have a screenshot that shows what settings to select.
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Old 03-14-2012, 10:37 PM
brishi brishi is offline
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Originally Posted by Dylanblitz View Post
The reason the options aren't showing is because the language hasn't been imported. Select Yes to ignore the language version. You aren't updating any out of boxes phrases. Check the instructions if you're not sure, I have a screenshot that shows what settings to select.
OK, well what I did was delete all 3 of the xml files and re-installed them as I did miss the checkbox of Yes to ignore the language version and I got this message which I assume is ok?
The file you attempted to import only contains phrases and none of the settings required. You will be unable to make a new language with this file. but I still can not see the options in the adminCP and am still not able to see any of the descriptions when I click on them. So what do you suggest next? because I would certainly not purchase this if I can not even get the free version to work and it is kind of hard to configure something if you can't see and read what it is that you are configuring, LOL!

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Old 03-14-2012, 11:06 PM
Dylanblitz Dylanblitz is offline
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Originally Posted by brishi View Post
OK, well what I did was delete all 3 of the xml files and re-installed them as I did miss the checkbox of Yes to ignore the language version and I got this message which I assume is ok?
The file you attempted to import only contains phrases and none of the settings required. You will be unable to make a new language with this file. but I still can not see the options in the adminCP and am still not able to see any of the descriptions when I click on them. So what do you suggest next? because I would certainly not purchase this if I can not even get the free version to work and it is kind of hard to configure something if you can't see and read what it is that you are configuring, LOL!

You still aren't doing it correctly, you are creating a new language. Check the screenshots on this page of the documentation.
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Old 03-15-2012, 06:05 AM
brishi brishi is offline
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Originally Posted by Dylanblitz View Post
You still aren't doing it correctly, you are creating a new language. Check the screenshots on this page of the documentation.
OK Dylan you will now be able to sleep at night as I finally got it working right, LOL!! I was not choosing English as the language. Sorry for being such a PITA about this, but I am going to play around with it for a few days and hopefully in that time you won't hear from me...Next step will be purchasing it from you and then dealing with you on your site which you should change on here because if people view your profile it brings them to an old page I believe??

Is this not the correct site? : http://www.vbprogarage.com/ , one last question actually Dylan what mod or how did you get the dropdown menu under "Products"?

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Old 03-15-2012, 06:31 AM
Dylanblitz Dylanblitz is offline
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Originally Posted by brishi View Post
OK Dylan you will now be able to sleep at night as I finally got it working right, LOL!! I was not choosing English as the language. Sorry for being such a PITA about this, but I am going to play around with it for a few days and hopefully in that time you won't hear from me...Next step will be purchasing it from you and then dealing with you on your site which you should change on here because if people view your profile it brings them to an old page I believe??

Is this not the correct site? : http://www.vbprogarage.com/ , one last question actually Dylan what mod or how did you get the dropdown menu under "Products"?

Thanks for reminding me about that, forgot to change the page link.
The Products dropdown is part of an internal Dragonbyte tech software. There is an article on here that shows how to do it or you can get a mod that will let you customize you navigation from the ACP.


NavTab mod
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Old 03-20-2012, 09:39 PM
PRO5OHHO PRO5OHHO is offline
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hey dylan, i was changing up some stylevars last night not paying attn to my garage and......

now the welcome message on the garage page is black just like the background of the page so it can't be seen. And all the description fields, such as color, year, make model, etc. on each car's garage page is also black just like the background. I've been changing style vars for the past three hours to try and get the text to show back up and I swear I've been through every one, but probably not. Oh, I'm 4.1.11.

Do you know what style var I can utilize to change the color of that text?

Just for reference... www.houstonhorsepower.com
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Old 03-24-2012, 08:35 PM
jjdurrant jjdurrant is offline
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Work ok with 4.1.10?
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Old 03-25-2012, 06:38 AM
Dylanblitz Dylanblitz is offline
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Originally Posted by PRO5OHHO View Post
hey dylan, i was changing up some stylevars last night not paying attn to my garage and......

now the welcome message on the garage page is black just like the background of the page so it can't be seen. And all the description fields, such as color, year, make model, etc. on each car's garage page is also black just like the background. I've been changing style vars for the past three hours to try and get the text to show back up and I swear I've been through every one, but probably not. Oh, I'm 4.1.11.

Do you know what style var I can utilize to change the color of that text?

Just for reference... www.houstonhorsepower.com
I'm using Common/body_color for the text.
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