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Old 12-30-2011, 01:11 PM
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Still having very hard time finding vbulletin coder for our requirements..
Tried posting on vb.org paid requests forum as well, but of no help..

Will be very helpful if someone can guide properly. We are ready to pay as per industry rates.
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Old 12-30-2011, 04:37 PM
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Originally Posted by SaN-DeeP View Post
Still having very hard time finding vbulletin coder for our requirements..
Tried posting on vb.org paid requests forum as well, but of no help..

Will be very helpful if someone can guide properly. We are ready to pay as per industry rates.
Remember to keep the topic alive, if it were me I would post once a week w/ a simple "Still looking" and if your not having luck try searching online - the paid request forum here is not the only medium available for finding reputable individuals or companies for that matter who provide quality work.

Now let me take a minute and clarify a few things, this however should be considered a clarification from my perspective only though! What can I say? Well it's simple - this type of work varies and in-turn so do the fees/prices therefor there is no industry standard... the base pay for a PHP Coder? Can you use that as a guide? Probably not or maybe so, either or, neither nor? Well vBulletin is based around that however has more to it, unless you find someone who knows the software you could be paying for a learning curve or other to be honest. This is truly one of those situations where, if your looking for help it's going to take finding the right person for the task or like the old saying "If you want it done right, do it yourself" and if that's not possible then well plainly put you need to "Put your money where your mouth is" and make it happen. If your on a limited budget or other then it's time to consider and realize that your not going to achieve every single customization, new feature, and goal you want on your site unless it's a very short list at that (or see below, find the right person and you will have it all quite possibly ).

Now with all that said I also need to remind others that you can find someone to work on your forum that charges what seems to be outrageous fees or you can find someone who charges nickels and dimes... Either one could be right for you! No seriously, I'm approached all the time and hear negative comments about not wanting to hire someone outside the US or who is in a country not "deemed" this or that and all I have to say is, all it takes is the right PERSON no matter where they are from - If they are honest and good hearted then what does location matter? Don't judge a book by it's cover and don't assume just because someone has a hard time with English (good lord man do you know how complicated it is to learn English versus someone learning another language? It's actually more complicated than other languages so give them a break) does not mean they can't code a fantastic modification. In the least consider everyone yet be cautious and careful while you take a small leap of faith... or not, the point is sometimes things work out however if you never purchase that lottery ticket, you won't have a chance to win big .
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Old 12-30-2011, 07:35 PM
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have you tried posting a request on http://www.elance.com and http://www.freelancer.com? Both these sites will have someone willing to do what you need.
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Old 12-30-2011, 10:54 PM
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If time is not a huge factor in getting things done.

DIY works for me, but you need to take some time to learn.
- tools are here
- search is my friend (lots of time involved for research, trial, error)
- countless hacks to rip apart and reverse engineer on how they work
- rip apart the core of the program
- bend the code to your will !!

If you have an idea of what you want make sure and post it. There are many websites that have people who might help.

I have seen wonderful things happen when a few minds are on a project.
If you make it a public project "hack, modification" for people to try and improve, who knows !

Good luck on your projects and the hunt for a tech who can deliver.
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Old 12-31-2011, 01:21 AM
setishock setishock is offline
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There really should be a central clearing house for coders and designers.
The international society of website coders and designers or the international association of website coders and designers.
To be a member you'd have to know your snizzle about either one (or both) and have high work ethics. I'd require some documentation of what languages you're certified in. Plus your portfolio would have to contain jobs you have done that could be contacted for a review.
It would get a little complicated at first but in the long run if you have some strict policies in place to be a member, that would weed out the fly by nights and ripoff artists. Add to that an application fee and a yearly renewal fee ( subject to a review again) and you have sifted the wheat from the chaff.
In the end the seal you'd get to display on your website would show prospective clients, you know your snizzle, you have it all in one sock, and a strong personal and professional work ethic.

Something to consider. Then complaint threads and crys in the night would vanish...
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Old 12-31-2011, 11:22 AM
nhawk nhawk is offline
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Originally Posted by setishock View Post
There really should be a central clearing house for coders and designers.
The international society of website coders and designers or the international association of website coders and designers.
To be a member you'd have to know your snizzle about either one (or both) and have high work ethics. I'd require some documentation of what languages you're certified in. Plus your portfolio would have to contain jobs you have done that could be contacted for a review.
It would get a little complicated at first but in the long run if you have some strict policies in place to be a member, that would weed out the fly by nights and ripoff artists. Add to that an application fee and a yearly renewal fee ( subject to a review again) and you have sifted the wheat from the chaff.
In the end the seal you'd get to display on your website would show prospective clients, you know your snizzle, you have it all in one sock, and a strong personal and professional work ethic.

Something to consider. Then complaint threads and crys in the night would vanish...
Where have you been?

If anyone is interested...

I have to add that being certified, or being a member of some society/association doesn't guarantee quality. It just means you either passed a test or met the qualifications to join the society/association. A person's work can degrade over time, so even with those type of memberships, always ask for recent work references.

IE: I was a member of the American Institute for Motion Engineeing. Well, I've been out of that field for 11 years now. So, I wouldn't even dream of saying I could still do the work because things have changed over that period of time.
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Old 04-16-2012, 07:58 PM
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Bumping once again, will really appreciated if I am guided in right direction.
Will prefer working with any individual or company as per industry rates..
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Old 04-16-2012, 08:17 PM
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Originally Posted by SaN-DeeP View Post
Bumping once again, will really appreciated if I am guided in right direction.
Will prefer working with any individual or company as per industry rates..
We'd be happy to work with you. Find our contact info and all other relevant info at the site in my signature

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Old 04-16-2012, 09:20 PM
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it's been a long time you made any request, and i'm sure a lot of guys didn't answer your requests because they were unable to handle the job... but asking where they are is not very useful, as most coders i know are just subscribed to the paid requests forum, so they do not read this forum.

you can still contact the main coders here, like me, when they indicate you can in their signature or something...
*(so yes, i'm available from time to time) rofl
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