Version: 1.5, by rellect
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023
Category: Forum Display Enhancements -
Version: 4.1.x
Released: 12-05-2011
Last Update: 02-12-2012
Installs: 182
Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Re-useable Code Translations
No support by the author.
Two columns of categories
If you installed the mod, please "Mark as Installed".
This mod splits the categories list into two columns.
vBulletin 4.0.0 and newer.
You don't have to change anything in the templates/files, just upload the plugin and that's all.
AdminCP > Plugins & Products > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]
Settings: Settings -> Options -> Two columns of categories
- Enable/Disable the hack
- Set the margin between categories
- Disable the hack in specific styles
[06-12-11] v1.0:
First Release [06-12-11] v1.1:
Fix minor bug: the necessary css now loads only in the index
[07-12-11] v1.2:
Fix bug: necessary css now work for who choose save css as files
[08-12-11] v1.3:
The hack works now with all 4.1.X versions
[10-12-11] v1.4:
New Feature: Disable the hack in specific styles
[13-02-12] v1.5:
Optimization of the code
No more one column with 50% width - fixed completely
The hack works now with categories which act as forum
Gap issue fixed!
Future Features (not included in this version):
Ability to choose which categories to split instead of all categories.
I run 1920 x 1080 however I shrink my browser windows down to 1024 x 768 and swap back and forth when doing styles so this should be pretty close:
That's on a fresh 4.1.8 default style and as you can see if you have long thread titles or forum descriptions it might run over into other areas... I feel that this can be easily adjusted using CSS and would depend on if your using a Fluid or Fixed width style and if fixed width it would depend on the width... less would mean more adjustments so it's all aesthetically correct and a larger resolution may show no errors as you initially see in the screenshots the author posted.
Even if on fluid - the problem is how it would look to people who use 1024x768, which is about 20% of the internet users.
I'm also having the same issue with everything bleeding over. I think all my widths sets are all fixed not fluid. Though where in the css does this edit exactly? I think i can do some editing on my own to fix it to match my forums needs
Even if on fluid - the problem is how it would look to people who use 1024x768, which is about 20% of the internet users.
Originally Posted by RellecT
Well, I can suggest 2 solutions:
identify the user's resolution, if it 1024 then
1. hide the sidebar
2. set it back to 1 column
If you would like one of the options,
I'll try add them in the next version
You can also do this, please bear in mind something had to go so it looked halfway decent when using a low resolution so thread/post counts are removed and so are the forum action links i.e. subscribe/rss etc.
not working
Hmm try disabling the subforum management mod you have installed perhaps the one by Valter? Refresh and if it now shows correctly you know it's a conflict between the two otherwise it's something else either way you can disable/enable the one you prefer until a solution is found.
I released a new version that fix a bug for who choose save css as files.
The problem here is that your categories are not actually categories..
They not "act" like a category, they act like a forum.
tomorrow I will try figure out how to apply my hack in this situation.
The problem here is that your css is stored as files..
I've fixed that, download version 1.2 which I just released.
Currently I have no demo to display, sorry
I will release an update for older versions in a few days
Maybe you choose save your css as files, I fixed that in version 1.2 .
please update and see if it work now.
If not, please send me a message.
Thanks, I have placed as a category and is not going well, look
It shows the number of subjects and the last message.
I'm also having the same issue with everything bleeding over. I think all my widths sets are all fixed not fluid. Though where in the css does this edit exactly? I think i can do some editing on my own to fix it to match my forums needs
The hack should work in fluid width and in fixed width.
please send me a url of your forum and I'll check what the problem to fix it.
anyway, the css template is: "rellect_2_column.css"
Originally Posted by FReeSTER
this will be great if you can manage which categories you want to show side by side instead of the entire forums.
Nice idea,
I'll try implement it in the future versions.
Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman
You can also do this, please bear in mind something had to go so it looked halfway decent when using a low resolution so thread/post counts are removed and so are the forum action links i.e. subscribe/rss etc.