Hi there, I looked throughout the ACP (mainly CSS) to see where you could change the forum images and the one that shows there is a new post. But, I don't know how to enable the one that shows a new post is in that area, because I've tested it out to see if it would work. Please, if someone could tell me where, it would mean a lot! Thank you!!!
Either change the name of your old image in the images/statusicon folder then upload a new one and name it exactly the same as the old one or point to your new images folder in Admincp>Styles & Templates>Style Manager>YOUR STYLE>StyleVars and change this setting "Item Status Icon Folder"
I found out how to upload one of the images, but I can't upload the second or some reason. I am doing it via ftp because on the StyleVar part, you can't upload both unless I'm doing something wrong?