Does anybody has any news about Calorie? I've bought 2 mods from her, but I'm not talking for them. As I seen she is not appearing as Administrator any more here, and that's strange as the usal is someone to announce it. I also noticed that she has to be online since April.
When Lynne came on board right after Marco left Kall... I'm not 100% sure ChrisTERiS although if she's not showing as a admin I'm sure there's a good explanation i.e. personal matters or other respectively .
When Lynne came on board right after Marco left Kall... I'm not 100% sure ChrisTERiS although if she's not showing as a admin I'm sure there's a good explanation i.e. personal matters or other respectively .
Just to be good, is ok for me. I'm getting a bad feeling when someone suddently disappears, even if I don't know in person.