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vB Enterprise Translator
Version: 2.4.10, by NLP-er NLP-er is offline
Developer Last Online: Jan 2019 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Major Additions - Version: 4.x.x Rating:
Released: 01-06-2010 Last Update: 08-04-2018 Installs: 344
Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files  
No support by the author.


This is version for vBulletin 4.x of this great mod - which wins MOM
If updating from vBET 2.3.x version - need to uninstall it first.

This mod translates your forum using FREE translations for over 30 languages from Yandex API. It is 100% FREE in version described here (2.x).
Note: using this mod (vBET 2.x) is free and bound by license agreement (see below)

Yandex translation gives you 1 000 000 FREE characters per DAY to translate. Please note that Yandex do not supports all language pairs, but vBET detects automatically which are supported for your forum language.

vBET 3.x released!
Please note that vBET 3.x is developed as separate product line and it is available here: vBET 3.x. Full version is paid, it supports 53 languages each to each translation, using: Google, Microsoft, Apertium, Yandex, SDL BeGlobal and DetectLanguage. It has lot of optimizations for booth performance and translations costs.

LIVE DEMO - note that demo shows functionality of full version (3.x/4.x), which has more features than 2.x
See also screen shots below, for configuration options

- Translation by Yandex (in PRO version supports 53 languages using several translation providers)
- Optimized cache, algorhitms and more performance options - PRO version only
- Translates URLs and RSS - PRO version only
- Supports multi language communities (allows to write in different languages) - PRO version only
- Links appropriate for SEO consensus (configurable) - even without any SEO mod
- Long texts are translated no matter how big those are
- Translation cache (after first translation results are cached and next page generation is much faster)
- Doesn't translate BB codes for code, php and html (must refresh post cache to see effect on existing posts Admin CP -> Maintenance -> Update Counters -> Rebuild Post Cache)
- Easy installation - just upload files and import product file
- Highly configurable and easy configuration - by Admin CP (see screenschots)
- Configurable place for flags - simply select in options where you want to have translation flags. NO MANUAL TEMPLATE MODIFICATION. Supported: Footer-Bottom, Footer-Top, Navbar-Bottom, Navbar-Top, Custom
- Possible custom place for flags - in such case just edit template which you want and add $vbenterprisetranslatorflags
- Translates also archive pages
- Reverse page direction for Arabic, Hebrew and Persian languages
- Not translated save areas - if you need something to be not translated simply edit appropriate template and put it between
<!--START vBET NOT TRANSLATED AREA--> and <!--END vBET NOT TRANSLATED AREA--> (note: you cannot use any mod which removes comments to use this functionality)

1. Download zip package (last release - see index at the end of file name)
2. Upload to your forum directory on server everything inside upload directory
3. Import in vB Admin CP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product -> Choose product file, set Allow Overwrite to yes and click Import
4. Click here: "Mark as Installed" Thanks!
5. Configure in AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> vBulletin Options -> vB Enterprise Translator
You MUST configure at least Forum language and Yandex Translation API key. NOTE that there are some other important options - especially if your forum is in subdirectory or if you use vbSEO.

For MORE INFO and troubleshooting please read first post There is FAQ. So save your time for writing questions which are already answered and get your solution faster

Known issues:
- link for page on which you are doesn't track translation, cause it has same URL as flag for forum default language

ENJOY! :up:

And thanks for nominations

Already donated (great thanks:up:
PossumX, adwade, roymogg, zipperty, CoZmicShReddeR, RedHacker, john devost, mandingo, chris, smnoel, Audax666, Damas, TurkeySub, nectons, Scalemotorcars, TheWite, Cybershaolin, burlesque, Ransy72560, chick, jaryx, linuxututs, cormee, dai-kun x2 :up:, imported_silkroad, Megatr0n, KrisP, CareyCrew, ghisirds, vitoreis, cyc, mosz, CThiessen, actolearn, jaconi, andie215, yahoooh, bollie

LICENSE AGREEMENT - using this mod you agree for those conditions:
- you are NOT allowed to remove credit link under any conditions
- removing credit link means BREAKING LICENSE AGREEMENT and you lose your rights to use this mod
- using it after that is illegal, it is software PIRACY and it will be notified in vBulletin community and other places, including appropriate government/police units in your country
- author of this mod reserves the right to change the terms of this license agreement at any time. Failure to receive notification of a change does not make those changes invalid. A current copy of this license is and will be available here.

Please note that in full vBET version there is possibility to buy branding free license. There is no such possibility in free version included here.

Version history:
2.4.10 Changes:
- Added missing function in 2.4.9
2.4.9 Changes:
- Removed usage of e modifier in preg_replace()
2.4.8 Changes:
- Fixed canonical links
- Fixed issue with SSL verification
2.4.7 Changes:
- Added 48 new languages pairs
- Updated link to Yandex in configuration
- When translation limit is reached now we show original text instead of empty message
2.4.6 Updated link to Yandex API key
2.4.5 Google changed to Yandex translations
2.4.4 Added "Affiliate Program" parameter
2.4.3 Serious bug with encoding corrected - this one was crashing some forums layouts
2.4.2 Tested with vB4.0.1 One new thing - added usercp to Google request according to changes in Google API. Few bugs corrected:
- No translation tracking for css.php
- Corrected bug for url tracking for forums in subdirectory and addresses having this subdirectory
- Resolved issue Call to undefined function vbet_getSupportedTranslations()
2.4.1 vBET integrated with vBSEO 3.5
2.4.0 vBET ready for vBulletin 4.0 Beta release - not tested with vBSEO3.5 yet.
2.3.x and earlier releases history you will find here: vBET 2.3.x for vBulletin 3.8

Download Now

File Type: zip vBET243.zip (48.3 KB, 1579 views)
File Type: zip vBET244.zip (50.5 KB, 582 views)
File Type: zip vBET246.zip (50.7 KB, 155 views)
File Type: zip vBET2410.zip (51.0 KB, 40 views)


File Type: jpg vbenterprisetranslator-flags.jpg (11.3 KB, 0 views)
File Type: jpg vbenterprisetranslator-options1.jpg (114.3 KB, 0 views)
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File Type: jpg vbenterprisetranslator-options3.jpg (89.8 KB, 0 views)
File Type: jpg vbenterprisetranslator-options4.jpg (120.9 KB, 0 views)
File Type: jpg vbenterprisetranslator-options5.jpg (107.2 KB, 0 views)

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
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eTiKeT?, vBarsiv, willie53

Old 10-12-2011, 07:55 PM
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Originally Posted by techanalyst View Post
I had high hopes of having this plugin working for my forums however a number of issues:

1.) Plugin required code manipulation of vbseo, thats not a fix and its not integration, the code manipulation could rick the reliablity of VBSeo, as I cannot get vbseo to state the changes are approved
2.) Propose I basically disable 20 -30 plugins which all work perfect together, if you introduce a plugin that causes other to break.........20 - 30 to 1 is the math, its your plugins issue

Because it causes major plugins and functions to fail, I requested a refund, was told no, and that Im denying their support, only stipulation I put is no code or option manipulation of third part plugins, and they didnt agree

I dont want a forum that when upgrades for plugins come out I need to go through 100s of pages of code to make changes, period

I run all dragonbyte plugins currently, all work perfect, I use the advanced voice tool, photopost pro, vbtube etc etc etc none of those causing me any problem.
Please note that there is no needed to disable other plugins to work with vBET.

Also please note that techieanalyst didn't have to and he really didn't go through 100s of pages of code to make changes.

Please also note that vBET has confirmed and working instructions to integrate with vbseo, photopost and some other plugin and for most plugins any integration is not necessary at all (only for those which are breaking vBulletin architecture - for example do not use global_complete hook).

This post is just SCAM which is SPAMMEd in many places on this forum by one angry man who many times wrote false statements screaming to force us fore refound when there was no reason for that at all.

We hope administration here do not allows for lies and SPAM - his message is SPAMmed:

We already notified this post to administration here and we are waiting this SPAM + SCAM thread to be removed. Hopefully we will not have to show all lies from this guy here.
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Old 10-12-2011, 08:26 PM
techanalyst techanalyst is offline
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They Deleted the Below as Spam

You did offer support, but I cant risk code manipulation, as is my forums works perfect, no errors under my errors.log etc, and of course it would work if I disabled all other plugins :P that defeats the purpose of my forums, right now 20 to 30 plugins are working like clockwork, never an issue, I introduce a new one, SOME seem to have "problems" its like a vote, 20 - 30 to 1, the other 20 - 30 are working, the one introduced causes issues, and these issues remain until what you call Modification of Code (I call if manipulation of code) is done, not saying ALL didnt work, Im saying 20 - 30 worked in harmony, 5/6 once VBet was enabled showed signs of abnormal behavior, upon disabling VBet the behavior was gone.

Upon upgrades, I need to make sure code is set again, your response to that was "Its part of maintanence" you know I did 6 dragon byte updates and all i did was extract them, overrite files and they worked without me having to login, modify etc, i expect plugins to work like that

VBSEO sure gave me some issues at first but these were all out in the open settings, there were no opening php files and replacing variables (Code) with something else. Does VBSEO suppose the changes? Considering VBSEO is responsible for a massively important function of my site (SEO Optimization) I cant risk them not supporting me

This statement is honest, and its from the viewpoint of me the customer, I do not want code modifications that risk support agreements on another modification, this cant be argued.

Im not insulting your product, personally I want something like this, but its currently not going to blend well with our forums. Not blaming software :P

My understanding before purchasing was "Integration with VBSEO" means change some options under control panel, this requires changes to the PHP files, I didnt go looking in the forums, I went to the Buy Now link, if i knew what I knew now I would have waited at a different time to try again.

I would accept support on the following conditions:

1.) No code changes on any other plugins or vbulletin
2.) No disabling other plugins

Btw How is this Spam? How is that a scam, you got over 200 out of me and what I got in return wasnt what I had expected, its fairly simple, i removed it all from my site, I cant and dont want to use it, period, again NOT a scam
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Old 10-15-2011, 10:29 AM
Lee G Lee G is offline
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If any of you guys uninstalling this use vbseo, there are some htaccess rewrite rules on their forum to help limit the damage from any 404's

Touch wood, in ten + days since disabling this mod, my errors have been going down on my google webmasters account
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Old 10-15-2011, 04:39 PM
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Originally Posted by NLP-er View Post
Please note that there is no needed to disable other plugins to work with vBET.

Also please note that techieanalyst didn't have to and he really didn't go through 100s of pages of code to make changes.

Please also note that vBET has confirmed and working instructions to integrate with vbseo, photopost and some other plugin and for most plugins any integration is not necessary at all (only for those which are breaking vBulletin architecture - for example do not use global_complete hook).

This post is just SCAM which is SPAMMEd in many places on this forum by one angry man who many times wrote false statements screaming to force us fore refound when there was no reason for that at all.

We hope administration here do not allows for lies and SPAM - his message is SPAMmed:

We already notified this post to administration here and we are waiting this SPAM + SCAM thread to be removed. Hopefully we will not have to show all lies from this guy here.
I'd think it'd be easier to give the guy who is upset and unhappy a refund for his software instead of trying to combat his bad worth of mouth.
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Old 10-15-2011, 05:07 PM
techanalyst techanalyst is offline
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Originally Posted by Zachery View Post
I'd think it'd be easier to give the guy who is upset and unhappy a refund for his software instead of trying to combat his bad worth of mouth.
Simply put if I knew what I knew now I wouldnt have bought it, I own every dragon byte plugin, (Life Time and Branding Free), with them I notice that I know before I buy what Im getting into before I buy the plugin. I understand bugs Ive had them many times with other plugins and dont mind working with the developer.

When I bought Photopost Pro, VBTube, and every other plugin I knew what was needed before buying.

Calling me a scammer? and a liar?

I found dragon byte plugins through vBulletin.org and I purchased everyone of their plugins and I can tell you I have never once asked them for a refund on anything, they have been amazing to deal with and work with.

My refund request only came after the insults, arrogance :P Teling me I have no valid reason for a refund request? Id like to know what a valid reason is to him.
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Old 10-17-2011, 12:01 PM
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Hello this post refers to SCAM messages SPAMmed by techanalyst in those places:
We do not know why Administration of vBulletin, which was already informed that it is a SCAM, decided to use their forums for 3rd parties conflicts. But we see that it is completely OK here, so we would like to write the truth about techanalyst's messages.

Please not that whole situation is described originally in vBET forum (the right place for it, but vbulletin decided it is OK to put it here). We will give links so everyone can see and judge himself about what happened:
Where techanalyst had issue with vBET because of wrong configuration and integration. He was supported for the beginning. He got mad because as he wrote he just didn't like the way of integration with vbseo and that is why he asked for refund. He was informed that "just because" is not a reason for refund. And since then he started to write lies and blackmail us just to get refund.

So when he wrote here: https://www.vbulletin.com/forum/show...=1#post2219280
I did just that, but I want it here as well for future references, people should go through this kind of thing, these kinds of experiences with vb 3rd party developers puts a bad taste in my mouth for VB
He just lies. The reason is [BBLACKMAIL][/B] - he blackmailed us that he will write bad things about us. And after that he BKACKMAIL us again that he will not remove those SPAM and SCAM messages if we will not refund him. So his messages are stuck of lies.

He SCAM by suggesting that vBET needs 100pages of code changes:
I dont want a forum that when upgrades for plugins come out I need to go through 100s of pages of code to make changes, period
He knows perfectly that this is not needed, because we informed him about this several times before (see original issue link), that vBET do not need any changes for most other mods and no changes at all to use it with vBulletin. And vbseo integration needs code changes in 2 files. So as you see yourself what techanalyst is writing is just a SCAM

Also probably he tried to use FRAUD when he claimed he has other issue:
Where he claims that he has issue with vBET which never was find in any customer, newer was seen on his forum by vBET team, and it is not reproducible on vBET test forums. Asked for access details he started to made up any possible excuses and just start write lies and made up reasons for refund, where there was no any reason for refund. At the end he opened another thread:
Where he wrote that he will give us access giving conditions which we already confirmed him before that we will respect it (see previous thread). And when he was assured that all those conditions will be onored, he claimed that he can predict the future and he knows for sure that we will break those conditions. At this moment his issue is considered as possible FRAUD just to swindle refund because it is issue which is not confirmed that it even exists and he was just making excuses to not show it even after he claimd that he agree to show it.

So as all can see techanalyst is person who use terror, blackmail and lies just get what he want. techanalyst is also very VULGAR and VAILENT person we had to remove from his threads vulgar words and acts of valiance (like description about splitting our staff in face...).

And this whole thing with SCAM messages is nothing just a tool for blackmail. He lies that he is doing it for other users.
There is nothing we are shame about. We are proud that we offer him support ALL THE TIME even after blackmails, lies and insults. We will not allow to use TERROR and fraud just to get refund. We have no idea why vbulletin staff decided that it is OK to use their forum for SCAM, but we have to accept it since it is their forum and only thing we can do there is to write true. We hope that if vbulletin staff allows for SCAM about 3rd party issues then it will allow for true about it.
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Old 10-17-2011, 03:06 PM
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He knows perfectly that this is not needed, because we informed him about this several times before (see original issue link), that vBET do not need any changes for most other mods and no changes at all to use it with vBulletin. And vbseo integration needs code changes in 2 files. So as you see yourself what techanalyst is writing is just a SCAM
So you was already several times confirmed that we will made NO CODE or OPTION CHANGES to and other plugins running. Also we will DISSABLE NOTHING. Just as you wanted.
So once again - WE WILL NOT CHANGE other plugins configuration nor code nor disable anything.
So.. when you told him (twice or more) that there would be no code or plugin changes, did you have a reason to lie?
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Old 10-18-2011, 12:23 AM
techanalyst techanalyst is offline
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Originally Posted by NLP-er View Post
Hello this post refers to SCAM messages SPAMmed by techanalyst in those places:
We do not know why Administration of vBulletin, which was already informed that it is a SCAM, decided to use their forums for 3rd parties conflicts. But we see that it is completely OK here, so we would like to write the truth about techanalyst's messages.

Please not that whole situation is described originally in vBET forum (the right place for it, but vbulletin decided it is OK to put it here). We will give links so everyone can see and judge himself about what happened:
Where techanalyst had issue with vBET because of wrong configuration and integration. He was supported for the beginning. He got mad because as he wrote he just didn't like the way of integration with vbseo and that is why he asked for refund. He was informed that "just because" is not a reason for refund. And since then he started to write lies and blackmail us just to get refund.

So when he wrote here: https://www.vbulletin.com/forum/show...=1#post2219280

He just lies. The reason is [BBLACKMAIL][/B] - he blackmailed us that he will write bad things about us. And after that he BKACKMAIL us again that he will not remove those SPAM and SCAM messages if we will not refund him. So his messages are stuck of lies.

He SCAM by suggesting that vBET needs 100pages of code changes:

He knows perfectly that this is not needed, because we informed him about this several times before (see original issue link), that vBET do not need any changes for most other mods and no changes at all to use it with vBulletin. And vbseo integration needs code changes in 2 files. So as you see yourself what techanalyst is writing is just a SCAM

Also probably he tried to use FRAUD when he claimed he has other issue:
Where he claims that he has issue with vBET which never was find in any customer, newer was seen on his forum by vBET team, and it is not reproducible on vBET test forums. Asked for access details he started to made up any possible excuses and just start write lies and made up reasons for refund, where there was no any reason for refund. At the end he opened another thread:
Where he wrote that he will give us access giving conditions which we already confirmed him before that we will respect it (see previous thread). And when he was assured that all those conditions will be onored, he claimed that he can predict the future and he knows for sure that we will break those conditions. At this moment his issue is considered as possible FRAUD just to swindle refund because it is issue which is not confirmed that it even exists and he was just making excuses to not show it even after he claimd that he agree to show it.

So as all can see techanalyst is person who use terror, blackmail and lies just get what he want. techanalyst is also very VULGAR and VAILENT person we had to remove from his threads vulgar words and acts of valiance (like description about splitting our staff in face...).

And this whole thing with SCAM messages is nothing just a tool for blackmail. He lies that he is doing it for other users.
There is nothing we are shame about. We are proud that we offer him support ALL THE TIME even after blackmails, lies and insults. We will not allow to use TERROR and fraud just to get refund. We have no idea why vbulletin staff decided that it is OK to use their forum for SCAM, but we have to accept it since it is their forum and only thing we can do there is to write true. We hope that if vbulletin staff allows for SCAM about 3rd party issues then it will allow for true about it.
Im am awesome scammer I said keep my money just make sure going forward to tell the people they MAY NEED to make changes.

You keep calling it a scam buddy but its not, ask any other plugin maker if they had an issue with me, none have except you, what does that tell you?

You deleted all my posts on your forum when I attempted to get a clarification, you edited the messages to make it sound worse but my end arguement was this:

1.) I had some plugins that were having issues once VBET was enabled
2.) Integration vs CODE manipulation, the code CHANGES YOU told me to make, I created a ticket with VBSEO and I was told they possibly wouldnt support me going forward if I have issue, I pointed out VBSEO is essential to my site.
3.) I pointed out each time I did an upgrade on a plugin that was manually edited, I would have to manually edit it after an upgrade, which isnt convenient, meaning ANY plugin requiring a change would run into the same issue

Thats not a lie, thats not a scam, KEEP MY MONEY just simply PUT THOSE WORDS in a message before people hit buy now! Why is it Dragon Byte, VBTube, Photopost pro etc etc etc all put these as notes, links or SOMETHING before you hit BUY SOFTWARE

Thats not a scam, thats not a lie :P

I will tell you what a lie and scam is, editing the posts on your own forum, manipulating them to make it sound like I ignored all your posts, you removed all your insulting posts about seeing a therapist for anger issues etc seriously man not only are you the largest sack of **** ive met online or had a business dealing with but your also the most pathetic

EDIT - You did offer support, but of course you deleted most of the responses where you said "You might have to make TEMP code changes etc to other plugins". My worry here was that Id give you access, then youd look for reason to blame the other mods made by other devs, which you seemed to try and do before seeing the actual problem. Im sorry but I dont want to chance you changing things, VBSEO, VBulletin, Dragon Byte, my SEO guy my ThemeMaker all have god rights to the forums and I dont even blink at considering they would manipulate code of anything else, with you after ORIGINALLY RESPONDING (you deleted all those posts), you constantly used the term "Temp changes" "May have to" etc etc my other plugins work awesome man, WHY would I want to pssibly affect them for your, 20/30 working in perfection, introduce your and a number of them had issues, are they at fault? Three months running no issues vs VBet installed instant problems?

I never said you didnt offer support, Im just not going to risk the integrity of reputation of the other plugins I purchased. Your ATTITUDE is what triggered my demand for refund, your arrogance, ignorance, insulting etc etc, simply put as a customer, if I dont WANT TO DO BUSINESS WITH YOU I can take my money and go elsewhere. Instead you have my 200+ USDs and I literally have nothing to show for it :P Ive even deleted the emails etc, look at my site do you see it installed? A scammer usually tries to get something out of it for themselves, I was asking for "MY" money back

Keep my money man, but in the future just do what others do, reference a link with config changes required, possible problems etc, If i know I save ONE PERSON from this bs then my stupidity for not researching more before hand and loosing 200+ is worth it.

BTW is I was a scammer why wouldnt I just do a chargeback :P I havent and wont, again Im such a scammer and blackmailer. Paypal does that "Not As Expected" for reasons I can use as a charge back, which I can do, however its my own fault for not resaerching more, you as the vendor clearly think I shouldnt get a refund, so all Im asking now is to make people aware of the facts, you ask them to make a code change without warning them that VBSEO will not support it :P Come on, thats a common sense thing that the other plugin developers do, why cant you? Are you above everyone else?

Here was my MAIN POINT for Refund, you DIDNT WARN that the INTEGRATION requirements MAY VOID SUPPORT FROM VBSEO
I asked

"Ok how about the fact that VBSeo finally replied to me stating they would not support my VBSeo anymore by making those changes

VBSeo is an essential plugin of my site, so I want a refund because VBSeo wont support my install if I make changes to their code, you dont state the support issue in your license agreement either"

You responded

"Refusing support from vBSEO is not a reason for refound their service license says clearly:

We reserve the right to limit support services under any condition for any reason Basically they can refuse you support just because ("under any condition") - now you should write about them how bad they are and so on... Isn't it your way of handling issues?..."

They refused you support not us. We will be glad to support you and once again our support is free"

Integration means to work together and as such would be supported, code manipulation = no support :P that was my arguement

Just to clarify, I said if you and I were face to face and you talked to like like you did "Seek a therapist" I would spit in your face :P I dont deny saying that, I said "Your Face" your staff wasnt rude and arrogant, just you.
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Old 10-18-2011, 12:49 AM
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I believe you can both agree this has simply gotten out of hand. Do not make another post on the matter referencing each other or hinting in the least, stick to private messages if you must and in a worst case scenario use the ignore user feature if desired.
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Old 10-18-2011, 11:08 AM
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WARNING: This is not the place to discuss support for a paid add-on.
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  • (1)footer
  • (1)forumjump
  • (1)forumrules
  • (1)gobutton
  • (1)header
  • (1)headinclude
  • (1)modsystem_post
  • (1)navbar
  • (4)navbar_link
  • (120)option
  • (1)pagenav
  • (1)pagenav_curpage
  • (4)pagenav_pagelink
  • (1)pagenav_pagelinkrel
  • (11)post_thanks_box
  • (5)post_thanks_box_bit
  • (11)post_thanks_button
  • (1)post_thanks_javascript
  • (1)post_thanks_navbar_search
  • (3)post_thanks_postbit
  • (11)post_thanks_postbit_info
  • (10)postbit
  • (10)postbit_attachment
  • (11)postbit_onlinestatus
  • (11)postbit_wrapper
  • (1)spacer_close
  • (1)spacer_open
  • (1)tagbit_wrapper 

Phrase Groups Available:
  • global
  • inlinemod
  • postbit
  • posting
  • reputationlevel
  • showthread
Included Files:
  • ./showthread.php
  • ./global.php
  • ./includes/init.php
  • ./includes/class_core.php
  • ./includes/config.php
  • ./includes/functions.php
  • ./includes/class_hook.php
  • ./includes/modsystem_functions.php
  • ./includes/functions_bigthree.php
  • ./includes/class_postbit.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode.php
  • ./includes/functions_reputation.php
  • ./includes/functions_post_thanks.php 

Hooks Called:
  • init_startup
  • init_startup_session_setup_start
  • init_startup_session_setup_complete
  • cache_permissions
  • fetch_postinfo_query
  • fetch_postinfo
  • fetch_threadinfo_query
  • fetch_threadinfo
  • fetch_foruminfo
  • style_fetch
  • cache_templates
  • global_start
  • parse_templates
  • global_setup_complete
  • showthread_start
  • showthread_getinfo
  • forumjump
  • showthread_post_start
  • showthread_query_postids
  • showthread_query
  • bbcode_fetch_tags
  • bbcode_create
  • showthread_postbit_create
  • postbit_factory
  • postbit_display_start
  • post_thanks_function_post_thanks_off_start
  • post_thanks_function_post_thanks_off_end
  • post_thanks_function_fetch_thanks_start
  • fetch_musername
  • post_thanks_function_fetch_thanks_end
  • post_thanks_function_thanked_already_start
  • post_thanks_function_thanked_already_end
  • post_thanks_function_fetch_thanks_bit_start
  • post_thanks_function_show_thanks_date_start
  • post_thanks_function_show_thanks_date_end
  • post_thanks_function_fetch_thanks_bit_end
  • post_thanks_function_fetch_post_thanks_template_start
  • post_thanks_function_fetch_post_thanks_template_end
  • postbit_imicons
  • bbcode_parse_start
  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • postbit_attachment
  • postbit_display_complete
  • post_thanks_function_can_thank_this_post_start
  • pagenav_page
  • pagenav_complete
  • tag_fetchbit_complete
  • forumrules
  • navbits
  • navbits_complete
  • showthread_complete