I have a header request...I am good with the car grahics just not the text...I would like some three-d version of the text with a good color match for all three styles that I run on my site...here are three screen shots of the three different sytles..I want the text to pop...as you can see in the black and black/red styles you can't even see it..I usually view in the vb4 default but some of my members use the other screens which I really don't care for...later on change...the colors have to be light and I don't mind white and blue..PM me if you need more info...I link to my site can be found in my profile. Thanks
--------------- Added [DATE]1313813290[/DATE] at [TIME]1313813290[/TIME] ---------------
Okay I read the rules again...I might get slapped by a moderator but I have money to pay for help or if you do this for free I will pay you for redoing the whole banner with some new car graphics