How do I make the image in the article preview in the CMS page larger? I know there must be a template for it, but I could never figure it out. Please help.
After this most recent upgrade, my cms article preview image size shrunk way down. I went back to stylevar,and changed the article_preview_image_maxsize, but it has no affect anymore. I tried everything else that sounded similar (like thumnail max size, etc)
Anyone else having this problem?
Edit: When I use an outside link and not one that its uploaded to my site, the preview image is a good size. But it still seems to be broken with images that my website is hosting.
Lets keep this alive !!! i have the same problem, even in the the main artical the photo is smaller i would love have the photos to the orginal size, i can always shrink it in photo studio if i need too.