I had to do that once as well Luckily I don't use ICQ any more (use Trillian instead) so I don't have to worry about their program messing things up and taking too many resources.
I tired Trillian as well before... but it was just too different. I guess it needs some getting used to... that's also why I don't use WinXP. So different.
i got trilian but i dont use it cuz i cant figure out how to sort the icq list according to online status, like those who are online are at the top and below them are the n/a and then away and so on.
ICQ is so full of bugs and ads that it isn't worth using any more. Give Trillian another try Chen
DjSap: There is a way because that's how mine is sorted. But I've got no idea how I did it Check the options section thoroughly and it'll probably be there somewhere.