Version: 1.2, by XManuX
Developer Last Online: Nov 2013
Category: vBulletin CMS Widgets -
Version: 4.0.2
Released: 03-08-2010
Last Update: Never
Installs: 202
Template Edits
Re-useable Code Translations Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
What it does ?
This widget displays a thumbnail image, taken randomly from any public albums and adds a "More..." link redirecting to albums.
Clicking on the thumbnail opens full sized picture in its current album.
Version history : 1.0: Initial release 1.1: Style can now be independant of template modification / Added option to display more than one thumbnail / Added option to define a custom size for the thumbnails. 1.2: You can now restrict picture fetching to a list of albums / Added fixes to the request.
Install instructions : 1- Go in to your AdminCP > vBulletin CMS > Widgets > Create new widget 2- Choose type 'PHP direct execution' 3- Give it a name (i.e: Random Picture) 4- Give it a description (i.e Random picture from public albums) 5- Save it 6- Configure it with the following code (copy/paste)
PHP Code:
// Display random images thumbnails taken from any public albums.
// Author : Sulquendi
// Version: 1.2
$albums_list :
define a list of albums IDs (coma-separated list) to use, when taking a picture randomly.
You can also specify only one ID. note: if you leave this variable empty, ALL public albums will be used.
$use_vB_thumbnail_size : false = the widget will use $twidth to set up the width of the thumbnail. true = default vBulletin thumbnail size will be used.
Width of a thumbnail (in pixel.)
will only be used if $use_vB_thumbnail_size is set to false.
# of thumbnails you want to display in the widget.
$use_custom_css false = the styling of widget elements will be performed inside the widget itself (using style="" html tag.) true = the styling will be performed by CSS, thus a template needs to be manually edited : vbcms.css
hmmm, when not logged in the thumbnails are just white boxes - any way to make it so that thumbnails show on when not logged in. Have it on homepage of
I was being a bit thick - changed usergroup permissions on not logged in to be able to view public albums and now works like a charm at
I would like to figure out how to stack the images horizontally. I was playing with the CSS and was able to get them to stack with float:left, but the widget content area would not expand with the series.
I tried to add in a DIV to consolidated the widget into one box, but I lack the skills to add that int he PHP code. I played with this for 4 hours.
become 4.17 Patch 2 the following Error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /srv/www/vhosts/ : eval()'d code on line 1