It allows users to quickly quote selected parts of a post inline. Simply highlight some text, and the quote option will appear. As of v1.1, social groups are also supported, but the quoting will only work properly if you have this template mod installed.
On my board, this is one of my users' favorite features!
Note: this requires quick reply to be on and your showthread template must have the $template_hook['showthread_after_activeusers'] hook! To check if the mod is working, view the page of any showthread page and search for 'iquote'. If there are no matches, then the template hook isn't there.
Installation instructions are provided in the zip. Enjoy!
Is there any way to have it jump down to the quick-reply box once a user selects some text to quote?
(this would avoid having the user manually scroll down to the quick-reply portion to see the text)
An update on this:
While I won't be implementing this feature because users on my board almost always use it to multi-quote, this is very easy to add if you know some basic JS (which I've picked up since the original release of this mod ).
In the main event handler, right before the final return statement, simply add this line:
While I won't be implementing this feature because users on my board almost always use it to multi-quote, this is very easy to add if you know some basic JS (which I've picked up since the original release of this mod ).
In the main event handler, right before the final return statement, simply add this line:
Finnaly I get this on 3.8 Iupii Installed and working like a charm. Unfortunately I am newbie in basic JS and cant find the place where to add the line you said.
It would be great to say it in the usual format:
In file :
Find: ....
After add: window.location.hash='qrform';
You might solve all problems if this line is not coming in effect if you hold CTR (o other key) so you can multi quote (if you hold CTRL) and reposition the page to quick answer as it is obvious you want to reply to something you quoted
Or you can add another link in menu appearing, quick multiquote or single multiquote (obvious what each will do). I can run wild and wished for a quote this in a PM to user link too... I am using this mod (quote message in a PM to user that is very handy) ....
Many thanks for this as it is one of the handiest mods I have ever used on vb4 and did not have (yet) on 3.8
Voted, installed and best mark for you.
This interactivity with the content should be the new direction vb should go ...
// scroll to saved position if possible
if (false !== s)
window.scrollTo( s[0], s[1] );
// Verify that page is scrolled, otherwise try again (make sense for IE & Opera only)
window.setTimeout( function() {
var s_now = iQuote.getScrollXY();
if ( s_now[0] != s[0] || s_now[1] != s[1] )
window.scrollTo( s[0], s[1] );
}, 10 );
return false;
Many thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I have not find the code to replace.
Can you please specify the file that needs to be edited. I have looked in all files from upload folder.
Sorry for coming so late but I was caught in many other projects.