I dont have an answer to your question but i noticed something i have been trying to figure out that http://www.ipadforums.net/ has that i have been trying to figure out how to do. How/what news /announcement module do they use?
Does it look the same as www.edgegamers.org? cuz i have seen multiple sites with this type of announcement and i really like it but i cant find the module to save my life
How does that work? The news archive thing. I dont see any news threads that they use for their site. It seems like its a totally different news section.
they both have the same announcement type of thing. If you go to their forums its not pulling any sort of thread atleast not from what i can see. I would really like to know how they are doing it. I feel like it is some announcement/news module. I like how you can reply to it but its not a thread... its more of its own thing. I dont really know how to explain it. I hope you can help me though