If you read my first message you'd see what happened. It's cause and effect. When Zend Optimizer was disabled, the search functionality was restored. Why do I have to explain this?
I was commenting in this asinine theory:
In theory, when you change PHP versions, it should uncheck things that aren't compatible and not allow them to be installed.
But, no biggie. You won't hear from me the next time you do something ignorant.
But, no biggie. You won't hear from me the next time you do something ignorant.
You provided no help. Nobody did. I worked it out. I'll report the EasyApache bug to cPanel.
The only ignorance I see he is the reflection of your nasty attitude. Take a sedative, or just don't respond unless you have something useful to contribute.
I've reported bugs to cPanel previously that have been accepted and fixed. It does appear you're just trolling for trouble; if you pulled this nonsense on my forums, you be banned by now. Have a nice day. I'm done with you, and I hope the moderators will agree.
But it is not a bug. You're not understanding. There is no way that EasyApache can know that Zend Optimizer doesn't work with certain things when it will work fine with other things. That was the only point I was making.
But, I digress. You have the mindset that it is a bug, so until they straighten you out that it is not a bug, nothing else can be said. Good luck with that.