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iPhone / Android / webOS / WP7 / BlackBerry for vB - Tapatalk
Version: 3.9.2, by yellowpeter yellowpeter is offline
Developer Last Online: Apr 2015 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Major Additions - Version: 4.x.x Rating:
Released: 01-06-2010 Last Update: 02-12-2012 Installs: 949
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No support by the author.

** Over 28000 forums installed!**

TipB 5 Stars Review: http://www.tipb.com/2010/09/28/tapat...ne-app-review/

YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWnkYF72nLE

What is Tapatalk?

Tapatalk is a vBulletin mod that allows your users to browse your forum using a native mobile application. Tapatalk supports iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, webOS and Windows Phone 7. It provides super-fast access to your forum and allows your members to participate more in your forum while on the go.

Why Tapatalk?

  • Only one MOD installation to support all mobile devices including iPhone, Android, WebOS, Windows Phone 7 and BlackBerry.
  • Forum API - build your own app or server-side integration with well-documented Tapatalk API, enjoy quality forum app from third-party developers, beyond what Tapatalk internal team can offer.
  • Well-tested. This MOD has been installed in over 28000 forums, including some of the very large forums with 2 million members with over 10,000 online users. This app is designed to scale
  • Tapatalk allows you to put your sponsored banner into the app so you don't lose potential revenue **NEW**
  • Analytics support - you get too see how many users are accessing your forum from the Tapatalk app

Download Tapatalk mobile app

** iPhone/iPod AppDownload here.
** iPad HD AppDownload here.
** BlackBerry App! Download here.
** Andriod version is available at Android Market! - ** 4 stars review - Top 1 Social Android app! Download now and see why we are the best forum app!

Installation Instruction:

Installation is easy. It does not change any of your forum settings or overwrite any
of your existing forum code and configuration. Simply follow the procedure below:

Step 1

Create yourself an account at http://www.tapatalk.com/plugin.php. Once you have logged in
to the website, you can download the largest version. If you are not sure you are
using the latest version. Download a new one from
http://www.tapatalk.com/download.php. You can follow the rest of the instruction
from tapatalk.com onward if you want. Otherwise read on:

Step 2

Upload the zip package at the root of your forum system.
Unzip the package. You should see a directory called "mobiquo" inside your forum
system root directory. For example, if your forum URL is http://www.mysite.com/forum,
it should be placed at http://www.mysite.com/forum/mobiquo/.

Step 3

Login to Administration Control Panel (admincp) in your server.
Choose "Style Manager" under "Styles and Templates".
Choose "Edit Template" in your current template.
Click "Edit" in your current template
Choose "headinclude" in the list, click "Edit"
At the bottom of the editor, insert the following line:
<script type="text/javascript" src="mobiquo/tapatalkdetect.js"></script>
Click "Save".

Step 4

Visit http://www.tapatalk.com/addforum.php to enter your forum URL and upload you forum
logo there. It will allow end-user to find his way to your forum using the Tapatalk

Step 5

Visit http://www.tapatalk.com/landing.php to confirm the setup so you can select
whether you want to publish your site to the public listing or you want to set it up
so it is complete private to other end users.


Showing New and Unread Thread with Avatar and Number of reply:

Images are thread are converted to thumbnail and allow full-screen viewing

Ability to see Who's Online and what they are doing:

Ability to search by topics and posts:

Ability to upload images directly from Android and iPhone!:

Download Now

File Type: zip mobiquo_vb40_3_9_1.zip (760.9 KB, 107 views)
File Type: zip mobiquo_vb40_3_9_2.zip (762.2 KB, 548 views)

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
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BCP Hung, ChuanSE, FinalFantasy, RichieBoy67, sarasotarepub

Old 04-17-2011, 12:11 PM
fly fly is offline
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Originally Posted by Jennifer2010 View Post
vBulletin has an "Official Mobile Style" built in now


There is 0 difference in functionality between a mobile style like this and Tapatalk. Call Tapatalk an app, sure, all it is is a browser unique to forums who have it installed. The difference being a mobile skin is displayed to every single visitor who visits, for free, without having to pay or download anything.
There is actually a ton of difference as far as usability. You wouldn't know, because you haven't bought the app, so you really cant jump to these conclusions.

Originally Posted by Jennifer2010 View Post
Ah, here we go!


This is exactly what I've been preaching the ENTIRE time. The vBulletin people are not stupid, thank God. Anyone who gets a decent amount of mobile traffic would be nuts to think that offering a paid app is good business. It's completely the opposite. The only time it would be good business is if YOU were the one capitalizing from app sales - not some cheesy app company.

This blows Tapatalk completely out of the water. Ah, such a nice thing to discover. Now I don't have to pay an app developer! W00t!
Except it only works for vBulletin forums. If you have vBulletin forum goers with a smartphone, chances are that a good portion of them already own Tapatalk for other forums.

edit: But in truth, you should install them ALL. Its never a good idea to inhibit your users.
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Old 04-17-2011, 02:31 PM
Jennifer2010 Jennifer2010 is offline
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Originally Posted by fly View Post
There is actually a ton of difference as far as usability. You wouldn't know, because you haven't bought the app, so you really cant jump to these conclusions.
If you're going to call me out for jumping to conclusions then rebuttal what I said with evidence. If there's a ton of differences as far as usability, what are they? You would think Tapatalk would state these vast differences somewhere
(eg. their website or app store). Unfortunately the only feature list I've been able to dig up is on the app store which goes through a short list of very basic features such as the app supports image uploading, private messaging, etc. All of my users can do that already - they don't need an app to do it. What can a user do with Tapatalk that they can't do with my site already?

Originally Posted by fly View Post
Except it only works for vBulletin forums. If you have vBulletin forum goers with a smartphone, chances are that a good portion of them already own Tapatalk for other forums.
I get 500+ mobile hits to my site per day. Less than 1% of them have Tapatalk. With the vBulletin app, the app is FREE to your users and BRANDED with your name. I've kept Tapatalk installed and removed the prompt simply because I do occasionally see Tapatalk users hit my site and become members - which as of now is the only advantage I see of keeping it installed.

Originally Posted by fly View Post
edit: But in truth, you should install them ALL. Its never a good idea to inhibit your users.
So I think in a nutshell this would conclude that:

1. You should have a mobile theme/style on your site
2. Tapatalk is only useful for their database (Yep, you agreed, )
3. The custom vBulletin app to give or sell to your users for free is the way to go...

I mean, if a non tapatalk user came to your site - what would you want them to have? $2.99 tapatalk app or your own custom app for free :P
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Old 04-17-2011, 02:51 PM
fly fly is offline
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Originally Posted by Jennifer2010 View Post
If you're going to call me out for jumping to conclusions then rebuttal what I said with evidence. If there's a ton of differences as far as usability, what are they? You would think Tapatalk would state these vast differences somewhere
(eg. their website or app store). Unfortunately the only feature list I've been able to dig up is on the app store which goes through a short list of very basic features such as the app supports image uploading, private messaging, etc. All of my users can do that already - they don't need an app to do it. What can a user do with Tapatalk that they can't do with my site already?
We can argue about this forever, if you want. Yes, they all function the same. Duh. But I, and obviously many others, prefer the FORM of the Tapatalk app. Use which ever one is easier for you.

I get 500+ mobile hits to my site per day. Less than 1% of them have Tapatalk. With the vBulletin app, the app is FREE to your users and BRANDED with your name. I've kept Tapatalk installed and removed the prompt simply because I do occasionally see Tapatalk users hit my site and become members - which as of now is the only advantage I see of keeping it installed.
You can thank me now for the tip on how to remove the javascript. I'm waiting...

So I think in a nutshell this would conclude that:

1. You should have a mobile theme/style on your site
2. Tapatalk is only useful for their database (Yep, you agreed, )
3. The custom vBulletin app to give or sell to your users for free is the way to go...

I mean, if a non tapatalk user came to your site - what would you want them to have? $2.99 tapatalk app or your own custom app for free :P
1. Duh
2. I never agreed to that. How big was the bus you rode to school?
3. Yes. Along with tapatalk and a mobile theme, etc.

And its not about what I want my users to have. Its about what's most convenient for them. If they would rather use Tapatalk then install 6 different apps to read 6 different forums, then thats what I want them to do.
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Old 04-17-2011, 03:21 PM
Jennifer2010 Jennifer2010 is offline
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Originally Posted by fly View Post
We can argue about this forever, if you want. Yes, they all function the same. Duh. But I, and obviously many others, prefer the FORM of the Tapatalk app. Use which ever one is easier for you.
Ok so you call me out for jumping to conclusions, then I ask you to provide me with details and all you have to say is "They all function the same. Duh"? That pretty much says it all.

Originally Posted by fly View Post
You can thank me now for the tip on how to remove the javascript. I'm waiting...
Thank you? Although, you weren't doing it out of the kindness of your heart. More of a poor attempt to try and prove me wrong. That was so sweet of you.

Originally Posted by fly View Post
2. I never agreed to that. How big was the bus you rode to school?
I was joking (obviously)

Originally Posted by fly View Post
And its not about what I want my users to have. Its about what's most convenient for them. If they would rather use Tapatalk then install 6 different apps to read 6 different forums, then thats what I want them to do.
If you consider selling a $2.99 Tapatalk app to your users "convenient" then good for you. Unless Tapatalk somehow defies marketing principles, a very small minute portion of your mobile visitors will actually buy the app. It would be absurd to think otherwise.

The only reason this app ever got to where it is today is because at one point it was completely free and had more of a purpose. They piggy backed off that and launched it to paid. This would have never taken off if it had started out that way. Their leverage for both selling the app to users and the idea to forum owners is "10,000 + forums supported!" Why don't you think they haven't updated this thread to reflect the cost of the app to your visitors?

There's a big DUH for you. How big was YOUR school bus?
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Old 04-17-2011, 09:01 PM
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Jennifer2010, if you never used the paid Tapatalk app you really shouldn't try to compare it to a mobile style. I have used both and there is NO comparison IMO, a dedicate app is far superior to a mobile style in usability. It's not something I'm going to try to explain point by point- If you're an admin then spend the $2.99 or whatever is ($1.99 maybe?) on Tapatalk and see for yourself. Consider it an investment.

Now for some more bad news, I fear you are confusing the free vBulletin Mobile Style with the paid vBulletin Mobile App. The mobile style is free, it's quite nice but still it's just a style. It doesn't have the feel of a dedicated app, and you need to use your device's web browser to use it.

The vBulletin Mobile App however is a real competitor to Tapatalk. However it's not free- you (the admin) must pay $99 upfront and then $99 a year to renew the app. You MUST ALSO pay for an Apple Developer account, another $99 a year... ALSO a Google Andoid Developer account. You ALSO need an apple mac computer to compile the app and publish it, it can't be done with a PC or Linux box. I guess you can compile the Google app on any machine. But yeah, you're going to need to compile it yourself so I hope you know what you are doing. ALSO there's no guarantees those fees don't go up in the future.

And one more issue with the vBulletin Mobile App, it is ONLY for Android and iPhone... No support for Blackerry, WebOS, or any other device. Blackberry still has a huge marketshare in the mobile world.

So consider those things too.
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Old 04-18-2011, 06:28 AM
Jennifer2010 Jennifer2010 is offline
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Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 View Post
Jennifer2010, if you never used the paid Tapatalk app you really shouldn't try to compare it to a mobile style. I have used both and there is NO comparison IMO, a dedicate app is far superior to a mobile style in usability. It's not something I'm going to try to explain point by point- If you're an admin then spend the $2.99 or whatever is ($1.99 maybe?) on Tapatalk and see for yourself. Consider it an investment.

Now for some more bad news, I fear you are confusing the free vBulletin Mobile Style with the paid vBulletin Mobile App. The mobile style is free, it's quite nice but still it's just a style. It doesn't have the feel of a dedicated app, and you need to use your device's web browser to use it.

The vBulletin Mobile App however is a real competitor to Tapatalk. However it's not free- you (the admin) must pay $99 upfront and then $99 a year to renew the app. You MUST ALSO pay for an Apple Developer account, another $99 a year... ALSO a Google Andoid Developer account. You ALSO need an apple mac computer to compile the app and publish it, it can't be done with a PC or Linux box. I guess you can compile the Google app on any machine. But yeah, you're going to need to compile it yourself so I hope you know what you are doing. ALSO there's no guarantees those fees don't go up in the future.

And one more issue with the vBulletin Mobile App, it is ONLY for Android and iPhone... No support for Blackerry, WebOS, or any other device. Blackberry still has a huge marketshare in the mobile world.

So consider those things too.
Yes, I do know that you have to pay for the vBulletin Mobile Suite (as I had stated) and am well aware of the difference between what an app does and what a mobile style does (as I stated).

I have a Macbook Pro so no worries on that, although I find it a weird requirement.

I agree it would be nice to see the vBulletin app on other devices and I believe in the mobile suite FAQ they're already talking about doing that.
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Old 04-18-2011, 09:33 AM
TeknoSounds TeknoSounds is offline
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So I hope your donations can cover the $200/yr for the lesser mobile suite...vs just your few people who are doing the 500 hits paying the $2 to buy an app on their smartphone (which they probably already have bought tons of apps like angry birds and such, is $2 REALLY that much?)

Tapatalk ftw.
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Old 04-18-2011, 09:47 AM
Jennifer2010 Jennifer2010 is offline
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Originally Posted by TeknoSounds View Post
So I hope your donations can cover the $200/yr for the lesser mobile suite...vs just your few people who are doing the 500 hits paying the $2 to buy an app on their smartphone (which they probably already have bought tons of apps like angry birds and such, is $2 REALLY that much?)

Tapatalk ftw.
My sites don't run off of donations. Advertisements, affiliate links, paid memberships to name a few. If you don't make a monetary gain off of your site and could care less whether or not you get return visitors, then sure, install Tapatalk. Altough, if people are going to pay $2.99 for a Tapatalk app, why not charge them $2.99 for your own app? Assuming your site would be considered an "Authority" in whatever market you're in and would deserve it's own app. You could charge a dollar for it and you'd need a whopping 200 sales through out the entire year to make up the cost. You could do the same scenario with mobile ads and affiliate offers.

There's a huge difference between free and not free. Read "Predictably Irrational" by Dan Ariely. My goal with my visitors is to make monetary gain off of them and have loyal, repeat users. You're cutting yourself way too short if you think Taptalk will accomplish that for you in comparison to your own free app. And my argument from before was how many people install this app thinking it's free to their users?

No one backing up Tapatalk wants to address that issue. If it's not free for your users, don't say it is. It's false advertising. At the end of the day, Tapatalk is piggy backing off of our efforts - indefinitely - as long as you have their mod installed. (I removed the prompt, though).

You can't argue the comparison between offering Tapatalk and offering your own app. It's apples and oranges. One will grow your business and the other grows theirs. I kept Tapatalk installed for the simple reason I want to keep it there for the people who already have it. No one here is going to make more money selling Tapatalk to their users. And if they did, they'd make a substantial amount more offering their own free app as 100% of every user who wants the app could have it for free, compared to paying for it.
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Old 04-18-2011, 10:16 AM
Jennifer2010 Jennifer2010 is offline
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I'm done arguing and unsubscribing from this thread. Anyone who has a financial stake in their forums would do the smart thing: test. If you don't believe me, test it. Don't think Tapatalk is some how going to benefit you or your users - TEST IT. Don't listen to me or anyone else - look at what the data says. I guarantee you 100% it will coincide with exactly what I've been preaching this entire time.

If you don't have a financial stake in your forums, get your own app and charge for it. See how much money you're throwing away to Tapatalk.
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Old 04-18-2011, 01:25 PM
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I followed the install instruction from the homepage, but when i want to verify the installtion, i get "Not Installed: Cannot detect /mobiquo/mobiquo.php. Check this file existence and try again." as message.

I have all the files you've uploaded correctly in your root and also review several times but I do not know what the problem is!
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