Almost there, but confused about placement
Well, after a couple days of struggling and recieving help from some good people here, I finally have one of my rotating banner options at least displaying, but it is displaying in the wrong place and is not rotating. This particular banner comes in two pieces. The piece that defines the picture locations and links is in the "Ad" section and is finding the pictures. It is sticking it in the upper right hand corner of the screen instead of under the nav bar, but that is another problem. What I can't figure out is where to put the piece that drives it. That piece reads:
<p><a href="javascript:jump2url()" onmouseover="displayStatusMsg();return document.returnValue"><img src="images/banner/otis.jpg" name="bannerADrotator" border="0" id="bannerADrotator" style="filter:revealTrans(duration=2,transition=20 )" /></a></p>
Does it go as plugin? If so, I have not yet guessed the correct parameters. Further help would be most appreciated.