Hate to say this, but just hope you realize your kid will never become the next "Bill Gates" or "Mark Zuckerberg". Why? Because you're limiting them. I was 2 years old when I actually "started typing" and literally was fairly fluent with a keyboard by age 5. I'm 18 now, and my parents never held me back or limited anything for me. I also happen to run well over 100 sites, several of which get 10m+ page-views, and roughly 1m+ visitors a month. So setting limitations might keep kids "safe" sure... But you could also potentially be destroying their chance at really becoming something great.
I'm not trying to insult you or anything at all, because by all means it's your kid so you get to choose how they are raised. Simply making stating an opinion that's all.
@OP: 100% yes let them, and if it doesn't cost too much money support them by any means necessary. I would also go out and buy them a book about how to program in C++ or C#. The future is in the internet, might as well prepare your kids for it.
Ohh no offense taken, I realize that others just like myself base their responses on the information they have at the time and truthfully I more than likely should have mentioned McKinley makes all straight A's and knows how to navigate the web more fluently than most and can even understand some basic html and how css works i.e. top to bottom I'm just not the type to go bragging all the time and especially not when America's education is not top of the line (Google the "Waiting for Superman" Movie). More to her than all that as well but again, I felt there was no sense coming in here early blabbering about all that until someone forgets there's more to a book then it's cover and you shouldn't judge or so the saying goes but aren't we all based solely on the OP's tidbit of information? Gosh we are all contradictions to ourselves without realizing if you think about it lol.
I'm very strict is all and read my savvy humor here and laugh with me... the title was about the OP's son wanting a forum @ age 14 not my daughter becoming the next Mark Zuckerburg or Bill Gates - with her parents help and my teaching her programming and different languages she'll be the next McKinley Miller!
Now that's how you should think as a parent imo .
--------------- Added [DATE]1298571249[/DATE] at [TIME]1298571249[/TIME] ---------------
Originally Posted by mrt12345
are you trying to reach out to let us know that you had many teers dealing with backups, come over here you big lug ill give you a big hug.
Before learning the hard way yes and sad to see others all the time speaking about a lost site due to no backup!