Version: 1.00, by TWTCommish
Developer Last Online: Dec 2022
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 01-21-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 41
No support by the author.
What's it do?
Simple: it checks to see how many new PMs a user has. If they've only got one (which is usually the case...I don't think many people get tons of new PMs), the popup JavaScript alert displayed to them will let them know who sent them the message, what it's title is, and, rather than take them to the Inbox, it'll take them directly to the message.
If there's more than one, it'll display a more vague message, letting them know just how many new messages they have, and redirecting them to their Inbox (which is where the current popup directs you). Anyway, here's the hack:
Open global.php. Around line 266 you should see the following:
RIGHT below it, place this (REPLACE your current code for this hack with the code below, if you happen to be one of the few people who actually intalled this originally from the Beta Hacks forum. )
$latest_pm = $DB_site->query("SELECT p.privatemessageid AS pm_popup_id, p.title AS pm_popup_title, u.username AS pm_popup_username FROM privatemessage p, user u WHERE messageread = 0 AND p.userid = $bbuserinfo[userid] AND p.fromuserid = u.userid ORDER BY dateline DESC");
$hack_pm_total = $DB_site->num_rows($latest_pm);
if ($hack_pm_total > 1) {
eval("\$pm_popup_text = \"".gettemplate('pm_popup_multiple')."\";");
eval("\$pm_popup_url = \"".gettemplate('pm_popup_url_multiple')."\";");
} else {
eval("\$pm_popup_text = \"".gettemplate('pm_popup')."\";");
eval("\$pm_popup_url = \"".gettemplate('pm_popup_url')."\";");
Now, create the four new templates. I've attached a file to this post containing the names of the four templates, and the text I've used to populate them -- which will probably be the same text and such you'll want to use. Don't be intimidated...they're all very small.
After that, edit your head_newpm template to make use of the new variables. Here's my use of it (highly suggested):
<script language="JavaScript">
function confirm_newpm() {
input_box = confirm("$pm_popup_text");
if (input_box == true) { // Output when OK is clicked
second_box = confirm("Open in new window?\n\n(Press cancel to open your $inboxname in the current window.)");
if (second_box == true) {'$pm_popup_url','pmnew','width=600,height=500,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=yes,location=yes,directories=yes,resizable=yes,top=50,left=50');
} else {
window.location = "$pm_popup_url";
} else {
// Output when Cancel is clicked
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That's a very odd error. I think it implies that, for some reason, it's finding a PM without a matching username that it came from. You can email or PM me some specific code if you'd like me to try and debug it for you.
Make sure that, when you send the PM to yourself, you CLOSE the window before it finishes redirectin...otherwise it won't work...that's just the way the vB Popup is. Furthermore, make sure you set it up right...get rid of any unread messages and make sure it's all "clean" beforehand. It's a pain to test, but it's the only way.
i have double checked and trouble checked. the templated are right. the edit to global php is right but i am getting this error i attached. and nothing pops up
Can you look at your HTML at line 88 and see what block of JS, specifically, is giving you problems? If I could take a look at the HTML output, I might be able to help.
<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: head_newpm -->
<script language="JavaScript">
function confirm_newpm() {
input_box = confirm("<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: pm_popup -->
You have a new private message from Keta entitled \"hjkk.\"\nClick OK to view it, or cancel to hide this prompt.
<!-- END TEMPLATE: pm_popup -->");
if (input_box == true) { // Output when OK is clicked
second_box = confirm("Open in new window?\n\n(Press cancel to open your Inbox in the current window.)");
if (second_box == true) {'<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: pm_popup_url -->
<!-- END TEMPLATE: pm_popup_url -->','pmnew','width=600,height=500,menubar=yes,scrol lbars=yes,toolbar=yes,location =yes,directories=yes,resizable=yes,top=50,left=50' );
} else {
window.location = "<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: pm_popup_url -->
<!-- END TEMPLATE: pm_popup_url -->";
} else {
// Output when Cancel is clicked
<!-- END TEMPLATE: head_newpm -->
<!-- END TEMPLATE: headinclude -->
<body onload="Javascript:confirm_newpm()" background="images/apple/foot_bg.gif" text="#000000" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: header -->