To release a mod or not to release a mod?
A year and a bit ago, as I started working on a new website I looked around for a decent media management system to use with vBulletin. Having not found anything, I decided to spend some of my free time (mostly in the past few months) writing a new media management system for vBulletin which I'm hoping to complete soon - I could provide screenshots if requested, but essentially it allows images and/or videos to be uploaded by users, back-end systems will process the uploads and then they can then be viewed, embedded, mixed and matched in slideshows, tagged, liked, commented upon, or optionally downloaded. (I have plans for further functional upgrades to be worked on after the initial release.)
I am currently working on integrating the new system / replacing the old system for displaying items in profiles, embedding in posts, etc... Am also getting ready to perform a whole lot of testing.
As I get close to completing this mod, I realize that others may be looking for something similar (unless another mod has appeared in the past year which will accomplish all the same items.) So I am coming to the boards to gauge interest. Unfortunately the system is tightly integrated with some other features I made, so I can't just zip up the files and create an installation document - but if the interest is out there, I could separate this module from the others (unless people are interested in the other modules as well) and create a mod.