Version: v3, by Attitude5ire
Developer Last Online: May 2014
Category: Suite Style -
Version: 4.2.x
Released: 01-16-2010
Last Update: 12-12-2013
Installs: 507
Additional Files
No support by the author.
IMPORTANT Info : Morbid Header REDONE in 4.2.x vBulletin Morbid Blue by
vBulletin 4.2 Morbid Blue very Clean, Sleek styles for vB4
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIVE DEMO - Morbid Blue Style
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- BrandFree - Morbid Blue Brandfree
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluid and Fixed Format (960px). This style is made for vBulletin 4 Suite - Forum+CMS+Blog supported - new
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation:
Upload the 'digitalvb' folder from 'upload' to your Forum Root.
Select your XML from XML folder and goto Download/Upload Styles and upload the XML -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================== =================
If you are using 4.0.x version, there are few gfx changes and visual changes in 4.1.x version
Brandfree version available, PM me for details
Clicking INSTALL easiest way to support this FREE Style.Feel free to post suggestions and Bugs
More information and support also available at
Warning: Missing argument 2 for vB_Template_Runtime::linkBuild(), called in [path]/includes/class_core.php(4414) : eval()'d code on line 4 and defined in [path]/includes/class_core.php on line 5231
Fatal error: Call to undefined method vB_Friendly_Url_Error::get_url() in /home/polnet/public_html/forums/includes/functions.php on line 7096
@ Brew @ Kolbi
I had this issue the first time i installd style at vb4, i believe this is more of a vB issue, perhaps some upgrade errors or sumthin..
It could be because of some new URL functionality but not sure.. this cannot be a skin issue. You try a new test board and see if the problem still persists..
@NNJJ, you can try merging the new style onto your old but cant say what sort of changes or template updates it will ask for.
@ Kolbi, I use a main container div for the whole style, including the header which vB default doesnt use, they use a wrapper which starts after navbar.
@ DaffyDuck, check the additional.css you will find min-height for forumhead. Customizing font face can be done through style vars or editing specific fonts in css.