i have alot of different buttons, and i would like too make 2 style sets. Like one with a black background and blue buttons and one with a white background a green buttons. So i am wondering how i would go about this.
maybe make a folder called "Images2" and upload the buttons there, then manually edit the 2nd style set so the path is image2/on.gif ????
Anyone can help me that would be appreciated. thanks
Php_Masta, please go to this page and enter your username, to show you are licensed. (you will need to use your customer number and password to access that page)
Thank you.
Originally posted by Php_Masta lol i give up. i guess someone is gonna ask for "A registration Code" before any answers.....well someone ask me then. lol
Originally posted by Sinecure Php_Masta, please go to this page and enter your username, to show you are licensed. (you will need to use your customer number and password to access that page)
Thank you.
dont get no ****in help here. my gosh, it was a simple question. I did it right anyways. Its not like im askng to dload vbulletin, im asking for support. @ vbulletin.com they help, so peace out.
Actually you don't get any support over at vbulletin.com either unless you're a licensed user. It's clear that you're not one otherwise you would have done what Sinecure asked. So why are you insisting on support?
its not my vbulletin its my partners, and we work on a website together. I was asking a simple question about images, thats all...i wasnt asking how to install a hack, or whatever. Sinecure is cool i have no beef with any of the mods/admins but i would just like to get support, but i figured it out anyways.