Version: 2.00, by MARCO1
Developer Last Online: Jan 2022
Category: Show Thread Enhancements -
Version: 4.0.x
Released: 02-08-2010
Last Update: 02-09-2010
Installs: 305
Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
No support by the author.
Marco Mamdouh
Please Note that : I'm keeping update my products and codes without any money simply support me in to continue this work
Support Me! Mark As Installed - Nominate For MOTM
What's this ?
This Mod Hide X Area in the threads By Using HIDE BBCODE Tags With Powerful control via AdminCp with very nice button in your editor to automatically enter Hide tags when you click on it, More info and pictures in Attachments.
Features :
Compatible with All vBulletin 4 Versions.
No conflict with any other Mods to hide links.
Full Control via vBulletin Admincp.
Auto Template And Core Functions Edit.
Can Control the Hide message from Admincp.
Admin Can see hidden content without reply.
Moderators Can see hidden content without reply.
Super Moderators Can see hidden content without reply.
Thread Author Can see hidden content without reply.
Usergroups permissions : If you have any additional usergroup like VIP To See hidden content without reply.
Excluding X Forum To BBCODE Hide : You can disable the Mod in any sub-forum via Admincp.
Full Optimized to make your forum very fast when you using it
0 Query Which Make the forum fast because there is no DB Query In This Mod Coding.
Installation :
Upload images folder in your forum root directory.
Import the .xml file from your AdminCp.
Require 1 Template edit :
In editor_toolbar_on template find :
Translations :
You can translate this Mod and publish it in your forum however you can't do that without take permissions from Me via PM's This Mod Is Also Available in Arabic Thanks to DR.Osama :
English Version in Attachments.
Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in [path]\includes\class_postbit.php(314) : eval()'d code on line 186
Would it be possible to have this mod, but remove the whole reply function?
I only want our moderators to be able to view content, and thus hide the content from our normal users.
I tried setting the 'true' to 'false' inside the code but it still was viewable after the reply.
Am willing to pay for this, as far as I know it's only a matter of _removing_ some code instead of adding.
Look promising but I've a question. I would like to use this mod not to hide some parts of the post untile the reader reply to the thread but based on usergroup permission.
To be more clear I would like that the members becoming from a specified usergroup can see the hidden text without replying but the unregistered members and the members from others usergroup cannot see it in any case.
Well I got it to work almost perfect in vb4.0.8 p2 but I have the problem that users have to refresh browser for they can see hidden content which sucks and is a pain in the a$$.