All seconds are to be placed in 1 post, with a max of 3.
All seconds should include the word "second" or "+1".
All posts must be in English.
Please abide by these rules or your post will be removed.
Nominations will be accepted until the 30th of November 2010 (close to midnight... close means +/- HOURS. YES, I WILL CLOSE AND GET TO IT AS "SOON" AS I CAN (Like when they have to type that code in the tv show "LOST" this is some serious stuff here!!!)
When nominating please post the site name, URL to the forum, a short description what makes your board stand out from default vBulletin, and a reason for nomination that will motivate others to second the nomination. If the staff feels that a nomination post is too promotional it will be edited accordingly.
Any sites without a name, URL, description and reason for nomination will NOT be entered into the poll. Please ensure that your nomination is in the format:
Originally Posted by Sample Nomination
Site Name: - this must be clickable Description: Official vBulletin Modifications Site Reason for Nomination: Not Nominated. This is an example nomination.
When seconding sites, please ensure that you use the same post for the maximum of 3 allowed seconds. Any seconds not located in your first seconding post will not be counted.Please also ensure that you quote the nomination post you are seconding in your post (Use Multi-Quote Option if you are nomination multiple boards). If there is no name or URL provided then the post will be ignored when the nominations are counted.
Also, please make sure that you are seconding a forum that has already been nominated by its forum owner. Any seconds for a forum that has not been nominated yet will be counted as null and void.
Please posts only nominations or seconds, NO "Thank you" posts are needed, they clutter the thread and will be DELETED.
IMPORTANT inqueries regarding the BOTM Contests should be sent via PM to Roms or an Administrator.
Best of luck to all nominees!
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
site name: Sake of Health url: Description: Talk about health and fitness related issues Reason for Nomination: unique, elegant health theme and design
site name: Eighty Sixed url: Description: A community for artists, musicians, and creative people alike. This community is for those of us who feel that we "just don't fit in" or "don't belong" to the general classes that society pushes upon us. Reason for Nomination: A unique site, with a nice custom design.
Site Name: Texas Takeover URL: Description: A community that brings together all the fans of Texas Hip-Hop Music and the culture. Reason for Nomination: It is a very popular Hip Hop forum.
Site name: URL: Description: Regional outdoor community Reason for nomination: to show how easy it is to style vB4 by using the stylers alone.
site name: url: Description: Talk about travel related issues Reason for Nomination: Simple yet elegant travel theme and design, feels like you are on the beach
Description: We specialize in custom designed Visual Styles for Windows 7. Mostly for free.
Reason for Nomination: Just over a year old, and growing very fast. A very good showcase for various skins and mods installed. Best place for an awesome W7 theme.
Description: We specialize in custom designed Visual Styles for Windows 7. Mostly for free.
Reason for Nomination: Just over a year old, and growing very fast. A very good showcase for various skins and mods installed. Best place for an awesome W7 theme.
Site Name: URL: Description: Forum for owners of regular, exotic, and weird pets :X Reason for nomination: Not many forums where the owners of pet cockroaches, Bats. Llamas, Piranhas and Skunks can get togehter and chat