Version: 2.0.3, by Phalynx
Developer Last Online: Nov 2015
Category: vBulletin CMS Widgets -
Version: 4.x.x
Released: 08-06-2010
Last Update: 10-09-2011
Installs: 128
Uses Plugins
Additional Files
No support by the author.
Central What's New Widget 2.0
Tested with vBulletin Suite 4.0.0 up to 4.1.7
This modifications collects in one central widget all data relevant to your forum. You can select how many streams, how many days it should look back and the length of the preview text.
With v2.0.2 there is support for collecting streams from this:
- Blog
- Blog comments
- CMS Articles
- CMS comments
- vBExperience achievements
- vBExperience awards
- Group discussions
- Group messages
- Album Pictures
- Album Pictures comments
- Threads
- Posts
- Visitor Message
- Project Tools Issues
- iTrader Feedbacks
It can be easily expanded to display also data from Post Thanks, vBookie, Downloads, etc...
The only thing I miss; when clicking on a forum title it would be great if the link was to that actual post, not the first post in the thread.
A thought; does the script care about what the current user has rights to see? If I have restricted forums (logged-on members only) will postings show in the widget to non-logged on persons?
I really can not get into my head why there is no "show all" widget like this one included in vB4!
Many thanks for this widget!
Yes, the streams are checking for permissions, they are even obeying the ignore list.
Originally Posted by kho91
thank you
it would be good if you can also add download II and Media librairy
Downloads II is already beeing done, for Media Library I'm not sure as I'm not using it. I would require a forum where I can grab some data.
Originally Posted by Animemike
I tested this on the forum sidebar works great but only one problem the avatars are big very big
I'm not really sure if the currently used layout will be the final one. I'm still searching a way to show where an entry comes from. Maybe I will replace the avatar with the icon used by the stream.
I'm not really sure if the currently used layout will be the final one. I'm still searching a way to show where an entry comes from. Maybe I will replace the avatar with the icon used by the stream.
Sounds great mate :up:
Edit or a way to turn them off. even if it means //
Yes, of course ... But imagine, there is a thread with 15 replies, e.g.
They all would be displayed in the overview. Does that make sense?
As I said: Only a suggestion!
Thanks again for your work!
This should not happen. The balancer takes from every stream at least one entry before it takes the same stream again. Having the same thread multiple times in the widget means that there is no other activity in the timeframe. That happens with my demoforum as I did the screenshot.