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AME3 - Auto Media Embeding and Video Extender
Version: 3.0.1, by The Geek The Geek is offline
Developer Last Online: Jan 2019 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: BB Code Enhancements - Version: 4.0.0 Rating:
Released: 12-20-2009 Last Update: 01-16-2010 Installs: 1363
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No support by the author.

From the makers of Smooth and Jazz comes the singing sensation my mom has been waiting months for:

AME3. Bigger. Badder. Bestest.

NOTE ABOUT vB4.0.3: ------------------------------------------------------------

vBulletin 4.0.3 has changed the way video codes are handled and in the process, inadvertently broke AME3. I have submitted a bug report and believe that the issue will be quickly resolved. There is a manual fix you can apply for 4.0.3 here in the interim.

AME3 is the sequel to the multi award winning AME 1x and AME 2x systems. AME3. This time, its different.
AME3 does 3 things:
  • It allows users to simply paste URLs into their message without having to use the video bbcode or video popup box.
  • It allows you to add, edit and customise the video definitions that ship with vB4
  • It allows you to import community created definitions to extend the system in ways you otherwise couldn't.
Now you can use AME anywhere you can use video bbcode: posts, blogs, visitor messages, the CMS, etc...

Note that I am releasing this early for beta testing and general feedback. There is currently a bug in RC2, RC4 and 4.0.0 that will prevent AME from working however there is a workaround posted below.

I have written a pretty comprehensive readme and attached it seperatly to this post. I suspect both this post and the readme will get updated as AME3 becomes finalised.

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File Type: zip the readme pdf.zip (1.72 MB, 8640 views)
File Type: zip AME3.zip (23.7 KB, 8383 views)


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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
4 благодарности(ей) от:
Cadellin, Longcat, mapleleaffans, SKIDROW

Old 07-17-2010, 08:40 PM
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Shame too, AME is superior for the forum members who don't have the inclination to use tags or click a button... AME does help keep a site more professional looking.
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Old 07-18-2010, 12:53 AM
Fraxter Fraxter is offline
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For me it works on 405. I think you forgot to add that fix again: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=608
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Old 07-19-2010, 03:05 AM
schlottkej schlottkej is offline
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Originally Posted by Videx View Post
One embeds automatically and one doesn't. How can you define that as "essentially the same thing"? The whole point of AME has always been that it embeds automatically, with no user input required.

As for making it easy to add new definitions, AME has never been known for that. One guy seemed to have figured it out before, and he made his list available for download, but there was never any easy way to make your own.

They are essentially the same thing because the only additional step you need to do to have them embed is click a video button. If you don't think that's why he gave up on the project I'd like to hear a better reason.

It's a lot easier to create definitions for AME than it is for the basic system available in the stock vB (because stock vB obviously has none.) The reason AME is no longer being developed is because it didn't focus enough on making that step easier for the masses. If it did, it would still have a strong place in the market.
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Old 07-19-2010, 09:10 PM
okokok okokok is offline
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We need extra video + mp3 addon !!!

Come on The Geek ! You have to be the best man ^^ We are all waiting for you!
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Old 07-19-2010, 11:14 PM
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ugh. The reason I stopped supporting AME is because I stopped supporting vB. I never even had a vb4x site (though like many I parted cash in an unnamed "pre sale" almost a year ago). I am currently in the process of converting to another forum package (that oddly has auto embedding an an extensible video system) in my busy schedule.

As to the points about what AME does versus what vB4x does - well, thats by design. AME2x was far more complex and feature rich than AME3, but that was because I built AME3 on top of vB's video code system for maximum compatibility.

AME sholdn't hae even been needed in vB4 as the additional functionality of AME SHOULD have been out of the box in vB4. The vB video code is limited (but well written) however for whatever reason, it was done without the average user in mind.

Users are bathed in rich and responsive UI's every day now. Gone are the days where users were woooed over your smilies appearing in your wysiwyg editor. Users DO NOT understand or care about popups or tags (we fix about 30 broken quote boxes a day to prove it).

When we click on a smilie, we expect one to appear in our editor. When we do a colon and paren, we expect a smilie to appear in our message. When we paste in a URL into our message, we expect the url to be a link when we read the page. Me (and my users) expect to be able to post a link to a youtube video and it appears in their post.

These are not crazy concepts, they are natural user expectations.

All of the code is there, almost all the functionality is there - but there is a disconnect. Smart linking (of videos) is an important user experience feature that could have been great but instead a non extensible video tag that users have to be instructed about before using.

In regards to definitions - Anyone with minimal regex knowledge could whip out a crap load of definitions simply and easily (heck, 15 minutes looking at the ones there would have gotten people started).

I had also hoped that people would have "got stuck in" and involved in sharing definitions with each other (thats why I spent so long creating import and export systems). But in the end there was DJ and a handful of others trying to help everyone else that wouldn't even try to help themselves. Which is fine and to be expected to a degree - but also sort of sad and deflating.

Anyhoo - those are some of my thoughts on the subject(s). I do hope that AME's functionality gets folded into the core system one day - but sadly I won't be here to see it.

nJoy and thanks for the fish!
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Old 07-19-2010, 11:33 PM
fly fly is offline
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Ever hear the old adage: if you have a problem that you need to solve with regex, you now have two problems.

You will be missed sir.
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Old 07-20-2010, 04:06 AM
Aramist Aramist is offline
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Anyone could help me with a solution for this link:


I tried this, but does not worked:

Regex URL
<object width="480" height="392"><param value="http://video.globo.com/Portal/videos/cda/player/player.swf" name="movie" /><param value="high" name="quality" /><param value="midiaId={vb:raw code}&autoStart=false&width=480&height=392" name="FlashVars" /><embed width="480" height="392" flashvars="midiaId={vb:raw code}&autoStart=false&width=480&height=392" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" src="http://video.globo.com/Portal/videos/cda/player/player.swf"></embed></object>
Anyone could help me to have this working..??

Ty in advance
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Old 07-20-2010, 08:22 AM
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Originally Posted by The Geek View Post
ugh. The reason I stopped supporting AME is because I stopped supporting vB. I never even had a vb4x site (though like many I parted cash in an unnamed "pre sale" almost a year ago). I am currently in the process of converting to another forum package (that oddly has auto embedding an an extensible video system) in my busy schedule.

As to the points about what AME does versus what vB4x does - well, thats by design. AME2x was far more complex and feature rich than AME3, but that was because I built AME3 on top of vB's video code system for maximum compatibility.

AME sholdn't hae even been needed in vB4 as the additional functionality of AME SHOULD have been out of the box in vB4. The vB video code is limited (but well written) however for whatever reason, it was done without the average user in mind.

Users are bathed in rich and responsive UI's every day now. Gone are the days where users were woooed over your smilies appearing in your wysiwyg editor. Users DO NOT understand or care about popups or tags (we fix about 30 broken quote boxes a day to prove it).

When we click on a smilie, we expect one to appear in our editor. When we do a colon and paren, we expect a smilie to appear in our message. When we paste in a URL into our message, we expect the url to be a link when we read the page. Me (and my users) expect to be able to post a link to a youtube video and it appears in their post.

These are not crazy concepts, they are natural user expectations.

All of the code is there, almost all the functionality is there - but there is a disconnect. Smart linking (of videos) is an important user experience feature that could have been great but instead a non extensible video tag that users have to be instructed about before using.

In regards to definitions - Anyone with minimal regex knowledge could whip out a crap load of definitions simply and easily (heck, 15 minutes looking at the ones there would have gotten people started).

I had also hoped that people would have "got stuck in" and involved in sharing definitions with each other (thats why I spent so long creating import and export systems). But in the end there was DJ and a handful of others trying to help everyone else that wouldn't even try to help themselves. Which is fine and to be expected to a degree - but also sort of sad and deflating.

Anyhoo - those are some of my thoughts on the subject(s). I do hope that AME's functionality gets folded into the core system one day - but sadly I won't be here to see it.

nJoy and thanks for the fish!
You just articulated the words that have been in the back of my mind ever since 4.0 came out. I sure hope somebody in charge at VB ends up reading that post. VB is woefully behind the times in terms of providing a simple user-friendly experience. It's like they know how to code... But they have no idea how to code for people! If only they would take a damn lesson from Facebook.

Mind sharing what the new forum software that you're switching to is?
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Old 07-20-2010, 06:54 PM
schlottkej schlottkej is offline
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Originally Posted by The Geek View Post
In regards to definitions - Anyone with minimal regex knowledge could whip out a crap load of definitions simply and easily (heck, 15 minutes looking at the ones there would have gotten people started).

I had also hoped that people would have "got stuck in" and involved in sharing definitions with each other (thats why I spent so long creating import and export systems). But in the end there was DJ and a handful of others trying to help everyone else that wouldn't even try to help themselves. Which is fine and to be expected to a degree - but also sort of sad and deflating.
I would be sucked in, but it really isn't as easy to work with the RegEx as you make it sound. I even picked up a copy of RegEx buddy, had it working in there, but can't get any of my attempts to work- even with assistance from Digital Jedi over PM.

With that said, you made a wonderful product here and it's sad to see it come to an end. Wishing you the best of luck in your new venture!
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Old 07-20-2010, 10:56 PM
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Can someone help me understand why this does not parse RSS automatically:

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