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Tips of the Day
Version: 0.3, by Pod Pod is offline
Developer Last Online: Aug 2019 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Miscellaneous Hacks - Version: 4.0.x Rating:
Released: 06-20-2010 Last Update: 07-11-2010 Installs: 99
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations Is in Beta Stage  
No support by the author.

Many computer programs display a "Tip of the day" window when you open it. This mod offers the same functionality for vBulletin.

- The tips are displayed as vB's stock notices.

- You have complete control to define how often a tip is shown. There are the following options: always on, once in a browser session, once a day, once every X minutes or once every X page views.

- Tips are phrased. If you have a multilanguage board, you can easily translate them.

- Every tip can be assigned to a user-group, so only its members will see it. It also checks secondary groups.

- The mod will chose one of the available tips randomly. You can change the probabilistic weight of every tip to control how often they will be shown.

- The appearance of the Tips can be easily configured using stylevars (including background, shadow color, font for the title of the tip, and color for both the title and main tip text). For advanced needs, you can also customize the pod_tips.css template.

- Import / export utility, so you can make security copies, or share with your friends.

- Option to deactivate tips for guests.

- Setting to disable for non-confirmed users (awaiting email confirmation or in moderation) and banned users.

- With the package, I provide a file with a few tips about basic vBulletin usage that you can import after installing the mod, so you have some default tips (if you find some mistake in the file, please tell me, English is not my first language).

- There's a setting to add an icon next to the tips. (The icon used in the screenshots comes from http://www.iconfinder.com/icondetail...es_system_icon ). You can very easily customize the CSS style for that icon using stylevars.

- You can let your users dismiss the Tips of the Day. After dismissing them, they can be enable by clicking the appropriate option in the Quick Links menu. Optionally, users must have been registered for a configurable number of days before they can dismiss (so you ensure they see some Tips before dismissing them). At any moment, users can undismiss Tips by selecting an option in the Quick Links menu.


All the information of the Tips is retrieved using the second call of the datastore (just after init_startup). If you have any other mod that uses the same call to the datastore, it will use the same query.
Also, the mod avoids to load the datastore if it's possible to determine beforehand that there will be no tips displayed (it's not always possible, but most often).
Therefore, this mod increases your query count in AT MOST one single query on every page load.

Furthermore, the CSS uses the main-rollup file (if you are storing css in the file system), or the main call to css.php (if you are not). So it never requires an extra HTTP request.


1. Unzip the mod file.

2. Upload all the files in the "upload" folder. Note: If you have renamed your admincp folder in your vb installation, make sure to do so before uploading. This is the file structure you have to upload:


3. Import the product file.

4. Add few tips in the admincp: Notices > Tips of the day manager. Optionally, you can import the default vB usage tips provided with the package.

5. Go to Settings > Options > Tips of the day Settings, configure options as you wish, and set active to "yes" (the mod installs itself deactivated to give you a chance to add tips before activating).


If you set the probability of a tip to be "10", it doesn't mean that it will appear with a probability of 10%. The actual probability will depend on how many tips are availiable to display. The probability setting is relative to other tips. For instance, a tip with probability 10 will appear two times more often that one that you set to 5.


This mod partially depends on the built-in notices system. Therefore, if you have modified your navbar template to a way that it cannot show regular vB's notices, this mod will probably not work. Since version 0.2, Tips should most likely work on most styles if ordinary notices are working, but cannot guarantee.


I tested this mod in vbulletin 4.0.4. However, it might probably work on any 4.0.x release (please, tell me if you run into any problem using this mod on earlier 4.0.x releases).


Please note that this mod is, at best, in beta stage. Therefore, I hold no responsibility on any harm or data loss it might cause. I strongly recommend testing it as extensively as possible in your testing environment before installing it in your production site.


Despite its beta status, I'll do my best to support all vb admins that mark this mod as installed. Sometimes, support will be impossible without providing me admincp access (in a test install, preferably).


I provide a Spanish translation for this mod. You are most welcome to translate it and distribute your translation (only the language file) in any site, provided that you link to the official thread of the mod in vbulletin.org.

Note that you can only distribute the language file, downloaded from the Languages & Phrases section in your admin cp. Redistribution of the product itself is not allowed.


v0.1 (June 21, 2010) Initial beta releases

v0.2 (June 26, 2010)
- Fixed missing phrase in tips manager, when there are no tips to show.
- Setting to disable for non-confirmed users (awaiting email confirmation or in moderation) and banned users
- Import / export utility.
- Setting to add an icon next to the tips. (The icon used in the screenshots comes from http://www.iconfinder.com/icondetail...es_system_icon ).
- Changed the way used to inject the tips into the page (thanks ragtek for the idea). Hopefully, will work better with modified styles.

v0.2.1 (June 27, 2010)
- Fixed bug that made the mod incompatible with mysql prior to 5.0.2.
- Fixed bug that made the mod incompatible with vBulletin prior to 4.0.4.

v0.3 (July 12, 2010)
- Style of the tips can now be customized using stylevars (there's also a pod_tips.css template for advanced needs).
- A new setting now allows you to choose in which areas of vBulletin should tips be displayed.
- Now you have more control to define how often a tip is shown. You have the following options: always on, once in a browser session, once a day, once every X minutes or once every X pageviews.
- Path and style of the icon for the tips has been moved from vBulletin options to stylevars (you'll need to configure it again, sorry).
- Option to make the Tips dismissible.

Download Now

File Type: zip Tips_of_the_Day-0.3.zip (19.7 KB, 406 views)
File Type: xml language_tips-0.3-spanish.xml (14.9 KB, 71 views)


File Type: jpg addtip.jpg (114.3 KB, 0 views)
File Type: jpg edittip.jpg (108.6 KB, 0 views)
File Type: jpg manager.jpg (120.1 KB, 0 views)
File Type: jpg tipdisplayed.jpg (101.9 KB, 0 views)
File Type: jpg settings.jpg (143.6 KB, 0 views)

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
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Old 06-26-2010, 11:23 PM
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docvader docvader is offline
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Hey, this is impressive! And very useful, if you have a heavily scripted form with all sorts of extra features that you want to advertise, or explain.

One issue though: when starting a new browsing session, going to the "index" page of your forums generally leads you to the CMS area (HOME); that's where the tips are showing up. Is there anyway to make the tips only show up on the forum.php page (the actual forums)? I think having that as an option would be much more useful.
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Old 06-27-2010, 05:15 AM
Pod Pod is offline
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Originally Posted by docvader View Post
Hey, this is impressive! And very useful, if you have a heavily scripted form with all sorts of extra features that you want to advertise, or explain.

One issue though: when starting a new browsing session, going to the "index" page of your forums generally leads you to the CMS area (HOME); that's where the tips are showing up. Is there anyway to make the tips only show up on the forum.php page (the actual forums)? I think having that as an option would be much more useful.
Will see if I can put something like that together for 0.3.

EDIT: If you want, I can tell you a way to disable it for the cms, so you can have that functionality before I have time to prepare the next release.
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Old 06-27-2010, 09:34 AM
ayalsule ayalsule is offline
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Thank you for great add-ons
I provided Arabic translations
Ayham Alsuleman
Attached Files
File Type: xml product-pod_tip-ar-UTF-8.xml (15.1 KB, 8 views)
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Old 06-29-2010, 06:28 AM
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Dr.osamA Dr.osamA is offline
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thanxx Pod

good work dude

Originally Posted by ayalsule View Post
Thank you for great add-ons
I provided Arabic translations
Ayham Alsuleman
Sorry, but this does not work

installed + 5 Stars
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Old 06-30-2010, 07:51 AM
ayalsule ayalsule is offline
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it works great with me
maybe you do not know how to upload product
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Old 06-30-2010, 12:20 PM
Pod Pod is offline
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Actually, what you have to download is the language file, not the product itself.
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Old 07-01-2010, 01:50 AM
InTeNsE-HuMoR InTeNsE-HuMoR is offline
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How do I change the background colour of it?
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Old 07-01-2010, 06:54 AM
Pod Pod is offline
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Originally Posted by InTeNsE-HuMoR View Post
How do I change the background colour of it?
It's appearance is just the same as regular notices, which is controled by two style-vars: notices_background and notices_shadow.

If you want to give Tips a different appearance, that's a feature planned for the next version. Look at message #20 of this thread for a workaround in the while.
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Old 07-06-2010, 02:48 AM
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Dr.osamA Dr.osamA is offline
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Originally Posted by ayalsule View Post
it works great with me
maybe you do not know how to upload product
ha ha
maybe i don't know how to upload product looooool maybe
انت تتكلم من عقلك حبيبي ايهم انو ما راح اعرف ارفع منتج و لا عم تمزح ؟؟
و الله ضحكتني ترى هاه
و جاي من ثاني مشاركة بالموقع تحكم مين يعرف يرفع المنتج و مين لاء ؟؟
انت مترجمه بترميزك المناسب لمنتداك
هذا الترميز UTF-8 لا يعمل في جميع المنتديات على
و ما تترجم ملف التلميحات اليوم؟
على العموم الف شكر

Originally Posted by Pod View Post
Actually, what you have to download is the language file, not the product itself.
actually there are no language file but there is product product-pod_tip-ar-UTF-8.xml with not readable language as this code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<product productid="pod_tip" active="1">
	<title>?…?„ا?+ظة ا?„?Š?ˆ?…</title>
	<description>?Šعرض ?…?„ا?+ظة أ?ˆ ?+?ƒ?…ة ?Š?ˆ?…?Šة  تعر?Šب  <a href="http://ayham.alsuleman.info?tips">Ayham Alsuleman</a></description>
		<code version="*">
			<installcode><![CDATA[$db->query_write("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `". TABLE_PREFIX ."pod_tips` (
    `title` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    `group` INT(10) NOT NULL,
    `prob` INT(10) NOT NULL,
    `order` INT(10) NOT NULL,
    `active` BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT 1)
			<uninstallcode><![CDATA[$db->query_write("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `". TABLE_PREFIX ."pod_tips`");
		<plugin active="1" executionorder="5">
			<title>أض?� ?…خز?† أ?ˆ عبارات ?„?‚ائ?…ة ا?„استرجاع</title>
			<phpcode><![CDATA[if ( $vbulletin->options['pod_tips_setting_active'] 
       AND ( $vbulletin->options['pod_tips_setting_persistent'] OR strpos($_COOKIE[COOKIE_PREFIX . 'pod_tip_displayed'], 'pod_tip_displayed') === false) 
       AND !defined('NONOTICES') AND !defined('NOPMPOPUP') )  
  global $phrasegroups;

  $phrasegroups[] = 'pod_tips_html'; 
  $datastore_fetch[] = "'podtipsstored'";
		<plugin active="1" executionorder="5">
			<title>ا?„?†ص ا?„بد?Š?„</title>
			<phpcode><![CDATA[if ($_noticeid == 'pod_tip_notice')
  $notice_html =$vbulletin->noticecache['pod_tip_notice']['phrase'];
		<plugin active="1" executionorder="5">
			<title>أض?� ?…?„ا?+ظة ?„?‚ائ?…ة ا?„?…?„ا?+ظات</title>
			<phpcode><![CDATA[if ( $vbulletin->options['pod_tips_setting_active'] 
        AND ($vbulletin->options['pod_tips_setting_guest']      OR  ($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] != 1)) 
        AND ($vbulletin->options['pod_tips_setting_unconfirmed']OR (($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] != 3) AND ($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] != 4)))
        AND ($vbulletin->options['pod_tips_setting_persistent'] OR strpos($_COOKIE[COOKIE_PREFIX . 'pod_tip_displayed'], 'pod_tip_displayed') === false) 
        AND is_array($vbulletin->podtipsstored)
        AND !defined('NONOTICES') AND !defined('NOPMPOPUP')

  $pod_usergroups  = explode(",", $vbulletin->userinfo['membergroupids']);
  $pod_usergroups[]= $vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'];
  //$pod_usergroups  = array_map('intval', $pod_usergroups);

  $pod_acum = 0;

  foreach($vbulletin->podtipsstored AS $pod_tip_id => $pod_tip)
    if ( ($pod_tip['group'] == -1) OR in_array( intval($pod_tip['group']),  $pod_usergroups) ) 
      $pod_acum += $pod_tip['prob']*10;
      $pod_tips[$pod_tip_id] = $pod_acum;

  if ( count($pod_tips) AND $pod_acum )
    $pod_rand = mt_rand(1, $pod_acum);

    foreach( $pod_tips AS $pod_tip_id => $pod_acum )
      if ($pod_rand <= $pod_acum) break;
    if (!is_array($vbulletin->noticecache)) $vbulletin->noticecache = array();
    $vbulletin->noticecache['pod_tip_notice']['persistent'] = 1;
    $vbulletin->noticecache['pod_tip_notice']['phrase'] = $vbphrase['pod_tips_tiptitle'] . $vbphrase['pod_tips_html_n'.$pod_tip_id];  
    if ($vbulletin->options['pod_tip_image_path']) 
      $vbulletin->noticecache['pod_tip_notice']['phrase'] = "<img src='".$vbulletin->options['pod_tip_image_path']."' alt='' style='".$vbulletin->options['pod_tips_image_style']."' title='$vbphrase[pod_tips_img_title]' />" . $vbulletin->noticecache['pod_tip_notice']['phrase'] . '<div style="clear: both;"> </div>';
    if (!$vbulletin->options['pod_tips_setting_persistent']) vbsetcookie('pod_tip_displayed', 'pod_tip_displayed', false);  
		<phrasetype name="Control Panel Global" fieldname="cpglobal">
			<phrase name="pod_tip_cpg_add_tip" date="1277505578" username="pod" version="0.2"><![CDATA[أض?� ?…?„ا?+ظة جد?Šدة]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tips_manager" date="1277473889" username="pod" version="0.2"><![CDATA[إدارة ?…?„ا?+ظة ا?„?Š?ˆ?…]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tips_manager_import" date="1277233313" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[است?Šراد/تصد?Šر ا?„?…?„ا?+ظات]]></phrase>
		<phrasetype name="Error Messages" fieldname="error">
			<phrase name="pod_tip_deleted" date="1277061973" username="pod" version="0.0.1"><![CDATA[ت?… ?+ذ?� ا?„?…?„ا?+ظة ب?†جا?+]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tip_does_not_exist" date="1277042306" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[ا?„?…?„ا?+ظة ا?„?…ختارة غ?Šر ?…?ˆج?ˆدة]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tip_import_no_new" date="1277245360" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[ا?„?…?„?� ا?„ذ?Š ت?… است?Šراد?‡ ?„ا ?Š?+ت?ˆ?Š ع?„?‰ أ?Š ?…?„ا?+ظة.]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tip_import_nocompat" date="1277242781" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[ا?„?…?„?� ا?„ذ?Š ت?… است?Šراد?‡ ?Šع?ˆد ?„?†سخة غ?Šر ?…ت?ˆا?�?‚ة ?…?† ?‡ا?ƒ ا?„?…?„ا?+ظات.]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tip_import_nofileupload" date="1277245442" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[ا?„?…?„?� ا?„?…ر?�?ˆع غ?Šر ?…س?…?ˆ?+ ب?‡]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tip_import_notips" date="1277242909" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[ا?„?…?„?� ا?„تذ?Š ت?… است?Šراد?‡ ?„ا ?Š?+ت?ˆ?Š ع?„?‰ ?…?„ا?+ظات]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tip_import_x_imported" date="1277245595" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[ت?… ا?„است?Šراد ب?†جا?+!  {1} ?…?„ا?+ظة جد?Šدة ت?… است?Šراد?‡ا]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tip_invalid_tip" date="1277128015" username="pod" version="0.0.1"><![CDATA[?„ا ?Š?ˆجد ?†ص ?„?„?…?„ا?+ظة ا?„?…عر?ˆضة]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tip_saved" date="1277057092" username="pod" version="0.0.1"><![CDATA[ت?… ?+?�ظ ا?„?…?„ا?+ظات ب?†جا?+]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tips_export_noneselected" date="1277238126" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[?„?… ?Šت?… است?Šراد أ?ˆ تصد?Šر أ?Š ?…?„ا?+ظة]]></phrase>
		<phrasetype name="Tips of the day phrases" fieldname="pod_tips_html">
			<phrase name="are_you_sure_want_to_delete_tip_x" date="1277061404" username="pod" version="0.0.1"><![CDATA[ ?…?† أ?†?ƒ تر?Šد ?+ذ?� ?‡ذ?‡ ا?„?…?„ا?+ظة?Ÿ<b>?…تأ?ƒد</b>?‡?„ أ?†ت]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_edit_tip" date="1277133073" username="pod" version="0.0.1"><![CDATA[تعد?Š?„ ا?„?…?„ا?+ظة]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tip_add_new" date="1277505578" username="pod" version="0.2"><![CDATA[أض?� ?…?„ا?+ظة جد?Šدة]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tip_allgroups_form" date="1277051294" username="pod" version="0.0.1"><![CDATA[?ƒا?�ة ا?„?…ج?…?ˆعات]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tip_edit" date="1277050554" username="pod" version="0.0.1"><![CDATA[ت?+ر?Šر ا?„?…?„ا?+ظة]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tip_export_select" date="1277236439" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[?+دد ?…?„ا?+ظات ?„?„تصد?Šر]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tip_groups_form" date="1277051245" username="pod" version="0.0.1"><![CDATA[ا?„?…ج?…?ˆعات
<dfn>?‡ذ?‡ ا?„?…?„ا?+ظة س?ˆ?� تعرض ?„?„أعضاء ض?…?† ا?„?…ج?…?ˆعة ?�?‚ط.</dfn>]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tip_noresults" date="1277230217" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[?„ا ?Š?ˆجد ?†تائج]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tip_order" date="1277128263" username="pod" version="0.0.1"><![CDATA[عرض ا?„ط?„ب
<dfn>?‡ذ?‡ ا?„إعدادات ?…تأثرة ?�?‚ط بعرض ا?„ط?„ب ?�?Š ?„?ˆ?+ة ت?+?ƒ?… ا?„إدارة.</dfn>]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tip_order_short" date="1277134002" username="pod" version="0.0.1"><![CDATA[ط?„ب]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tip_prob" date="1277128335" username="pod" version="0.0.1"><![CDATA[ا?„?ˆز?†]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tip_probability_form" date="1277051144" username="pod" version="0.0.1"><![CDATA[ا?„?ˆز?†
<dfn>?‡ذ?‡ ا?„?…?„ا?+ظة س?ˆ?� تعرض ?…ع ?ˆز?† ا?„أ?ˆ?„?ˆ?Šة .ا?„?…?„ا?+ظات با?„?ˆز?† ا?„أ?ƒبر س?ˆ?� تعرض أ?ƒثر.</dfn>]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tip_textarea" date="1277050856" username="pod" version="0.0.1"><![CDATA[?†ص ا?„?…?„ا?+ظة]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tip_title_form" date="1277050773" username="pod" version="0.0.1"><![CDATA[ا?„ع?†?ˆا?†
<dfn>?Šستخد?… ?„تعر?Š?� ا?„?…?„ا?+ظة ?�?Š ?„?ˆ?+ة ا?„ت?+?ƒ?… ?ˆ?„?Šس ?„?„عرض ?„?„أعضاء.</dfn>]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tips_export_file" date="1277233738" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[اس?… ا?„?…?„?� ا?„?…صدر]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tips_export_nonstockgroups" date="1277246334" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[تصد?Šر ?…?„ا?+ظات ا?„?…ج?…?ˆعات غ?Šر ا?„ا?�تراض?Šة
<dfn>إذا اخترت ?‡ذا ا?„خ?Šار .س?ˆ?� ?Šت?… تصد?Šر ا?„?…?„ا?+ظات أ?Šضا?‹ ?„?„?…ج?…?ˆعات غ?Šر ا?„ا?�ترض?Šة أ?Š ا?„ت?Š أ?†شئت?‡ا أ?†ت</dfn>]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tips_export_title" date="1277233553" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[تصد?Šر ا?„?…?„ا?+ظات]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tips_img_title" date="1277312540" username="pod" version="0.2"><![CDATA[?…?„ا?+ظة ا?„?Š?ˆ?…]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tips_import_check_duplicates" date="1277247187" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[ا?�?+ص ا?„?…?„ا?+ظات ا?„?…ت?ƒررة
<dfn>ا?„?…?„ا?+ظة ا?„?…ست?ˆردة س?ˆ?� ?Šت?… ?�?+ص ت?ƒرار?‡ا ,إذا ?ƒا?†ت ت?+?…?„ ?†?�س ا?„ع?†?ˆا?† أ?ˆ ا?„?†ص (?„?„غة ا?„?+ا?„?Šة) ?ˆ?…ج?…?ˆعة ا?„أعضاء ?…تشاب?‡ة ?„?„?…?„ا?+ظات ا?„?…?ˆج?ˆدة.</dfn>]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tips_import_file" date="1277232784" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[ا?„ذ?Š ?Š?+ت?ˆ?Š ع?„?‰ ا?„?…?„ا?+ظات XML أختر ?…?„?� ]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tips_import_nonstockgroups" date="1277247265" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[است?Šراد ?…?„ا?+ظات ?„?„?…ج?…?ˆعات غ?Šر ا?„ا?�تراض?Šة
<dfn>إذا اخترت ?‡ذا ا?„خ?Šار .س?ˆ?� ?Šت?… است?Šراد ا?„?…?„ا?+ظات أ?Šضا?‹ ?„?„?…ج?…?ˆعات غ?Šر ا?„ا?�ترض?Šة أ?Š ا?„ت?Š أ?†شئت?‡ا أ?†ت</dfn>]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tips_import_title" date="1277233132" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[است?Šراد ا?„?…?„ا?+ظات]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tips_importexport" date="1277236769" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[است?Šراد/تصد?Šر ?…?„ا?+ظات ا?„?Š?ˆ?…]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tips_manager" date="1277505602" username="pod" version="0.2"><![CDATA[إدارة ?…?„ا?+ظات ا?„?Š?ˆ?…]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tips_selall" date="1277237808" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[ت?+د?Šد ا?„?ƒ?„]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="pod_tips_tiptitle" date="1277312481" username="pod" version="0.2"><![CDATA[<b style='font-size: 115%'>?…?„ا?+ظة ا?„?Š?ˆ?…</b><br />
		<phrasetype name="vBulletin Settings" fieldname="vbsettings">
			<phrase name="setting_pod_tip_image_path_desc" date="1277310286" username="pod" version="0.2"><![CDATA[?…سار (?…تع?„?‚ با?„د?„?Š?„ ا?„أساس?Š ?„?„?…?†تد?‰) ?„?„ص?ˆرة ا?„ت?Š س?ˆ?� تعرض ?…ع ا?„?…?„ا?+ظات إذا  تر?ƒت?‡ ?�ارغا?‹ ?�?„?† ?Šت?… عرض أ?Š ص?ˆرة]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="setting_pod_tip_image_path_title" date="1277310236" username="pod" version="0.2"><![CDATA[ا?„?…سار ?„أ?Š?‚?ˆ?†ات ا?„?…?„ا?+ظات]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="setting_pod_tips_image_style_desc" date="1277310199" username="pod" version="0.2"><![CDATA[?„?Šت?… تطب?Š?‚?‡ ع?„?‰ أ?Š?‚?ˆ?†ات ا?„?…?„ا?+ظات CSS ?…?„?�]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="setting_pod_tips_image_style_title" date="1277310178" username="pod" version="0.2"><![CDATA[ ?„?„أ?Š?‚?ˆ?†ات CSS ?…?„?� ]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="setting_pod_tips_setting_active_desc" date="1277140633" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[ت?�ع?Š?„ ?…?„ا?+ظة ا?„?Š?ˆ?…]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="setting_pod_tips_setting_active_title" date="1277140633" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[ت?�ع?Š?„]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="setting_pod_tips_setting_guest_desc" date="1277230406" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[إذا اخترت "?†ع?…" س?ˆ?� ?Šت?… عرض ا?„?…?„ا?+ظات ?„?„ز?ˆار غ?Šر ا?„?…سج?„?Š?†]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="setting_pod_tips_setting_guest_title" date="1277230406" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[عرض ا?„?…?„ا?+ظات ?„?„ز?ˆار]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="setting_pod_tips_setting_persistent_desc" date="1277230396" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[إذا اخترت "?†ع?…" ا?„?…?„ا?+ظة س?ˆ?� تعرض ?�?Š ?ƒ?„ ص?�?+ة ?…عر?ˆضة. إذا اخترت "?„ا" ا?„?…?„ا?+ظات س?ˆ?� تعرض ?�?‚ط ?�?Š أ?ˆ?„ ص?�?+ة ?…?�ت?ˆ?+ة ?…?† ?ƒ?„ ج?„سة.]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="setting_pod_tips_setting_persistent_title" date="1277230396" username="pod" version="0.1"><![CDATA[?…?„ا?+ظة ?…ست?…رة]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="setting_pod_tips_setting_unconfirmed_desc" date="1277310157" username="pod" version="0.2"><![CDATA[إذا اخترت "?„ا" ?�أ?† ا?„?…?„ا?+ظات ?„?† تعرض ?„?„أعضاء غ?Šر ا?„?…غع?„?Š?† ?+ت?‰ ?Šت?… ت?�ع?Š?„?‡?… أ?ˆ ا?„?…?ˆا?�?‚ة ع?„?Š?‡?… ?…?† ?‚ب?„ ا?„إدارة]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="setting_pod_tips_setting_unconfirmed_title" date="1277310112" username="pod" version="0.2"><![CDATA[عرض ا?„?…?„ا?+ظات ?„?„أعضاء غ?Šر ا?„?…غع?„?Š?†]]></phrase>
			<phrase name="settinggroup_pod_tips_settings" date="1277134026" username="pod" version="0.0.1"><![CDATA[إعدادات ?…?„ا?+ظة ا?„?Š?ˆ?…]]></phrase>
		<settinggroup name="pod_tips_settings" displayorder="10010">
			<setting varname="pod_tips_setting_active" displayorder="10">
			<setting varname="pod_tips_setting_persistent" displayorder="20">
			<setting varname="pod_tips_setting_guest" displayorder="30">
			<setting varname="pod_tips_setting_unconfirmed" displayorder="40">
			<setting varname="pod_tip_image_path" displayorder="50">
			<setting varname="pod_tips_image_style" displayorder="60">
				<defaultvalue>float: left; margin-right: 5px;</defaultvalue>
anyways thank you keep it up:up:
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Old 07-06-2010, 03:06 PM
Pod Pod is offline
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When you have translated the phrases in your own vb (or your test installation), then go to languages & phrases, then export your language for the product. That is the language file that I mean.

I can't support anyone that has installed a product file not provided by me (and, actually, I don't give permission to redistribute this mod in particular). So re-exporting the product is not the right way to provide translations.
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