Version: 1.0.0, by zethon
Developer Last Online: Oct 2020
Category: Miscellaneous Hacks -
Version: 3.8.4
Released: 05-02-2009
Last Update: 06-01-2010
Installs: 74
DB Changes Uses Plugins
Additional Files Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
This add-on gives you the ability to share forums with other message boards without having to share any database information. The plugin runs through webservices and uses XML.
Release Notes
Currently the installation is easy but if you want to set up and run your own network it will help if you're familiar with XML. Joining an already existing network is fairly simple.
This plugin is developed using vBulletin 3.8.X and being tested on 3.6.X and 3.8.X. If it works on both of those, I will assume it works on 3.7.X.
If you would like my help writing versions for phpBB, IPB or other message board software, please feel free to contact me.
If you are interested you can join my existing network, but please note that it is mostly a trolling-based community of boards. Feel free to start your own network with other boards.
Product Specifications
several plugins
one cron job
file uploads
new DB tables
several phrases
Approx 2-5 mins
See the included installation instructions.
upload all files in the upload directory, overwriting any existing files
re-import the XML file, setting "Overwrite" to "Yes"
Not dead. Just stagnant. I've put this project up on Google Code to help manage bugs and feature requests. If you encounter a bug please enter an issues in the Google Code Issue tracker:
I have a messageboard interested in networking with my board which will help in the development of the plugin. I hope to make updates to it soon and take it out of beta and have vb 4.0 support.
How does this modification fair with word censoring and images? Do posts that are displayed from another site on your network become censored? What happens if a user on another site abuses by posting disgusting images. Can you ban that 1 person's posts from being visible?
If you use a word censor the posts on your forum will get censored and posts sent to other forums will also be censored... Uncensored forums will see uncensored words in their own posts but still see the **** in posts from censored forums- basically the way it should work.
You can ban users from another site in the network options.
When i run the task i get this msg: unable to create incoming packet file
When i do a local test in the dir network i succeed in creating a file with fopen.
Any idea?
Network: NET
Destination Node: otb
Node service URL:
Package file: (./network/packets/outgoing/thb.otb.xml)
Package size: 422063 bytes
<br /><strong>Warning</strong>: fopen(./network/packets/incoming/thb.OTB.1277668410.xml) [<a href='function.fopen'>function.fopen</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <strong>[path]/network/service.php</strong> on line <strong>152</strong><br /><br /><strong>Warning</strong>: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [path]/includes/class_core.php:3283) in <strong>[path]/network/service.php</strong> on line <strong>26</strong><br /><response>
<result type="error">unable to create incoming packet file</result>
When i run the task i get this msg: unable to create incoming packet file
When i do a local test in the dir network i succeed in creating a file with fopen.
Any idea?
Network: NET
Destination Node: otb
Node service URL:
Package file: (./network/packets/outgoing/thb.otb.xml)
Package size: 422063 bytes
<br /><strong>Warning</strong>: fopen(./network/packets/incoming/thb.OTB.1277668410.xml) [<a href='function.fopen'>function.fopen</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <strong>[path]/network/service.php</strong> on line <strong>152</strong><br /><br /><strong>Warning</strong>: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [path]/includes/class_core.php:3283) in <strong>[path]/network/service.php</strong> on line <strong>26</strong><br /><response>
<result type="error">unable to create incoming packet file</result>
Sounds like the plugin cannot write to the packets directories. Make sure that /network/packets/outgoing and /network/packets/incoming both have write access. Do chmod 777 on both, as instructed in the docs.
you should be able to get the avatars working by going to Plugins & Products -> Plugin Manager and enable the the "vbNetwork: Add network avs and stuff if it's a network user and forum." I am not sure why it is disabled by default
I run a 3.8.x forum and I have a friend who runs a 4.0.x forum. I am moving my database on his server. We want to share one section of the forum across both sites. Is this possible?
If it is, I'm guessing he would have to install the 4.x version of this mod and I install this one?
I'm having trouble viewing newly added forums on the actual site. I can add them and view them in the ACP with no problems but I can't see them on the actual index page.