Thanks for the kudos, Jacquii. We all had some grand times back then, didn't we?
No prob! Thanks for all the sharing you've done over the years.
And yes indeed - some interesting times - some I'd rather forget about LOL - Alas, my memory and my minuscule post count will not allow me to forget my original PoetJC moniker tehehehehe :P
Still remember your moderator announcement like it was yesterday.
I think it caught us all off-guard at the time. Xenon was having another one of his spells then, I think.
Originally Posted by JacquiiCooke
No prob! Thanks for all the sharing you've done over the years.
And yes indeed - some interesting times - some I'd rather forget about LOL - Alas, my memory and my minuscule post count will not allow me to forget my original PoetJC moniker tehehehehe :P
Glad to see you still around here. It's nice to see a few friendly faces with all of the friendly fire going on at times.