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Version: , by Bane Bane is offline
Developer Last Online: Apr 2013 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 2.3.x Rating:
Released: 10-18-2001 Last Update: Never Installs: 335
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For vBulletin version: 2.3.x
Files added: vbs_counter.php, vbstats.php, vbstats_admin.php, vbstats_set.php
Files to edit: None! (all hacking is optional)
Current Version: 230.b (02.14.03 - 3am CST)

What does it do?
  • Tracks + Displays Visitors Browser
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Here's the newest version, it's only been a year and a half since the last update!

Translations have been removed as it just made it easy for people to get the hack even without a license. I am hoping people who make translations will be kind enough to post here.

Special Note: I am about as far as it gets from a PHP guru. This is my first hack or addon or whatchamacallit. If this somehow nukes your system Im quite apologetic, but I know you will all be smart enough to BACK UP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE INSTALLING THIS.. I have faith Brad and Chen have both checked this out and given their stamps on it but that doesnt mean it will all Gel for you. Be smart, back it up.

Install: There is a self install file that takes care of the templates and tables, simply unzip the package and upload it (with paths) to your vbulletin directory. Then run the install. Please be sure you add your site (yoursite.com) to the excluded urls in the CP. If you dont your site will get counted as a referrer and that can get messy.

Demo: You can of course see the demo at http://www.talkloud.net/ however if you'd like to see it in use on some other boards check out vbstats page where I will try to keep a list of installs for you to check out. If you do install it please let me know so I can put your site up!

I tested this on my test forum, and on one public forum, and all went well, if there are any problems you notice please report them here as soon as possible.


[230.b] Changed Active Users to fix a small bug.
[230.b] Like, tested it and stuff..
[230.a] The MySQL Row=O error is now customized to say add to the template!!!!
hopefully no more "where did I go wrong?" posts! Muahahaha!
[230.a] Fixed Upgrade Counter (?action=upgrade)
[230.a] Set Excluded URL.. Now lists URLS
[230.a] Updated Istall to be compatible with vB 2.3.0
[230.a] Changed Most Number Results to Have a , format (ie 1,000 instead of 1000)
[230.a] I decided Frosted Flakes really are pretty tasty.
[230.a] Implemented Kurafires Member Referrer Changes, thanks Kura
[230.a] Implemented Kurafires Top Posters rewrite.


Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 11-28-2001, 09:06 AM
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Ah I see someone else a page or two back had the same problem.

Here is my opinion.

1) You were not clear on the inclusion via the tempate file.
2) The instructions are incomplete.
3) I have found errors with the html
4) The instructions are not compatable with any 2.2.1 within the installer and needs to be updated or the hack removed.
5) Putting your name and site on the bottom of the hack is not what I installed this hack for and it WILL be removed whether you like it or not.
6) I don't see where I can add multiple sites to ignore from the admin CP. Only one it appears which will not work for me. I need to exclude many sites from the collection of data. If this is possible, super. If not, another peave.

I have several hacks installed. My opinion is the hack needs much work and inclusions via the phpinclude template is something I frown on. To many inclusions already.

I do not reccomend installing this hack until it has been cleaned up and updated.
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Old 11-28-2001, 09:30 AM
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I'm not Bane, but this is my opinion of yours:

Originally posted by Hooper

Here is my opinion.
1) You were not clear on the inclusion via the tempate file.
Reviewing these Pages, it is clear

2) The instructions are incomplete.
Be patient, all the incompleted instructions will be added, I think Bugfixes are more important.

3) I have found errors with the html
Did you? Where?

4) The instructions are not compatable with any 2.2.1 within the installer and needs to be updated or the hack removed.
Just the online.php and for the Admin CP, but I think there was an addon?

5) Putting your name and site on the bottom of the hack is not what I installed this hack for and it WILL be removed whether you like it or not.
I think he mentioned in his templates, that this will be gratis-lines? However, he was doing a fine <4free> job and he should get the credit.

6) I don't see where I can add multiple sites to ignore from the admin CP. Only one it appears which will not work for me. I need to exclude many sites from the collection of data. If this is possible, super. If not, another peave.
Just go to your phpmyAdmin and look in the database for it. In the CP you can add as many as you want. Removing should be part in the next release.

I do not reccomend installing this hack until it has been cleaned up and updated.
I do recommend installing this hack. It's great. With a few (minor) fixes, it works quiet well.

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Old 11-28-2001, 09:38 AM
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Originally posted by cditty
Anyone have any ideas on this?

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/httpd/html/sweeps/forum_dev/vbstats.php on line 88
Funny. This is the User-Table of your database and should replying the mods,super-mods and admins.

Did you look into your database and checked if these entries are legal ?
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Old 11-28-2001, 11:37 AM
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You do have a right to your opinion. I'm done with the subject. There are too many good, mostly trouble free hacks to mess around with something like this. No wonder he stressed backing up the db over and over.

Something else,

I've been adding hacks to vbull since beta3. I have never complained about a hack before. I have had questions, but I never complained. I'm not actually even complaining here. I am stating my opinion of this hack.

This is the first. Take it for what it's worth.
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Old 11-28-2001, 11:37 AM
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Originally posted by Hooper
Ah I see someone else a page or two back had the same problem.

Here is my opinion.

1) You were not clear on the inclusion via the tempate file.
2) The instructions are incomplete.
3) I have found errors with the html
4) The instructions are not compatable with any 2.2.1 within the installer and needs to be updated or the hack removed.
5) Putting your name and site on the bottom of the hack is not what I installed this hack for and it WILL be removed whether you like it or not.
6) I don't see where I can add multiple sites to ignore from the admin CP. Only one it appears which will not work for me. I need to exclude many sites from the collection of data. If this is possible, super. If not, another peave.

I have several hacks installed. My opinion is the hack needs much work and inclusions via the phpinclude template is something I frown on. To many inclusions already.

I do not reccomend installing this hack until it has been cleaned up and updated.
I would install this hack/ and have already!! It works just dandy!!!
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Old 11-28-2001, 11:39 AM
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Originally posted by Hooper

You do have a right to your opinion. I'm done with the subject. There are too many good, mostly trouble free hacks to mess around with something like this. No wonder he stressed backing up the db over and over.
Isn't it funny how most of us could get it working with no problems. You just have to actually read and do what the instructions say.
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Old 11-28-2001, 11:44 AM
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"I think he mentioned in his templates, that this will be gratis-lines? However, he was doing a fine <4free> job and he should get the credit. "

If Chen and Kevin had their names all over every hack on my site, I would have to call my site FireFlyTubeDogg.com . They are top notch hackers and don't do such.

I surely don't expect anyless from anyone else. Nor do I want to erase your advertisements.

It's not giving credit I have a problem with, If you want to put a link on a hack fine. Take it to your site and add a disclaimer stating not to remove it.

This is vBulletin.org. Conversation closed. I won't be back to the thread.

Good Day and Cheers,
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Old 11-28-2001, 04:43 PM
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1) You were not clear on the inclusion via the tempate file.

In the instructions it could be considered vague I suppose, though quite a few people managed to do it without all the trouble you seemed to have faced. However I fail to see how you could have missed the SECOND POST IN THIS THREAD which mentions trouble areas that have been covered. I have answered this same question about 20 times in the thread from people who also couldnt be bothered to pay attention.

2) The instructions are incomplete.

There are no instructions. This hack installs itself. The hacks are optional. This is stated in the Install.TXT I will try to be more clear (IE spell everything out) in the next version. I thought having a hack that for the most part installs itself would be enough. Apparently not.

3) I have found errors with the html

You will find quite a few, I didnt notice you pointing them out so I cant really tell you how to fix them.

4) The instructions are not compatable with any 2.2.1 within the installer and needs to be updated or the hack removed.

There are still hacks here from pre 2.x and you want to remove mine because you cant be bothered to look through the thread for the 2.2.1 fixes? You really dont like it much do you?

5) Putting your name and site on the bottom of the hack is not what I installed this hack for and it WILL be removed whether you like it or not.

I also mentioned inside the file I DONT CARE if you remove my name, I realize some will, thats fine. What you are prohibited from doing is removing any of the names FROM THE CODE, as that is the credits, and it doesnt show on your site so where is the problem?

6) I don't see where I can add multiple sites to ignore from the admin CP. Only one it appears which will not work for me. I need to exclude many sites from the collection of data. If this is possible, super. If not, another peave.

Just keep putting them in. They will all take, someone with extensive hack experiance may have been able to take a look at the table to check if they are taking or not, but your right, I should have wasted more of my time to spell this out to you as well for my free project that you've done not a thing but complain about. I would also like to apologise from the bottom of my heart for not being a "Top Notch Hacker" like FireFly and Tubedogg (as you will also note in the instructions you didnt bother reading) I will now go and meditate on how I can better make this hack without dissappointing you. I will dedicate the rest of my days to making vbstats v.IhopeHooperlikesthisone

This is YET ANOTHER thing that has been mentioned in this thread. Something you should have maybe at least taken a quick glance through before giving your opinion. Others have done so with far more tact than you.

I have several hacks installed. My opinion is the hack needs much work and inclusions via the phpinclude template is something I frown on. To many inclusions already.

How do you expect the file to count hits without running the queries? Maybe you can set me straight on this?

You are right that the hack needs work. You are welcome to work on it. Or you could try bothering one of the "Top Notch" hackers for it. Orrrr you can wait for me to update. Orrrrrrr you can just uninstall (I can send you instructions on how to do so if you like) it and not come back to the thread as you said.

I do not reccomend installing this hack until it has been cleaned up and updated.

Thats sweet, I'll put you're opinion in future versions instructions, I doubt you'll notice, since you dont read them anyway.
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Old 11-28-2001, 04:53 PM
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Originally posted by Hooper
You do have a right to your opinion. I'm done with the subject. There are too many good, mostly trouble free hacks to mess around with something like this. No wonder he stressed backing up the db over and over.


It's not giving credit I have a problem with, If you want to put a link on a hack fine. Take it to your site and add a disclaimer stating not to remove it.
Man, you should always back up your DB before you make ANY change to it. Thats why I stress backing it up. So you did read the instructions after all?

The point in the gratis was to make it so if you didnt want it you *could* remove it. What would be the point of what you suggest?
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Old 11-28-2001, 07:09 PM
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Originally posted by Hooper
"I think he mentioned in his templates, that this will be gratis-lines? However, he was doing a fine <4free> job and he should get the credit. "

If Chen and Kevin had their names all over every hack on my site, I would have to call my site FireFlyTubeDogg.com . They are top notch hackers and don't do such.

I surely don't expect anyless from anyone else. Nor do I want to erase your advertisements.

It's not giving credit I have a problem with, If you want to put a link on a hack fine. Take it to your site and add a disclaimer stating not to remove it.

This is vBulletin.org. Conversation closed. I won't be back to the thread.

Good Day and Cheers,
Where exactly is his name "all over"? I only see it once.

Also, like he said, if you bothered to READ, you would have seen that you just can't remove it from the code.

Apparently you DO have a problem with giving credit, else you wouldn't be so upset. Have you nothing better to do? Are you admin here? Then why are you dictating where it goes? Why don't YOU go away? If you can't say something nice, just don't say anything..

Thank you for telling us the URL. I guess it's a good thing it's in that thing we call an address bar huh? You already said you wouldn't be back..


Bane, as for not being a "top notch" hacker. I happen to think you are. I think this is one of the best hacks ever made. Looking at the totals, it would seem that many people feel the same. Don't sell yourself short because of one VERY ungrateful person.
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