But what increases the cost is a simple word: SUPPORT. Since some days now, I'm not working alone, but with Micheal from vb-hacks.com who will be responsible for supporting my mods and also port the most popular of them to vB3.
I'm confused here, are you saying that YOU will not support your PRO version personally? No harm intended, but Michael hasn't even gotten his website back up and functional yet, but he is your support team? I want to deal directly with the coder.
Maybe it's a language barrier, forgive me if I'm being redundant, but I'm still confused on the price of your product. Please forget about points and tell me about costs $$. Does the $100 include SUPPORT? If so, for how long? Are there any additional expenses?
Originally Posted by MicroHellas
When I'll start using them, the price of microCLASSIFIEDS will drop to around $50 with forum support.
When you start using WHAT, the price will drop to $50? When do you anticipate that this will be?
Is there a link to where I can TEST DRIVE your PRO version of the classifieds? Where I can place an ad and see how the interface feels?
3.- "If she doesn't respond, then she doesn't get my money.". I never accepted in my 32 years business life, "if" conditions. Especially, being a woman, I have faced lots of different types of "if....". So, please keep your money safe in your pocket, I don't need even a single cent, but if you want to use the PRO version, I'll be more than happy to give you a license for free. It will not be the first time that I'm giving away license for free, and many members can prove it.
Please, you misunderstand me. I'm not trying to get anything from you for free. I'm trying to determine whether or not you have something I'm interested in purchasing, or if I would be disappointed after I spent my money and still not have what I need.
I have the pro-version of this mod and I can testify that it is indeed much more advanced than the free version. The support level is excellent as well. I don't think we can expect developers to always fully support the free versions as obviously their time has to be prioritized to paying customers. However Maria I think still does an excellent job here considering she has several mods on VB4. If you are looking to ad some sort of classifieds/want ads to your forum I highly recommend this product. Very easy to use and it looks great.
I have the pro-version of this mod and I can testify that it is indeed much more advanced than the free version. The support level is excellent as well. I don't think we can expect developers to always fully support the free versions as obviously their time has to be prioritized to paying customers. However Maria I think still does an excellent job here considering she has several mods on VB4. If you are looking to ad some sort of classifieds/want ads to your forum I highly recommend this product. Very easy to use and it looks great.
Thanks for the feedback! Good to hear something nice! Do you have a link to your classifieds, so I can check out the interface?
I really DO believe that she KNOWS her code, which is one reason why I want to deal directly with HER, not someone she outsources her support to.
Can the PRO version of the interface be SIMPLIFIED for users, in some of the ways I mentioned above (in that really, really, really long post)?
Thanks for the feedback! Good to hear something nice! Do you have a link to your classifieds, so I can check out the interface?
I really DO believe that she KNOWS her code, which is one reason why I want to deal directly with HER, not someone she outsources her support to.
Can the PRO version of the interface be SIMPLIFIED for users, in some of the ways I mentioned above (in that really, really, really long post)?
Thanks for taking the time to reply! Jeff
The problem is that there is a big misunderstanding for the real meaning of the word "Support", that's why many times I prefer to say "I'm not giving support", rather to say: "I support it" and later on to become redicolous (I'm too old for accepting this).
Please allow me to use some examples:
Last 10 years I've bought more than 100 commercial scripts (I'm talking in general for PHP). Let's analyze, some "meanings" of Support:
Viart Enterprise (own 2 licenses of it, total $698): Support Center is open: Monday - Friday (7.00am - 5.00pm GMT) . Do you count it as Support?
aMember (3 licenses): Great Every Day Support
Type of Support question. I'll use 2 issues from the same person, a very good client of me, who it's true that stress me a lot, but he is real gentleman:
URGENT!!! Maria, a list (among 50+ different types of lists), dosen't shows the list indexing by newest on the top. Well, do you think that this is an urgent question?
For the same client 2 days ago, I spent the whole day being in contact with him, to correct something which wasn't bug from my code, but rather from his custom modifications, something that nobody supports. But I stand by him, because it was really urgent as he is operating a big classifieds portal with around 350 new Ads a day.
So, if someone says easily "Yes, I'm giving support", most probably is tricking you if he dosen't explain in details, which hours, ...days etc, is giving support, and in which type of issues.
Most of support issues can be reply even by you after using my products for a week. They're so easy. For these type of support I hired Michael, to give me the freedom to work in other fields. But he is good programmer, trusted person, and I'm sure that he'll help me a lot.
To make the long story, short. For real problems, I'm here to resolve them, even if I need to stay asleep all the night. But for questions like: "How to increase the space between the blocks", don't expect any reply from me. Straight and honest words. And don't let others tricky with you. On 99% of companies, you never have direct communication with the coder(s).
I don't see a tremendous amount of difference, between your free and pro product, though I definately prefer the pro, and several of my complaints about the free version are addressed in the pro.
One concern I noticed right off, does your product not have search engine friendly url's? (I'm speaking of the pro product.) ??