Adds a Gallery option to the nav bar which allows browsing and searching of pictures. Also adds an album browser to the Community dropdown menu.
The search functions searches album title, album description, picture caption AND username.
Note: If guest permission AdminCP->Usergroups->UserGroup Manager->Unregistered/Not Logged In->Can View Albums is "yes" then they will be able to browse album and picture thumbnails - they may NOT be able to view the full-size pictures. To hide the gallery menu from guest see Settings below.
The product is fully phrased
Tested with Vbulletin 3.8.4/5 (note: earlier versions have not been tested and are not supported) AND vBadvanced 3.
Settings: None are needed - it does what it says on the tin .
AdminCP->Options->User Profile:Album Options"Pictures Per Page" and "Albums Per Page" control the number of thumbnails displayed per page in each gallery type.
If you want to hide the picture Gallery menu from guests then edit the Gallery picture navbar plugin and change $allowguests to false
Unzip the download package and copy the contents of the UPLOAD folder into your forum folder.
Go to the VB AdminCP->Plugins & Products click "Manage Products". The click "Add/ImportProduct" at the bottom of the page.
Click "Browse" button and point to the product-gallery-(etc).XML file included in this ZIP package.
Just one more question: does it take in consideration permissions like if the pictures in some albums are private and not public will they still show or will the hack respect the fact that they are private and only show them to the contacts and moderators?
Just one more question: does it take in consideration permissions like if the pictures in some albums are private and not public will they still show or will the hack respect the fact that they are private and only show them to the contacts and moderators?
Yes - only mods and admins can view private or profile thumbnails. This mod DOES allow guests to view thumbnails IF their user group permission canviewalbums is yes (same applies to all other usergroups). Guests will not be able to view the full size images (vB restriction?).
- How Can I Restrict Usergroups From Using the Searching Options (decide which ones Can Search and which ones Can't)?
See first post: AdminCP->Usergroups->UserGroup Manager : Unregistered/Not Logged In : User Album Permissions Can View Albums
This controls who can view albums for each group. Disabling just the search function won't stop users browsing and viewing pictures through other members profile pages.
//edit: Very small aspect: Uncached template "gallery_picallbit"
//edit2: Another small piece: Is the Page-Title missing intentionally?
Guilty on the template - this mod was ported from the vb4 version which used a different image template.
The page title is missing intentionally (you can easily add it back in if you wish) - the space that would have been used by the title is used for the search functions. In general, I'm not keen on using valuable screen space to state the same thing on three successive lines (the page title is already in the breadcrumb AND on the search result header).
If you dont mind me asking, what is the difference besides search feature then all albums mod?
I used all_albums for several years - an excellent mod! However, it hadn't been updated for vb4 so I wrote a new mod for that and then ported it back to vb3.
This mod has a picture browser in addition to an album browser. Also better screen usage (IMHO) with multiple images per page and the search works on usernames and picture captions.